Coming Up Soon: 10 Superhero Movies

There are a lot of superhero movies. Like, A LOT of superhero movies. So I wanted to take a minute to talk about some of the next year’s films that you may have forgotten about. I’m skipping Avengers: Infinity War and Deadpool 2, because – come on – who doesn't know that those movies are coming out?

Let's start with"¦


10. X-Men: Dark Phoenix

Forgot we were getting an X-Men movie, huh?

Don't worry. When it comes out, you can move on, and totally forget you ever saw it. Like Apocalypse. Remember X-Men: Apocalypse? No, you don't.

This is the first X-Men movie to be directed by series scribe Simon Kinberg, and it will tackle the most beloved X-Men comic of all time. Look, there are maybe three main-series X-Men movies that hold up at all, and with Disney's upcoming acquisition, I don't know why we're still making these movies.

I especially don't know why we keep making Jennifer Lawrence appear in them. She clearly hates doing them now. Not sure why we need a third feature-length excuse for why she isn't in the full body makeup she really hates. Let's just call it now.

Or…We could get the SECOND cinematic depiction of Dark Phoenix. I mean, at least it’s pretty much guaranteed to be better than their last crack at it. No Ratner this time.


9. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

Oh, this looks awesome.

Miles Morales was the best thing the Ultimate Universe ever produced (not a lotta competition there), and seeing him translated to the big screen is magical. Sadly, we only have one trailer at present, but that one trailer is beautiful. Sony Pictures animation has been wasting its time on some garbage movies (I saw the Emoji Movie; I know). But so far, this looks like it'll show what they can really do.

It should be something gorgeous, with some really fluid, pretty animation. And expending that on Miles is a brilliant move. He's such a bouncy, fun character that seeing him in motion is going to be a dream come true.

I do have to say that the title's not great. It seems designed to qualify why this Spider-Man looks different from Petey Parks, or whatever his name is. Just call it Spider-Man. He's a different Spider-Man, but he's still Spider-Man. Not that hard.


8. Aquaman

"My Man!"

Okay. We will see how this one goes.

Wonder Woman was great! Justice League was…not on my worst-of-the-year list? But the fear with this one comes from its focus.

Aquaman is the worst, least interesting, most annoying part of Justice League, and giving him a movie seems like a bad idea. And I'm not an Aquaman hater! I love the hell out of Aquaman, the stoic king of the sea. I have no such feelings for the bro-y dips**t who took up screen time in JL.

I watched all of the episodes of Game of Thrones in which Jason Momoa appears, and I've just never found him to be a compelling screen presence. He's a beefy, cool-looking dude, but when he has to say words in a real, non-made up language, I get nothing. And selling that as the lead of your movie is a worrisome feat. I hope it doesn't suck, but I dunno. We'll see.


7. Ant-Man and the Wasp

Hey, this one looks fun!

Ant-Man is among the more underrated Marvel Cinematic Universe movies, but this double-act sequel should improve on even that. Wasp has always been one of the better Marvel heroines, so the fact that she gets to be the first MCU lady with her name in a movie title is pretty cool.

Plus, we're going to get The Ghost, a totally rad villain who only gets cooler with each reinvention. Oh, and now that Civil War opened up the Giant-Man toy box, we should get even more size-changing fun than ever before. The first film was a fun time, and Paul Rudd is about as charming a leading man as you can get, but this promises to be an improvement.

I've always loved Scott Lang in general, and seeing him get his due on the big screen has been incredibly cool. The hero may be smaller, but the hype sure ain't.


6. Venom

Oh, right, this movie.

Sony's valiant stab at willing a shared universe into existence, Venom seems to have been less "made" and more "forced into a bizarre state of un-life".

The trailer was widely mocked for having precisely zero Venom in it, and also nothing interesting to make up for that. Tom Hardy is a solid actor. This movie, like his last several, will probably involve him covering up parts of his face for most of the runtime. Only this time, instead of covering his mouth with an oxygen mask or a restrictive cage or"¦whatever the hell Bane was wearing, it will be covered with alien space goo. Fun!

Honestly, I'm curious to see what the hell this will be. Will it be horror-influenced? An anti-hero film? Spawn, but somehow with only marginally better special effects? Another Resident Evil movie? We shall see. Hopefully, it will be good.


