The Marvel Cinematic Universe may be 13 movies old and going strong, but one of its key weak spots is that it hasn't made a standalone female superhero movie yet. For a while now, fans have been pleading for a solo movie featuring Scarlett Johansson's Black Widow, who has been a part of the MCU since 2010 and has been in five different movies. Johansson, herself, agrees with the fans.
In a recent interview, Marvel President Kevin Feige claimed that they are committed to making a Black Widow movie. In a recent interview with Hitfix, Anthony Mackie remarks that he would love to play Sam Wilson, aka Falcon. Claiming that Black Widow needs "a little bit of aerial support", the actor shares:
I would love, in any capacity, to be a part of that. I've always been a huge fan of Scarlett's, and I've always, since I met her, just really admired her as a person. So in whatever capacity I would be used "” Falcon would fly for Black Widow.
If Scarlett Johansson's character ever gets a standalone flick, the presence of Mackie's character would definitely come in handy. She has no superpowers, so she would surely feel better if Falcon flies her to her mission destinations. She could offer him a CRISP HIGH FIVE just like Deadpool offered to Dopinder this February!

Anthony Mackie also has some ideas about what kind of project a Black Widow movie would be. He explains:
If they made a Black Widow movie, it would be more of a spy espionage-type movie, which would be great, to see a female James Bond or something like that.
That would certainly be something different in the MCU. We have yet to see such an installment.
When asked if he would appear in the Black Panther movie, Anthony Mackie says he has no idea about that. But he doesn't rule out the possibility, claiming that Marvel lets its actors know things at the last moment.