Superheroes’ Final Resting Places: Where They Rest in Peace

When superheroes die in comic books, it’s usually not permanent. Fans know that their favorite characters will likely return sooner or later. For instance, when Superman “died” in the 1990s, it turned out he wasn’t truly gone; there were imposters, and eventually, he returned with a new look, including a mullet.

Comic books have a long tradition of bringing back superheroes after they die. It’s a successful practice that has been going on for almost a century. Killing off beloved characters permanently doesn’t make good business sense when you can update them and create new stories for years to come. However, there are a few superheroes who have died and remained deceased, or they returned as entirely different individuals.

Many times, superheroes have died and then returned temporarily for big crossover events. When this happens, some fans feel they should have remained dead. There aren’t many superheroes with a proper final resting place, but the ones mentioned here died and stayed dead long enough for some time to pass and their graves to be covered with a few flowers.

Atom (Albert Pratt) — Valhalla Cemetery, Metropolis

Albert Pratt, a small man, faces constant bullying from others. One day, he befriends a drifter named Joe Morgan, who is a down-on-his-luck boxer. Morgan trains Pratt, and he becomes a skilled fighter, adopting the superhero identity of Atom to protect the streets. In a battle with the villain Ian Karkull, Pratt is bathed in energy, altering his fate.

As a result of the radiation exposure, Atom gains immunity to radiation and remarkable longevity, enhancing his powers significantly. Another dose of radiation during a confrontation with Cyclotron grants him additional superhuman abilities, bestowing him with numerous extraordinary skills. He becomes an active Justice Society of America member, participating in various battles, including a significant showdown against Extant during the “Zero Hour” event.

During the battle, Atom bravely charges at the enemy, but unfortunately, he is struck by a lethal blast of energy and perishes instantly. His body is laid to rest at Valhalla Cemetery in Metropolis. However, during DC’s “Blackest Night” event, Albert Pratt’s body is reanimated, turning him into a Black Lantern. After the crisis concludes, his remains are returned to the cemetery and later relocated to the Hall of Justice to safeguard against any further manipulations.

V — London

The true identity of V, the enigmatic character from “V for Vendetta,” remains shrouded in mystery. However, what is clear is his series of actions during the last four years of his life. Some see him as a terrorist, while others view him as a freedom fighter. V initiates a fierce campaign against the far-right Norsefire party, seeking vengeance for the torment he endured during his time at the Larkhill resettlement camp.

V is determined to dismantle the government but understands he needs help. So, he recruits Evey Hammond to join his cause, gradually convincing her to see his fight as her own (though not without manipulation). During the peak of his campaign, V takes Evey to his Shadow Gallery, where they encounter a train packed with explosives, symbolizing the magnitude of his plans.

As Eric Finch arrives, V willingly takes several bullets and falls into Evey’s embrace. In his last moments, V urges Evey to complete his mission by setting the train to destroy 10 Downing Street. Evey decides to carry on V’s legacy, dons his mask, and loads his body into the train. She gives him a proper Viking funeral, detonating the explosives to obliterate both the landmark and V’s physical form, making London his final resting place.

Doctor Mid-Nite (Charles M. McNider) — Valhalla Cemetery, Metropolis

Dr. Charles M. McNider, a skilled surgeon, loses his sight during an attack. Surprisingly, he discovers that his energy surges at night, granting him the ability to see in the dark even though he remains blind in daylight. With the aid of special glasses he creates, he regains the ability to see during the day. Taking on the identity of Doctor Mid-Nite, he becomes a founding member of the Justice Society of America.

Over the next two decades, Doctor Mid-Nite dedicates himself to writing to expose criminals and taking to the streets to fight villains when needed. Being part of the JSA, he faces off against numerous adversaries, even confronting the formidable Anti-Monitor during the “Crisis on Infinite Earths” event. After the battle, he and the JSA depart from reality, but they eventually find their way back.

In the event known as “Zero Hour,” Doctor Mid-Nite meets his end while battling Extant. After the conflict, he rests with other revered heroes at Valhalla Cemetery. Following the pattern of many DC Golden Age characters, Doctor Mid-Nite is reanimated during the “Blackest Night” event, only to be laid back to rest and eventually moved to the Hall of Justice.

