Somewhat surprisingly, Loki has become one of the most popular characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, if not the most popular character.
Tom Hiddleston has done an incredible job as the Asgardian God of Mischief, playing both villain and anti-hero to date with great success, and amidst a sea of superheroes he has stood out emphatically.
To date, he has had some brilliant moments – a lot of which have been funny thanks to Hiddleston’s witty and charismatic portrayal of the character and the great chemistry he has with the actors around him.
This article will list the ten funniest Loki moments in the Marvel Cinematic Universe so far (in chronological order)…
“Damn” (Thor)

Loki wasn’t at his funniest in his first Marvel Cinematic Universe outing – 2011’s Thor – but he still made us all laugh once or twice, most notably in the fight between his and Thor’s group and the Frost Giants of Jotunheim.
The Asgardians were all set to leave without a physical altercation, with King Laufey having warned them that a fight would trigger a full-on war between Asgard and Jotunheim – one that Odin had fought hard to avoid for many years – but one of the Frost Giant sentries said “run back home, little princess” just as they’d turned to leave.
Loki knew Thor wouldn’t let that lie, humorously uttered “damn” and the inevitable fight began. The Asgardians were never really troubled in the battle, but they were soon massively outnumbered, which prompted Odin to appear – and any humour that was left in the air was quickly dissipated by his more than understandable anger at his son.
“I’m Listening…” (The Avengers)

In spite of the fact that he was the movie’s main villain and was posing a threat to planet Earth, Loki started to hit the height of his funny form in the first Avengers offering in 2012.
Having headed to Earth to conquer it, he was soon apprehended by Iron Man, Captain America and Black Widow (albeit with that being part of his plan), but Thor wasn’t having that. His adoptive brother came and took him away from the Avengers’ members, believing Loki would be better punished for his crimes back on Asgard.
Having taken Loki from the Avengers, Thor was stood talking to him near some woodland. He was about to give him a lecture and told him to “listen well, brother”, just as Iron Man flew in and took the God of Thunder out. Loki took a moment before casually muttering “I’m listening”.
“Are You Ever Not Going To Fall For That?” (The Avengers)

In 2012’s The Avengers, after Loki had been recaptured and taken to the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier by the Avengers, he was put in a cell that had been specially designed to hold the Hulk in the event that he went rogue.
During the attack on the Helicarrier in which Hawkeye and a band of other agents working under Loki attempted to take over the craft, that cell opened and Thor lunged at Loki to prevent him from escaping.
However, it wasn’t actually Loki – he was already outside the cell – it was an illusion created by the God of Mischief. As a result, Thor went straight through it and ended up in the cell himself, which Loki then closed to lock him in whilst asking “are you ever not going to fall for that?” – an allusion to the first movie in which he fell for it previously.
“Performance Issues” (The Avengers)

During the final battle in 2012’s The Avengers – the Battle of New York, as it’s known – Tony Stark confronted Loki at the top of Stark Tower, sans his Iron Man armour.
He casually poured himself a drink and offered the God of Mischief one, whilst also threatening him with the combined might of his fellow heroes. Loki laughed off the threat by saying the Avengers would be too busy fighting against Stark to be bothered about what he was doing, then used his sceptre in an attempt to mind-control Stark into becoming his slave.
The sceptre hit Stark’s arc reactor, rather than his actual body and, as a result, its mind-controlling powers didn’t work. A surprised and disappointed Loki said “this usually works” and Stark humorously compared the situation to sexual impotence, saying “well, performance issues. It’s not uncommon. One out of five…” – and that didn’t sit well with Loki at all.
“I Will Not Be Bullied…” (The Avengers)

By far the funniest Loki moment in the Marvel Cinematic Universe to date came at the character’s own expense in 2012’s The Avengers.
The God of Mischief was back at the top of Stark Tower in the middle of the Battle of New York – after having been blasted there from a Chitauri flier by one of Hawkeye’s exploding arrows – when the Hulk arrived abruptly and smashed him through the window to the building’s interior.
Loki hit a wall extremely hard and the Hulk was following up ready to attack again. Loki wasn’t having any of it and shouted “ENOUGH!” before calling the Hulk a “dull creature” and telling him that he was a god who wouldn’t be bullied. Before he could finish his sentence, however, the Hulk had grabbed him and repeatedly smashed him off the floor. Hulk then walked off and muttered “puny god”, while Loki lay motionless letting out a painful whine.
“I’ll Have That Drink Now” (The Avengers)