5. Captain Marvel

Woooo! I'm very excited for this one.

The first female-led MCU film was an inevitability, and I'm glad we get to start that off with a character as awesome as Carol Danvers. By the way, the last time I mentioned this, some weirdo spent four hours trying to tell me that Elektra was in the MCU, so please just go along with me this time.

Admittedly, we don't know much about this one yet, other than casting announcements and a few set photos, but it already looks promising. In addition, it looks like we might get more Captain Marvels for our buck, with Mar-Vell definitely appearing and rumors that Monica Rambeau might show up, as well. Plus, Brie Larson is awesome, and it's always nice to see Marvel scoop up more stars to add to their twinkling sky.

Knowing that this will be a "˜90s period piece gets me even more hyped. I love it that the MCU is filling in chunks of its history, and this promises to be a big one.



Please be good, please be good, please be good.

SHAZAM! is such a great idea for a superhero movie that if they blow it, I will have trouble trusting Warner Bros. with anything else.

A kid stumbles upon a wizard who grants him a secret power. If he calls out the magic word, he'll instantly be transformed into a towering superman – a hero with the wisdom, strength, stamina, power, courage, and speed of the gods themselves. That's Big, but with superpowers.

It's such a phenomenal concept that when he debuted, Shazam! (then called Captain Marvel) outsold Superman comics – until DC sued the publisher out of existence. This is another one we don't have a trailer for yet, but the costume is the best DC costume that any DCEU character has ever worn. It’s actually a color. This is a bold new development for DC, who seem convinced that their films are going to be viewed in sepia tone.

Also, set photos seem to indicate it’s going to be a Christmas movie. There’s nothing that matches my tastes as hard as a lighthearted Christmas superhero movie, so if this is bad, I might have to entirely give up hope forever.


3. Spider-Man: Sophomore Year, or Whatever

Not sure on the full title yet, but I am sure that I'm excited about it.

Homecoming is not just my personal favorite Spider-Man movie; it's among the best of the recent Marvel Movies. It’s the perfect balance of humor and earnestness, with a character that translates perfectly to the screen. And whatever we get next is going to be just as wonderful.

Some tentative announcements have said that the MCU Spider-Man series could be a quadrilogy, with each film covering a year of Peter Parker's high school life. Like a superheroic Harry Potter. I'm totally in for that idea, and I would love to see what they’d do with it.

I hope they also keep to the trend of adapting Spider-Man villains who haven't already appeared on screen, but if they wanted to try Lizard or Electro again, I wouldn't be opposed. Vulture was among the better MCU villains, and if they give that treatment to everybody, we'll get something truly special.


2. The New Mutants

Here's an upcoming superhero movie, but we have NO IDEA how upcoming it actually is!

It was supposed to come out fairly soon, but it was bumped back super-duper far, because they’re doing re-shoots, and, like, adding a character? That's crazy. As someone who loves reading behind-the-scenes movie stories, this is nuts. This movie was so unexpectedly pushed back that my local movie theater still has the Coming Soon poster up. I mean, they also still have the I Love You, Daddy poster up, so maybe they're just lazy.

While the New Mutants trailer didn’t exactly sell me, it’s certainly a new direction for superhero movies, and it could totally be a cool one. The New Mutants have never been my X-Men spin-off team of choice (X-Factor for life), so I'm excited to see a film that might help me learn to love them.

I just hope the movie actually comes out.


1. Wonder Woman 2

I am pumped for this already.

To date, Wonder Woman is the best DCEU film by a very wide lead, and reuniting the same people will hopefully lead to a second lightning strike. Plus, we already know some facts about the sequel. The Cold War will be the focus, which provides a fear-laden backdrop for Diana to once again inspire the best of humanity during a horrible period in human history.

Also, The Cheetah will be our villain, which is a surprise. With the Cold War background, I would have thought Dr. Psycho would be the obvious choice. Especially with Peter Dinklage growing out his goatee. But whatever; I trust the person who made one amazing Wonder Woman movie to make another one.

I hope the DCEU will still be hanging in there with this movie to save the world for a second time. Better happen, too. I wanna see what that New Gods movie is gonna look like.

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