The second installment of The Avengers franchise titled Age of Ultron releases within less than a couple of weeks while the first part of DC superhero team venture Justice League releases no sooner than November 2017. While the Marvel Cinematic Universe venture introduces Ultron as the prime antagonist, the DC Cinematic Universe venture, according to a TechTimes report, is likely to introduce Brainiac as their prime antagonist.
Now, the interesting similarity between these two supervillains is that they are both robots. With Ultron already introduced in Avengers: Age of Ultron, will DC and Warner Bros still want to go with Brainiac in Justice League: Part One? Let's check out the reasons behind why they might want to avoid Brainiac and why they might want to stick with the supervillain!
Why Justice League: Part One Might Avoid Brainiac
The two villainous robots - Ultron and Brainiac - share a set of common features. Both are not just tech based robots but also have a common mission – to destroy human race. When either of them is on the verge of being destroyed, they tend to download themselves into a backup robot body.
While the comic book fans are unlikely to question over Brainiac's appearance in Justice League: Part One, non-comic book fans might accuse the movie of merely copying The Avengers sequel for such common basic traits between the two supervillains. Any studio would want to avoid such an allegation, especially when it's about copying from your arch-rival!
Check out the reasons behind why they might not hesitate using Brainiac in the next page!
Why They Might Stick To The Villainous Robot
Even though the intention of both the villainous robots is the same, there's a vast difference in their tactics. While Ultron aims at wiping out human race from Earth, Brainiac wants the destruction of the planet itself. While Ultron uses his colossal minion drones to serve his purpose, Brainiac typically relies upon mass-destructive weapons thrown out of his spaceship.
To the comic book fans, Brainiac is more popular supervillain than Ultron. IGN ranks Brainiac as the 17th Greatest Comic Book Villain of All Time while Ultron holds the 23rd spot. Another thing that might be considered is that there's a big gap of more than two years between the two movies.
So what do you think? Should Justice League: Part One introduce Brainiac? Or should they try out another supervillain?