Last week's meeting between Dwayne The Rock Johnson and Geoff Johns was surely not just about bringing "hope, fun and optimism" into the DC Extended Universe. A new report suggests that Black Adam will now have a standalone movie!
According to THR's Borys Kit, New Line Cinema and DC Entertainment have decided to split Shazam into two separate movies, one of which will be a solo outing for Johnson's character. Having a big star like Johnson in a big-budget movie as just a baddie and a supporting character made "no sense" to the studio executives, and this is why they changed their plans. Perhaps this is what the wrestler-turned-actor's producing partner, Hiram Garcia, was referring to in his tweet following the meeting with Johns. He teased, "Big things are coming. Get ready!"
While the Black Adam movie still has no writer or director, one of Kit's sources has insisted that Earth to Echo scribe Henry Gayden is working on the Shazam script. Recent speculation indicated that San Andreas director Brad Peyton is being eyed for Shazam. But now, it appears that they might be considering him for the Black Adam movie.

Since his introduction in DC Comics in the early 1970s, Black Adam has been Billy Batson’s archrival. However, modern comic book writers – including Geoff Johns – have attempted to present him as an antihero. And Johnson, who often shares that he loves his character's backstory, has never used the term "supervillain" to describe him. He recently described him as "the most intriguing super hero". Considering all of this, planning a separate movie for Black Adam makes good sense.
Borys Kit suggested in a recent tweet that while Dwayne Johnson will have his solo movie, he might not show up at all in Shazam. Check it out below!
The plan is for the first SHAZAM! movie not to have Black Adam as the villain although he would/could appear in one down the road.
"” Borys Kit (@Borys_Kit) January 19, 2017
In a follow-up tweet, the correspondent indicated that there's a possibility that Black Adam will make a cameo appearance in James Wan's Aquaman! Here's the tweet for you!
Also, don’t rule out an appearance by Black Adam in AQUAMAN as a tease. Not saying it will happen, just don’t rule it out.
"” Borys Kit (@Borys_Kit) January 19, 2017