Sandman (Morpheus) — The Cosmos

Dream of the Endless embodies the essence of dreaming and serves as the ruler of the Dreaming realm. He has existed since the beginning, born after his elder sister Death and brother Destiny. Dream frequently engages with people in the waking world and plays a role in inspiring great minds like William Shakespeare to craft dreamlike tales in their reality.

Morpheus, also known as Dream, becomes the father of Orpheus with the Greek muse Calliope. However, tragedy strikes when Orpheus is torn apart, and only his head remains. He spends millennia separated from his father. At last, they reunite, and Morpheus grants Orpheus’s wish to end his existence. This act, though, leads to a significant violation of one of the universe’s fundamental laws, as Endless blood is spilled.

As a consequence of his actions, Morpheus incurs the wrath of The Kindly Ones, leading to an onslaught on the Dreaming and the death of many loyal dreams. To bring an end to the chaos, Morpheus accepts his fate and allows his sister, Death, to claim his life. His remains are placed on a barge within the Dreaming, sailing into the cosmos, where his body transforms into a star.

Red Bee (Richard Raleigh) — Valhalla Cemetery, Metropolis

Richard Raleigh, An assistant district attorney, becomes disheartened witnessing criminals repeatedly evade justice. He adopts a superhero persona to bring about change and outfits himself with a unique costume featuring specially trained bees in the belt buckle. These bees can sting on command without dying afterward. Thus, the crime-fighting Red Bee is born, armed with his loyal bees and a formidable right hook.

Red Bee becomes a renowned crime fighter in Superior City, gaining recognition for his heroic deeds. As his reputation grows, he is invited to join the All-Star Squadron, a group of superheroes dedicated to protecting the United States during World War II. During a confrontation with the villainous Baron Blitzkrieg, Red Bee valiantly faces off against him in a fierce battle. Tragically, the conflict ends with Red Bee’s demise.

Despite his heroic sacrifice, Red Bee’s spirit lives on as he manages to save his allies, the Freedom Fighters, during the intense battle. While his physical body is laid to rest alongside fellow superheroes at Valhalla cemetery, Rick’s existence doesn’t come to an end entirely. Instead, he persists as a ghost, a phenomenon not uncommon in the DC Universe, and occasionally appears in the years following his untimely death.

Batman (Bruce Wayne) — Valhalla Cemetery, Earth-Two

When DC Comics introduced the concept of Earth-Two, a parallel universe, they redefined the reality for Golden Age heroes, placing Batman, who had been around since 1939, on Earth-Two. Setting aside DC’s issues with continuity and reboots, the Batman of Earth-Two boasts a long and illustrious crime-fighting career. Witnessing his parents’ tragic murder, Bruce Wayne dedicates his life to combating crime in Gotham City.

Batman’s crime-fighting efforts extend as he becomes a member of the Justice Society of America, battling villains wherever his help is required. He takes on Dick Grayson as his partner, Robin, and the Bat Family grows from there. However, unlike the present-day version of Batman, the Golden Age hero meets a tragic end. In “Adventure Comics” #462, long after his retirement, Bruce dons the costume again to confront the unusually superpowered criminal, Bill Jensen.

The intense battle between Batman and Jensen reaches its climax when Jensen chooses to sacrifice himself along with Batman, causing a massive explosion. Batman loses his life and is buried in Gotham City. While the world briefly learns of Batman’s true identity, Doctor Fate steps in and erases that knowledge from the minds of all Earth-Two inhabitants. Helena, Batman’s daughter, also known as Huntress, steps up to join Robin and carries on Batman’s legacy in the fight against crime.

Sandman (Wesley Dodds) — Valhalla Cemetery, Metropolis

Although “Sandman” is often associated with Morpheus in DC Comics, he wasn’t the original character to bear that name. The first Sandman is Wesley Dodds, a wealthy investor troubled by dreams of criminal activities in his city. These dreams prove to be prophetic, prompting Dodds to utilize his considerable resources to create hypnotic gases and sedatives. Adopting a gas mask, he becomes the Sandman — a superhero who relies on his prescient dreams to combat crime!

Sandman wields a specially crafted gun that shoots sleeping gas, a potent weapon against his foes. Relying on his dreams to lead him in his quest to combat crime, Sandman confronts various adversaries, including the notorious serial killer Tarantula. After some time, Sandman decides to retire for a while, but eventually, he returns to his crime-fighting activities, although not as frequently as before.

