In the past week, Warner Bros. has released quite a few tidbits of information about the upcoming Justice League film. And, to my surprise, it does look good - on paper. However, this wouldn't be the first time that everything seems fine and dandy before the movie arrives. This has happened to some degree with Man of Steel. And it happened extensively with Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.
Regardless, I do have hopes for Justice League. And that is because Warner Bros. seems to have learned its lesson. And even if there is still a long time to wait until the movie arrives, it is good to know a thing or two about it.
Just Justice League

This is the biggest of them all. If it were announced that the first Justice League flick will be split in two parts, this has changed. Warner Bros. doesn't intend to bet too much on Zack Snyder now, after Batman v Superman underperformed.
Thus, even if Deborah Snyder says that this was the plan all along, I believe this is the biggest fallout of them all. If the studio planned from the first, as everybody suspects, for a two-parter, then Zack Snyder's job is even more difficult right now. He needs to condense material for two movies into just one. And, quite frankly, I won't invest in another extended/ultimate director’s cut after Batman v Superman.
Of course, this could still be a two-parter, in the sense that Justice League would have an open ending. But still - it is quite unnerving, and it seems to be a sign of desperation.
On the next page: The confirmed superheroes
The confirmed superheroes

There is no change here. The Justice League roster is as we already know it. Superman will obviously return - and we’ve already seen the pics with Henry Cavill training. Batman is also a given, as is Wonder Woman. Basically, they are the ones recruiting the other members. Cyborg is already transformed, as seen in Batman v Superman, and Flash is already a superhero.
And then there is Aquaman. According to Jason Momoa, the first Aquaman flick will be something like an origin story. In it, Arthur Curry will learn what it means to be the King of Atlantis. However, Batman v Superman has already revealed that he is well-aware of his ancestry. So what gives?
As expected, there will be no Green Lantern in the movie. Which is fine by me. And which is not fine by others. But the DCEU must expand into space before the Green Lanterns appear, so it won't appear too rushed.
And this is, basically, the roster.
Zeus and the history of the Mother Boxes

As expected with a Zack Snyder flick, Justice League will feature flashbacks. Is this a good thing? I don't know. It worked for me in Watchmen and almost worked in Batman v Superman.
According to producer Deborah Snyder, the flashbacks will concern the history of the Mother Boxes. And it’s necessary to show them so viewers understand what they are and where they come from. Zeus will appear in these flashbacks, as well as Darkseid and Apokolips (obviously).
And this is awesome, since it will provide a solid foundation for the DCEU to be built on. However, Zack Snyder did that in Man of Steel, and it was just too much (the Krypton sequence).
This is very important, since we will also get a sense of what Wonder Woman actually is. We may find out more in advance, in the first solo flick, but this will further expand her relationship with the Greek Pantheon.
Atlantis sequences

According to the reveals, one Mother Box is on Themyscira, one is in Atlantis, and one is somewhere else on Earth (we all know who has it). If the one on Themyscira would bring a cameo from Zeus, the one in Atlantis would show the history of Aquaman's kingdom.
And, according to the reports, it will be an extensive flashback sequence. Hopefully, they will be merged and they won't take as much as we all believe. Anyway, we can expect some ancient Atlantean kings to make an appearance. And this does open up some new and interesting possibilities.
Thus, if we see how Atlantis was submerged, we could end up with the Dead King Atlan as a main baddie in an Aquaman sequel. Which is more than interesting for me.
However, thus far I have only talked about the flashbacks. And I do get a sense that we don't know the half of it just yet. And this may be too much for a single Justice League flick.
Aquaman supporting cast

I guess it’s pretty obvious that Aquaman will play an important part in the Justice League flick. Thus, besides the flashbacks about Atlantis, we’ll also be introduced to some Aquaman supporting characters. And I guess we can expect to see more of them in the 2018’s solo movie.
Thus, the most notable Atlantean seems to be Mera, who is Aquaman's partner in the comics. We don't know if this applies in the DCEU, as well. What we know is that Amber Heard portrays her and that her suit is green and seems to be like chainmail blending with her skin. And that sounds awesome.
The second Aquaman supporting character, Vulko, is played by Willem Dafoe. He is set to be the advisor of Arthur Curry and he is a veteran among the Atlanteans. His armor will be silvery and more elegant than that of the other Atlanteans.
Thus far, this is all that’s been revealed about the Aquaman supporting cast. And it doesn't seem like much. However, given the flashbacks, wouldn't that be too much of Atlantis in Justice League?
The Amazonians

We will see the Amazonians for the first time in the solo Wonder Woman flick. But we will also see some of them in Justice League. And, according to the reveals, and like Atlantis, we will see Themyscira in the present, as well as in the past.
According to the reports, the Themyscira sequence will feature Queen Hippolyta (who remains queen until the present), Euboea, Serague, Melanippe, as well as a bunch of the Queen's Guards. What role will they all play?
According to the reports, the Mother Boxes are gifts, although we do not know what kind of gifts they are. Are they peace offerings? Are they poisoned gifts? Mum’s the word. However, I do want to see some battles, just to get an idea of what Darkseid is capable of.
Commissioner Gordon

Ben Affleck has said that Justice League will be our first opportunity to see why Batman is the world's greatest detective. And, according to the reports, Commissioner Gordon will be there to help him.
A scene featuring the character was screened for the journalists. According to them, he does play a central character, calling on Batman and the other Justice League members (except Aquaman). Thus, he will be the one to trigger an investigation into the kidnapping of Metropolis and Gotham scientists.
One of them is Silas Stone.
The scene sees the superheroes on their way to find a parademon nest, somewhere in the underground. Given the role Ben Affleck has in the film (executive producer) and the fact that he is on his way to making a Batman solo flick, we can expect that Commissioner Gordon will have more than just a cameo in the first Justice League.

