It was previously revealed by Zack Snyder, and more recently confirmed by the official synopsis, that Batman will be the one who assembles the heroes in Justice League. During a recent set visit, Comic Book, along with a group of other reporters, had the chance to talk with the actor who portrays the Caped Crusader in the DC Extended Universe, Ben Affleck.
During the interview, the 43-year-old actor offers some insight into the character he plays. According to Affleck, in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Batman went to "a very dark place" that was "rooted in this trauma (that) occurred to the people that he loved and worked with and what he saw".
However, in Justice League, Batman isn't the same person anymore. He isn't "extreme in that way" any longer. Affleck explains:
From the experiences of the last movie, he sort of learns some things, I think, and now is…I’m trying to say it without giving away any spoilers, but he’s feeling like he’s wanting to redeem himself, and he’s wanting mankind to be redeemed, and he’s wanting to make the world better, having learned lessons that were important in the last movie.

The actor also talks to the reporters about the tone of Justice League. He thinks that DC movies are "a little bit more Gothic or more mythic" in nature compared to other comic book movies.
And he admits that the March 25, 2016 release was "a heavy, dark movie", since it was rooted in Frank Miller's Dark Knight Returns, a graphic novel that he also considers "heavy, dark".
But Justice League is something very different from Batman v Superman. According to Ben Affleck:
This is not that. This is a step in evolution from that about bringing together all these characters, ones who had their origins, and it’s about multilateralism, and it’s about hope. It’s about working together, and the kind of conflicts that you have trying to work together with others. It’s a world with all these other superheroes that exist.
Well, Justice League does indeed seem to be a more promising movie from the couple of scene descriptions that we recently came across.