Back when we go our first leaked pictures from the set of Captain America: Civil War, Mark Ruffalo teased the appearance of Bruce Banner and Hulk in the movie. Apparently, Robert Downey Jr. pulled some strings for his good friend and made it all happen.
And Hulk would have been quite a good addition to the movie, although he would have tipped the balance in the favor of any of the teams he may have ended in. Of course, this would have been a change from the comic book source, but nobody would have minded that - the Green Goliath has become a fan favorite since Mark Ruffalo appeared in the first Avengers film.
However, new information has appeared.
Mark Ruffalo, about Hulk and Civil War

During an interview at the Venice Film Festival, Mark Ruffalo said that his talk with Robert Downey Jr. about Hulk and the Civil War wasn't just a rouse. The character was actually in the script at that moment.
Past tense, right? Because there is no more Hulk in the Civil War adaptation, just like in the original source. So what happened? Why did they take him out of the movie, when there were even leaks with the actor appearing on the set?
According to the actor, the powers that be changed their mind: "Because it's still missing is not known where. I thought that I would be in the film, but in the end evidently believe that reveal what happened Hulk is something too big, and Marvel wants to use this information later. My character had been inserted in the script, but then it was taken away. Who knows, maybe Hulk will never return. However, they want to keep the revelation of what happened a secret, because it is something really big." (via Screen Rant)
Check out the next page for the most possible reason!
Hulk - making way for Spider-Man

As the actor said, Hulk was worked in the first script of the movie - from what he said, we can guess that it wasn't such a big role after all. However, the character was worked back out.
At this moment, Captain America: Civil War has gathered more major superheroes on screen than any other superhero movie, with Spider-Man being the newest addition to the ever-growing family of the MCU. So could this be the reason why Hulk didn't find a place?
Avengers: Age of Ultron was an exhilarating film - but even the most hardcore fans cannot deny that, at times, it fell under the burden of so many characters. Having Hulk out of the way will give the director a little room to breathe.
But Mark Ruffalo also said something else! Check out the next page too!
A surprising reveal

The actor, who has 3 films left on his contract, did tease a reason as to why the Hulk was taken out of the movie. This wouldn't be the first time Bruce Banner has gone into hiding, right?
However, him hiding again isn't so surprising and revealing as the actor teased. Sure enough, we all want to know what happened with him after the events of Age of Ultron. Nick Fury did say that he crash landed somewhere on the coast of Fiji - but did he really? Him being in the outer space is something more exhilarating, since it opens another big possibility.
Of course, Feige has denied any plans of having a Planet Hulk adaptation in the works. But what if the Hulk ends up meeting the Guardians of the Galaxy? This is a whole other story"¦
Check out the next page, for more Marvel insights!
A bloating budget

Another reason for Hulk to be out of the movie is the cost it takes for bringing him to life. This is the main reason why we haven't seen another Hulk solo film since 2008's The Incredible Hulk. And, according to the Hollywood Reporter, the budget of Captain America: Civil War has steadily increased over the last couple of months.
Which brings us to another discussion, on a slightly different topic. According to Bleeding Cool, Disney is not at all happy with how Avengers: Age of Ultron performed. The movie made $1.4 billion worldwide, on a budget of $250 million (we can assume that this sum doesn't include the marketing costs). So why is Disney disappointed?
Because the bars were raised too high - the first Avengers film, on a smaller budget, made $1.5 billion and scored better with the critics also. So it makes sense now: Hulk in Civil War would have increased the special effects budget even more.
So when can we expect to see the Hulk again? Check out the next page too!
Hulk in Civil War

So Mark Ruffalo said that there will be a big reveal about his characters sometime in the future, most likely in Captain America: Civil War. And he shot down our hopes of seeing the Green Goliath next year. Or didn’t he?
As said, the actor still has 3 movies left from his 5 picture deal with Marvel, even if he has appeared in 3 movies. The twist is that he had an uncredited role in Iron Man 3.
So this can be the case for Captain America: Civil War too. He can appear in a small cameo, whether as Bruce Banner, whether as the mighty Hulk.