After another period of retirement, Dodds puts on the Sandman mask one last time when his wife is abducted. In a final confrontation with Mordru, Dodds chooses to take his own life rather than reveal vital information to his enemy. He is laid to rest at Valhalla Cemetery and later reanimated during the “Blackest Night” event. Once the crisis subsides, his body is returned to the cemetery and later relocated to the Hall of Justice.

Giant-Man (Hank Pym) — Pym Falls, Earth-807128

Hank Pym is a character with a long history, having taken on various identities such as Ant-Man, Goliath, Giant-Man, Yellowjacket, Wasp, and Ultron. He exists in multiple alternate Earths, including the “Old Man Logan” universe, Earth-807128. In this reality, supervillains unite to launch a coordinated attack against all the superheroes at once.

In the “Old Man Logan” universe, the supervillains emerge victorious, leading to the death of numerous heroes, and some, like the Incredible Hulk, turn into villains themselves. Hank Pym, known as Giant-Man, takes part in the initial battle to defend against the villains, but tragically, he fails. Pym loses his life during the fight while in his Giant-Man form, and his lifeless body crashes into the countryside, where it stays.

The spot where Hank Pym met his end is now referred to as “Pym Falls.” His massive skeleton lies there, adorned with the remnants of his torn costume. The surrounding area has become a small town named after him, making his remains a significant landmark. In the “Old Man Logan events,” Wolverine and Hawkeye pass through Pym Falls, located east of Washington, D.C.

Captain Mar-Vell — Titan

In the vast world of Marvel Comics, few characters truly stay dead, but there’s one exception with a significant impact. The original Captain Marvel, Mar-Vell, is a Kree warrior who becomes a superhero after rebelling against the Kree Empire. While he faces formidable foes like Thanos, it’s not a cosmic villain that brings him to his end; it’s a battle with cancer. Marvel marked the conclusion of Mar-Vell’s journey in their first “Marvel Graphic Novel,” chronicling his final days.

“The Death of Captain Marvel” is a unique and significant comic where a publisher addresses mortality, something we all face. This storyline profoundly impacted the industry and inspired a new wave of superheroes. Throughout the comic, we witness Mar-Vell’s gradual decline as cancer takes its toll, leaving him bedridden and eventually succumbing to the disease.

After his passing, Mar-Vell’s body finds its final resting place on Titan, Saturn’s largest moon. Many fans longed for the character’s return, but Marvel Comics remained steadfast in keeping him deceased. However, in a surprising turn of events, Mar-Vell is later resurrected by the powerful Phoenix Force. Unfortunately, his lifeless body ends up adrift in space after the resurrection, but this is just one small chapter in the remarkable saga of this superhero.

The Comedian (Edward Blake) — New York City

Alan Moore’s “Watchmen” is celebrated as one of the most influential and exceptional graphic novels ever created. Edward Blake, known as “Comedian,” is a former superhero and government operative. The 12-issue miniseries begins with Blake encountering an intruder in his apartment. Tragically, he is thrown out of the window and meets his demise on the sidewalk below. This event sets the stage for the gripping events that unfold throughout the rest of the series.

Throughout the series, we learn about Edward Blake’s life through flashbacks, revealing that the Comedian is a morally questionable individual whom few would mourn. However, another vigilante, Rorschach, takes it upon himself to investigate Blake’s murder. As the story unfolds, it becomes clear that Ozymandias is behind a grand scheme to unite the world using a fake alien threat. Eventually, Ozymandias’ plan succeeds, and Rorschach makes the difficult decision to sacrifice himself, urging Doctor Manhattan to end his life to protect the truth from coming to light.

Following his death, the Comedian’s body is buried in an unnamed cemetery in New York City, with some of his former teammates present at the funeral. A later storyline called “Doomsday Clock” reveals that the Comedian survived his fall thanks to Doctor Manhattan’s intervention. However, it’s worth noting that the “Doomsday Clock” series deviates from Alan Moore’s original narrative intention in “Watchmen.”

Goliath (Bill Foster) — New Jersey

In Marvel Comics’ “Civil War” crossover event, superheroes find themselves in a conflict over the government’s Superhuman Registration Act. Iron Man leads one faction in favor of the Act, while Captain America leads a group of rebels against it. The story is filled with intense battles, but one particular fight leaves everyone stunned by its outcome.

