Yesterday, while at the UK premiere of Jason Bourne, Matt Damon was asked if he would ever portray a superhero. He answered that he'd do it, but only with the right director. And he named Ben Affleck as being that singular director. Given the friendship between them, the answer was pretty obvious. However, Matt Damon also said that Ben Affleck usually gives himself the best roles in his movies, and that this is something the Martian actor wouldn't agree with.
Was it just a joke? Was it serious? The thing is that the two actors have showcased true chemistry whenever appearing together on the big and small screens. So seeing them together in a superhero flick would be marvelous - of course, as far as I am concerned. And that is why I do hope to see Damon in one of Affleck's Batman movies.
And, unlike Matt Damon, I believe that he could portray either a villain or a superhero. But which ones? This list is all about that - so check it out, if you will.
I'll say from the start, though - there is no way Damon could portray Nightwing or Jason Todd, given that he is older than Affleck.
Green Arrow

Do you really think that Stephen Amell has any chance of portraying Oliver Queen on the big screen? I don't believe it, either. However, Matt Damon could do it. He’s perfect for the role. Just like Ben Affleck's Bruce Wayne, Damon's Oliver Queen would also be a billionaire and his city's favorite son. And since these two friends would portray them, the connection would be even more genuine.
And he would be the second Bourne actor (or the first, depending on how you look at it) to play an archer in a superhero movie.
Of the two, Damon is the funnier one - just watch the Kimmel skits with him. So he would complete Affleck's brooding Batman from this point of view, as well. Imagine the exchanges between them and you will also see why Damon is perfect for the big screen Green Arrow.

Another character who could benefit from the longtime friendship between Affleck and Damon would be Hush. And he is not a superhero. A childhood friend of Bruce Wayne, Thomas Elliot played strategy games with Bruce, teaching him how to think like his enemies. And this came in handy when Bruce became the Dark Knight.
Eventually, holding a grudge against Bruce for inheriting the entire fortune of his family, Thomas killed his parents and started travelling. But, in the end, he returned to Gotham, with the purpose of killing Bruce Wayne. With the help of Riddler, he also found out who Batman actually was.
In such a role, Matt Damon wouldn't use his Jason Bourne skills too much. However, as he has proved many times, he does have the acting chops needed for a superhero thriller. If Ben Affleck also directs him, it would be perfect.
In this way, Affleck will not have kept the best role for him.
Booster Gold

This movie is being made, whether the fans want it or not. And, with the script written and the director almost signed, what Warner Bros needs is an actor. Look no further - Matt Damon is the comedic genius who can bring the time traveler to life!
Matt Damon in comedies? Well, the Academy did say that The Martian was one. And if we look at the Ocean’s trilogy, we find that this actor can put a genuine smile on anybody's face. For that matter, I wouldn't mind seeing how Michael Jon Carter stole his equipment sometime in the 25th century, to then go on quests throughout the entire timeline.
With that kind of knowledge, he would certainly know who Batman is. Right?
Of course, this wouldn't be a Ben Affleck directed flick. However, Booster Gold could cameo at first in the first solo outing of the Dark Knight in the DCEU. Only if Ben Affleck found a reason to introduce him in the script"¦

Back to the Bourne skills, Matt Damon would be a great Deathstroke. I know, he is smaller than Ben Affleck and even smaller than the comic book version of the supervillain. However, Tom Hardy was also smaller than Christian Bale when he portrayed Bane, so this seems to be a non issue.
One of the most skilled assassins in the DC comic book universe, this role would fit Damon like a glove. The actor can wear a goatee like no other - put on an eye patch as well, and you know who you've got.
Of course, the biggest rumor at this moment is that Scott Eastwood is, in fact, Deathstroke undercover in the upcoming Suicide Squad. However, on the 5th of August, this rumor will be squashed.
Yes, Deathstroke is not exactly a Batman villain. However, until that Teen Titans movie arrives, Warner Bros could tease us with a first appearance in 2018, when The Batman is rumored to be released.
Green Lantern

At this point nothing is certain with the DCEU - including the Green Lantern Corps movie, which is scheduled for 2020. Thus, I wouldn't be too surprised if some of the intergalactic peacekeeping heroes cameoed in some movies until then.
Given the new 52 relationship between Green Lantern Hal Jordan and Batman, Damon would fit the role. Once again there would be this difference between the brooding Ben Affleck and the talkative and witty Hal Jordan.
Obviously, there is a rumor that Hal Jordan was already cast - Dan Amboyer, who teased the role on several occasions while promoting Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. However, the actor was nowhere to be seen. So"¦
So I do hope that Ben Affleck's The Batman will be the first DCEU movie to feature a Green Lantern. And I do hope that Matt Damon is that Green Lantern.

Well, Ben Affleck and Matt Damon are good pals. And Kevin Smith is friend to them both. So what if Damon played a character created by Smith, a character who can match Batman in a fistfight and who also makes the best of any gun available?
This character is Onomatopoeia and he is, basically, a killer of non-superpowered superheroes. And that is why he would be a perfect villain for Batman. Given the origin of his name (origin that is pretty literal for that matter), it would be very interesting. Furthermore, Onomatopoeia would also pose a different kind of threat to Batman, besides the physical one.
Thus, in order to find out the secret identity of Batman, he creates a second one for himself. In this way, as a new vigilante, he actually finds out that the Dark Knight is Bruce Wayne.
Kevin Smith already said that this character does not translate too well to the TV screen. However, we are talking about the silver screen now. And if anyone can do it, Ben Affleck can. With Matt Damon playing the role.