As everybody knows, Cyborg is, basically, alien technology. And, as expected, his suit will suffer transformations throughout the entire Justice League flick. Thus, at first it will be very alien in appearance. And, as expected, it will be (almost) entirely CGI.
About this “almost” part: Ray Fisher wears a motion capture performance suit. However, for the lighting, he also wears a red light on his head (covering one of his eyes) and one on his chest.
This being said, his suit does develop throughout the movie, as the character learns what it can do. Concept art was revealed showcasing him with an energy cannon as an arm, with 2 extra arms, or with a full helmet covering his head.
It appears that he will be quite an exotic character. Which is great. Depending on how Cyborg is received by the fans, his movie might actually happen.
Wonder Woman

While Wonder Woman's suit will be almost identical to the one she wore in Batman v Superman, some changes have been made. More color has been added to it, with the chest being colored with a richer red. As a joke, the team behind it said that it is red from the blood of all her victims.
Her logo has also been tampered with, to show that Wonder Woman has worn the suit for more than 5000 years. Which is great. Although I’m wondering - doesn't she have spares? After all, she is a woman and she is the daughter of the ruler. So"¦
Anyway, Wonder Woman will also sport casual wear in Justice League. And, as the reports suggest, she will wear these outfits in both the ancient times and the modern ones.

Here is the character I have the highest hopes for. In both scene descriptions from the set, Flash is the one to lighten the atmosphere. Not only that, but he is also one of the characters with whom Batman develops a stronger relationship. According to the reports, it seems that Flash is a Dark Knight fan.
In any way, you can check out the scenes here.
As far as his suits are concerned, he will wear two of them in Justice League. The first one is, as expected, designed by Flash himself, and is very red in color, more vibrant than the one from the TV show. And it is designed to be as functional as possible. Besides being very aerodynamic, it is also laced with wires, which are supposed to both hold it together at high speeds, and conduct all the energy generated while he is running.
The second suit, which resembles what was seen in Batman v Superman, is designed by Bruce Wayne.

As expected, Bruce Wayne has the most toys in the entire Justice League. After all, he has an unlimited amount of cash at his disposal, and he’s also a genius.
Thus, he will also sport multiple types of suits. There is a traditional (upgraded) one, which protects him better than the old one. There is also a new mech suit, similar to the one in Batman v Superman. However, as I understand it, it is not so bulky. And we even caught a glimpse of it, from the first ever pic from the Justice League set.
This isn't all, though. While both of the suits offer him protection, they will also feature all sorts of new gimmicks. And the most interesting is the eyes, which will be bright white in the finished movie. Yes, just like in the epic cartoon TV series. Thus, this new feature will help Batman to various effects, including piloting some of the new vehicles.
Speaking of which"¦
New vehicles

Bruce Wayne will heavily invest in the Justice League. He has built a new jet, called Flying Fox (a bat, as we all know), for the entire team to use. This isn't all, though - the Flying Fox will be parked in a secondary batcave!
So, quite a lot of money!
Obviously, there will be a new Batmobile, since the old one was destroyed by Superman. And it will be an even fiercer one. Thus, besides the gun turret, it will also have a cannon! And rocket launchers! It appears that it will be made even more resistant than the previous one, even if this time he'll face just parademons.
Bruce Wayne will also have a special vehicle in Justice League. Called the Nightcrawler, it’s designed to get into places the Batmobile can’t. The Nightcrawler will be featured in a battle against parademons, in a tunnel between Metropolis and Gotham.
Obviously, Batman will drive the tank.
Steppenwolf and the parademons

As revealed in the Communion scene, Steppenwolf is the big baddie of the first Justice League flick. The character will be completely created with CGI, the studio being close to casting an actor. And this is a good thing, as far as I’m concerned. Just give the Justice League a smaller villain to battle and bring the big villains afterward.
As he is in the comics, Steppenwolf is the uncle of Darkseid, and one of his generals. His army will be comprised of parademons. The reports say that there are two kinds of parademons - green and golden ones. I have no idea what that means!
However, I'm getting a bit tired of superheroes battling armies of useless aliens. But I guess there’s no other way"¦
Darkseid and Superman

This is just a rumor at this point. However, quite a while ago, a report surfaced on the web saying that a connection will be established between these two. Obviously, the Kryptonians already knew of the existence of Apokolips. So this isn't it.
Instead, Darkseid will play an important role in the resurrection of Superman. Will it be his technology that brings the Man of Steel back into the game? I don't know. However, Darkseid has been described as a force of nature"¦

I just hope they don't transform him into a cloud. Like Fox did with Galactus. Or, better yet, like Warner Bros. previously did with Parallax.

If after the Batman v Superman release my expectations were pretty low, they have improved after this batch of Justice League news. Not by much, but they have improved. The fact that Zack Snyder doesn't have complete control over the film makes it even better.
And, probably, the best addition is that Ben Affleck will act as executive producer. Which means that the movie won't be hacked to pieces and delivered in segments, as Batman v Superman was.
The fact that Lex Luthor was also confirmed is even better, as far as I am concerned. Even if at times Jesse Eisenberg was a bit too over the top, he actually brought something new and interesting to the character. I cannot wait to see how he escapes from Arkham. Because he will, you know"¦
I do hope that Comic Con will bring us a first look at Justice League.
What do you think? Is the DCEU's future brighter now? Or have you completely lost all interest? Furthermore, can anything change your mind? Perhaps Suicide Squad?