In the year 1940, the world had heard about a superhero named the Flash. It was Flash Comic # 1 to introduce the superspeedy superhero created by Gardner Fox and Harry Lampert. 2015 marks the 75th anniversary of the Flash. Unlike a number of other superheroes of that time, the Flash still exists as a popular superhero today, and not only in comics but also on screen.
However, many people think he is more than a superhero and they ask you to focus on his influence in the popular culture. They don't just ask you to appreciate the Flash, rather they ask the President of United States and the whole nation to do so! Don't feel like believing that? Check out what a set of gutsy fans have done!
White House Asked For Flash Appreciation Day!
Under the leadership of Nothing But Comics, a group of fans have submitted a petition to the White House through We The People website to declare and celebrate a national holiday on 11 February, 2015 as Flash Appreciation Day! In the petition, the fans have claimed the superhero's legacy to be impressive and that he has always used his powers in the cause of justice and has presented positive inspiration!
The idea isn't something that has popped out without all of a sudden. It has been inspired by Flash and Substance episode of the animated series Justice League Unlimited where the populace of Central City honors the superspeedy superhero for his upright endeavor for the city's welfare.
Progress Of The Flash Appreciation Day Petition!
Flash Appreciation Day needs 100,000 signatures by 10 February so that it is considered by President Obama officially. The petition has succeeded to cross the first threshold, i.e. being searchable within the White House official website. This needed 150 signatures and the petition has already been signed by more than half a thousand people.
However, there are ninety nine thousand plus signatures more that this petition needs to reach the President's desk! If you want Flash Appreciation Day, just click here and sign in favor of the petition! And don't forget to drop by on what you feel about this incredible attempt by the Flash fans!