If you didn't know, Omega Red was supposed to make a cameo appearance in Deadpool 2. This was surprising news, revealed when Ryan Reynolds announced the Uncut version of the movie. In this way, a version of the supervillain was supposed to appear in the film.
But, unfortunately, the scene was scrapped. And we say unfortunately because Omega Red is one of the mutants most fans wanted to see in the X-Men movies, particularly in the Wolverine ones. It didn't happen.

And, as it turned out, Omega Red was left out once again.
But now we have a first look at how the character was supposed to look in the movie! Makeup supervisor and designer Bill Corso shared a pic featuring the villain on his Instagram account. The mutants is played by New York Jets' Dakoda Shepley.
Check it out below – he is just one of the many mutants supposed to appear in the film:
During an interview with New York Post, Dakoda Shepley said that he wouldn't have time to be an actor at this moment. However, according to him, the experience was unique and he'd very much want to pursue this career after football:
“I told them, "˜I have to play football. I'm not an actor yet. I can't imagine being a full-time actor and being a full-time football player. The days I was there, even as an extra, I was there from 7 am to midnight. Where am I going to work out? I'd have no time to train. It's definitely something I'd like to pursue after football, whenever that may be.”
Check out a couple pics with the character below:
So what do you think? Will you buy the Uncut Blu-ray version of Deadpool 2? "Chess with Omega Red" sounds interesting!
Those attending the SDCC will get to see the supervillain at the end of the day, before the Deadpool 2 Blu-ray arrives, on the 21st of August.