In 2012’s The Avengers, after Loki refused a drink from Tony Stark, then suffered a beating at the hands of the Hulk (two events that were referenced in the previous two points on this list), he remained at the top of Stark Tower until the Battle of New York had been won.
Tony Stark directed a nuclear missile into the Chitauri mothership, disabling all of the aliens as a result, and the portal through which they came was closed – and there was just one loose end for them to tie up; Loki.
All six Avengers confronted him at the top of the tower and loomed over him, with Hawkeye – who suffered most at the God of Mischief’s hands – pointing an arrow directly at him. In a throwback to the aforementioned scene with Tony Stark, Loki humorously said “if it’s all the same with you, I’ll have that drink now”.
“God Bless America!” (Thor: The Dark World)

In 2013’s Thor: The Dark World, the titular Asgardian hero had no choice but to release Loki from Asgard’s prison – where he was being held, thanks to his war crimes in 2012’s The Avengers – in order to utilise his assistance in fighting Malekith and gaining access to Svartalfheim.
No sooner had he been released from his prison, Loki was up to his old tricks. Walking beside Thor through Asgard, he used his powers of illusion to change the duo’s visual forms, typically poking fun at a dire situation when it was totally inappropriate to do so – even making Thor look like Lady Sif at one point (“it will hurt no less when I kill you in this form”).
But the funniest illusion came when he turned himself into Captain America (with an actual Chris Evans cameo making it even funnier). He used phrases like “the costume’s a bit much, so tight!” and “God bless America!”
“I Like Her” (Thor: The Dark World)

After Loki’s aforementioned release from prison in 2013’s Thor: The Dark World, to say that people weren't pleased to see the dangerous God of Mischief out and about would be a massive understatement.
His actions in the Battle of New York during 2012’s The Avengers had left people feeling a load of negative emotions towards him – pity, fear and, most prominently, anger – and his reception from them was decidedly frosty to say the least. It was the anger of Jane Foster that led to a very humorous moment on Asgard.
Loki and Jane met for the first time and Loki said “Loki, you may have heard of me”, but all Jane could do was slap him hard in the face. She said “that was for New York!”, as Loki smiled and simply said “I like her!” (to be fair, the slap probably tickled, given how incredibly durable Loki is in comparison to humans).
“Apparently There Will Be A Line” (Thor: The Dark World)

Going back to the previous point about Thor needing Loki’s help, it’s safe to say that the reception Loki received from everyone when he was released from prison in 2013’s Thor: The Dark World wasn’t great.
After receiving a slap from Jane Foster and a threat from Sif, the God of Mischief encountered the rotund Volstagg of the Warriors Three, just prior to boarding the Dark Elf aircraft with Thor and leaving for Svartalfheim.
Sif’s threat was “if you betray him [Thor], I’ll kill you” and as soon as Volstagg said the words “if you betray him”, Loki stepped in to finish his speech for him. “You’ll kill me?” he asked, before humorously saying “evidently there will be a line”. Of course, Loki did go on to effectively betray Thor by pretending to be dead, but he did hold up his side of the bargain to an extent by helping him to fight Kurse.
“Ta-Da!” (Thor: The Dark World)

When Thor recruited Loki from his Asgardian prison cell in 2013’s Thor: The Dark World, the pair of adoptive brothers boarded a Dark Elf aircraft and headed towards a secret portal to Svartalfheim that only the God of Mischief knew existed.
In order to reach the portal, they had to fly through a very narrow gap in some rocks that Loki directed them towards, with Thor thinking his brother was mad for taking them down such a dangerous route – but it worked and they came out of the other side to find themselves in the gloomy realm of the Dark Elves.
The funny moment came when they emerged through the portal, when Loki could be heard from inside the aircraft saying “Ta-da!” as if he had just performed a magic trick on stage.
What do you think? Are these Loki’s funniest moments? Which other moments deserved a mention? Have your say below!