Iron Man’s faction gains additional support from Ragnarok, a cyborg clone of Thor designed by Stark, as well as Reed Richards, the leader of the Fantastic Four, and Hank Pym. Ragnarok bears a striking resemblance to Thor and possesses all his powers but lacks his moral compass, leading to troublesome consequences. In the initial clash, Bill Foster, also known as Goliath, enters the fray and tragically gets struck through the chest by Ragnarok, resulting in his instant death.

The death of Goliath, a dedicated Avenger, and true superhero, sends shockwaves through both factions of the conflict. Due to his enormous size at the time of death, Goliath’s burial becomes a significant challenge, requiring almost 40 graves. Feeling responsible for his demise (which he is), Tony Stark takes the responsibility of paying for the burial plots. Goliath’s final resting place is a cemetery in New Jersey, although the exact location within the state remains unclear.

Thunderbird (John Proudstar) — Camp Verde, Arizona

In “Giant-Size X-Men” #1, John Proudstar, known as Thunderbird, joins the X-Men as a new member. Despite being introduced alongside Colossus and Nightcrawler, he plays a significant role in the early team dynamics. Following his debut, he participates in “The Doomsmith Scenario!” storyline, showcasing the new team roster in issues “X-Men” #94-95.

In “The Doomsmith Scenario!” storyline, the X-Men confront Count Luchino Nefaria’s takeover of NORAD in Cheyenne Mountain. Despite Professor X’s warning, Thunderbird bravely boards Nefaria’s aircraft. He tries to dismantle the plane, but tragically, it explodes with him and Nefaria inside. Thunderbird sacrifices himself, allowing Nefaria to escape using a teleportation device.

After Thunderbird’s heroic sacrifice, his brother James honors him with a traditional Apache funeral, likely at Camp Verde, Arizona. However, Thunderbird’s grave is disturbed multiple times due to various events and resurrections. Despite being brought back to life on multiple occasions, Thunderbird never stays alive for long. After each resurrection, he returns to his grave, including after the Chaos War. During this event, Thunderbird valiantly battles the Carrion Crow, and when the conflict concludes, he goes back to his resting place — but this time, he feels a sense of purpose in his life.

Ferro Lad (Andrew Nolan) — Shanghalla

Ferro Lad, a member of the Legion of Superheroes in the 31st century, possesses the remarkable ability to transform his body into an invulnerable isotope of iron. Unfortunately, his heroic journey meets a tragic end while battling a deadly Sun-Eater. Despite the peril, Ferro Lad sacrifices his life to protect the galaxy. In recognition of his selfless act, he becomes the first Legionnaire to find eternal rest in Shanghalla.

Shanghalla is a special planetoid reserved for the esteemed departed of the 30th and 31st centuries. Unfortunately, Ferro Lad is not the sole hero laid to rest there, as many revered beings from across the cosmos find their eternal resting place at Shanghalla. Alongside the young hero, the planetoid serves as the final resting site for heroes like Triplicate Girl, Invisible Kid, Chemical King, Karate Kid, Blok, Laurel Gand, Magnetic Kid, Colossal Boy, Kid Quantum, Beast Boy, Brainiac 5 of Myrnah, and Leeta-87.

Guardians of the Globe — Arlington National Cemetery, Washington, D.C.

The “Invincible” series kicks off with Omni-Man serving as a heroic figure similar to Superman, fighting alongside the Guardians of the Globe. This superhero team is a tribute to the Justice League and boasts a lineup of formidable members. Alongside Omni-Man, the Guardians include Darkwing, War Woman, Red Rush, Aquarus, Martian Man, the Immortal, and Green Ghost, all of whom are renowned A-list superheroes.

In the seventh issue of the series, the plot takes a dramatic turn as Omni-Man launches a sudden attack on the entire team. With shocking ease, he defeats and kills every single member of the Guardians, leaving a trail of destruction, including the decapitation of the Immortal. The truth behind Omni-Man’s actions comes to light—he is actually an alien from the planet Viltrum, sent to Earth with the mission to conquer it. However, his true intentions remain hidden at first due to the injuries he sustains during the brutal encounter.

The truth behind the attack comes to light after the funerals for the fallen Guardians of the Globe. The deceased heroes are given a solemn resting place at Arlington National Cemetery in Washington, D.C., befitting their status as revered protectors. While all the members except for the Immortal remain deceased, he defies death, living up to his name as his head is miraculously reattached to his body.

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