In 2021, “Invincible” made its debut on the small screen, and Amazon struck gold with their adaptation of Robert Kirkman’s superhero tale. While the shift from comic book to animation certainly allowed for the source material to come to life, there remain notable discrepancies between the stories told in “Invincible.”
A notable contrast between the “Invincible” comic and the show is the inclusion of a more diverse cast. Mark (played by Steven Yeun), Amber (played by Zazie Beetz), and William (played by Andrew Rannells) all contribute to representation in Kirkman’s work. Additionally, the character of Debbie (portrayed by Sandra Oh) is more fleshed out in the show. At the same time, Cecil (played by Walton Goggins) plays a more prominent role in Mark’s early story. Although there are other discrepancies, the “Invincible” show proved to be a commendable adaptation, likely due to Kirkman’s involvement in bringing his comic to life.
The merits and drawbacks of both the show and comic versions of “Invincible” have spurred intriguing debates among fans. One Reddit user, u/Fbritannia, initiated a conversation by posing the question, “Which do you prefer – the show or the comic?” While acknowledging the show as a “fantastic adaptation,” the user ultimately expressed a preference for the comics.
Invincible fans agree there are two great versions.
In a pleasant surprise, the discourse regarding the superior rendition of “Invincible” remained remarkably civilized, as fan communities frequently devolve into heated debates favoring one over the other. One Reddit user, u/sfinney2, offered a nuanced opinion by stating, “Season 1 made certain enhancements over the early comics, but the comic only hits its peak later on. Therefore, the show will have to make significant strides to catch up.”
Another Reddit user, u/ajc120, took a distinctive angle by crafting a detailed analysis of how the mediums influence each iteration of the narrative. Their primary qualm with “Invincible” is that only one season of the show exists, causing the two versions to prioritize different themes. However, they contend that the series markedly enhances certain characters, stating that “Amber receives a complete overhaul and possesses more personality” and “William is considerably more amiable than in the comics.” They conclude by saying, “Overall, I consider the first season to be an exceptional starting point,” believing that the show could effortlessly surpass the comics in terms of quality.
Expressing another perspective, u/csummerss remarked, “It’s not possible to make a complete comparison between the two, but the first season of the show was superior to the initial 13 issues.” Similarly, u/VindictivePrune offered a comparable viewpoint, claiming that the show provides “much more vitality.” These views appear to be the consensus among the fanbase. However, as u/simonthedlgger pointed out, the “Invincible” comic boasts significantly more issues than the show has episodes. Thus, until the show accumulates more seasons, the comics will likely remain the dominant force.