67 Characters for Infinity War – Who Are They?

Thanos and the Infinity Gauntlet

A couple of weeks ago, the Russo brothers revealed that adapting the Infinity War storyline will be a tremendous task. Not only will they have to tie in all the loose ends of the MCU thus far, but they will also have to deal with a record number of characters. Obviously, we knew there would be quite a few heroes, villains, and supporting characters - but, according to the Russo's, there will be around 67. Which is pretty impressive.

Of course, the directors came back and said that this it just a number they said on the spot, during the Q&A session. But it isn't too hard to assume that they have to juggle with way more names than any previous movies.

So who are these characters? Well, check it out!

  1. Iron Man

Iron Man (source - Comic Vine)
Iron Man (source – Comic Vine)

Robert Downey Jr. is and will always be the face of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. If until now he has only cameoed in movies which weren't named Iron Man or Avengers, from here on it appears as if he will have a much bigger role in the flicks to come. Thus, he will go against Captain America during the Civil War and he was already announced for the Spider-Man reboot.

Given the huge contract he has with Marvel and given the fact that he is still the main attraction of the MCU, we find it unlikely for him to not be present during the Infinity War. Sure enough, the man is getting old - but his armor can do his job very well, even if he is not present. So whether he will be a member of the team, whether he will be a mentor, whether he will be in charge with supplying the Avengers, he will be there.

  1. War Machine

War Machine (source Comic Vine)
War Machine (source Comic Vine)

Sure enough, the Civil War trailer apparently shows the death of Tony Stark's closest friend. But it seems a bit too odd to show that in a trailer, doesn't it? We can bet that this won't be the end of War Machine in the MCU. We can bet that he will be severely wounded this year - but, until 2018 (when the first Infinity War drops), he has plenty of time to recover.

  1. Happy Hogan

Happy Hogan (source MCU Wikia)
Happy Hogan (source MCU Wikia)

Even if he will be just comic relief, Happy Hogan will certainly be in the Infinity War movies (well, at least in the first one). After all, he is portrayed by the same guy who kick started the MCU back in 2008. Having him brought back into the fold would be a form of saying thank you - don't you think so, Marvel?

  1. Pepper Potts

Pepper Potts (source MCU Wikia)
Pepper Potts (source MCU Wikia)

While she may not be a favorite among the fans, this version of Pepper Potts needs to be present during the Infinity War. After being absent from Avengers: Age of Ultron and Captain America: Civil War, her presence will make the stakes go even higher for Tony Stark. Yeah, we know that the world is about to end - but this is what movies do: they remind us that a hero's better half will always provide the necessary impulse to defeat the villain.

  1. Captain America

Captain America (source Comic Vine)
Captain America (source Comic Vine)

While everybody believes that Captain America will die at the end of Civil War, we remain circumspect about this possibility. After all, Chris Evans still has one more movie on his contract. Furthermore, killing him only to have him resurrected won't cut it - it has happened before and we believe the fans won't take it so lightly once again. So yes, Steve Rogers will be in at least one of the Infinity War movies.

Afterwards, it all depends on how he negotiates his contract.

  1. The Winter Soldier

Winter Soldier (source Comic Vine)
Winter Soldier (source Comic Vine)

Back when Sebastian Stan was cast as Bucky Barnes, he said he has a 9 movie deal with Marvel. Civil War will be his third - so it is a given (we say) for him to survive and make it into the Infinity War. Furthermore, if Steve Rogers will indeed die for one movie, he might become Captain America himself"¦

  1. Falcon

Falcon (source Comic Vine)
Falcon (source Comic Vine)

At the end of Age of Ultron, the Falcon was revealed to be one of the newest members of the Avengers. Seeing that the roster will keep changing, we are wondering whether or not he'll have a bigger role to play in the following movies.

In any way, even if he is going to meet his end, it will be in the fight against Thanos and his minions. Will it be in the first or the second Infinity War? We don't know, but we expect for Falcon to be there.

  1. Thor

Thor (source Comic Vine)
Thor (source Comic Vine)

The God of Thunder will prevent the Ragnarok and, together with the Hulk, he'll make it back on Earth. Or maybe he won't, since Thanos will certainly want to get his hands on that Infinity Stone kept in Asgard.

Seeing that Thor is one of the core members of the Avengers, he will certainly have his chance of going against the Mad Titan. That won't happen during Ragnarok, though, but mostly likely in the first Infinity War movie. Will Thor make it out alive from this confrontation? We have no idea.

  1. Odin

Odin (source Comic Vine)
Odin (source Comic Vine)

The most recent rumors say that Odin didn't actually die at the end of Thor: The Dark World. Instead, he was banished by Loki and Hela to Earth, with his powers stripped away from him. If it is so (and we can bet it is, since he is too powerful a warrior to die off-screen), he will certainly appear in the Infinity War movies and show Thanos why he is called the All-Father.

  1. Heimdall

Heimdall (source MCU Wikia)
Heimdall (source MCU Wikia)

If there is one character who will certainly fight with Thanos, then that character is Heimdall, the protector of Asgard. We don't know whether the city will be destroyed during Ragnarok (though that won't count too much, looking at its MCU history). What we know is that Heimdall will still try to protect the Tesseract.

And even if it won't be so, he will definitely appear in some manner. Maybe to once again scold Thor from the afterlife.

57-56-55. Fandral, Volstagg and Hogun

Warrior Three (source Comic Vine)
Warrior Three (source Comic Vine)

The previous Thor movies didn't do justice to these characters – Fandral, Volstagg and Hogun have had fugitive roles, being mainly used as comic reliefs. Maybe now they will have the fight of their lives. We say that because they won't shine during Thor: Ragnarok, who is described as a buddy movie - the director won't have the time to properly deal with them in a movie which will adapt both Hulk vs. and Planet Hulk.

  1. Lady Sif

Lady Sif (source MCU Wikia)
Lady Sif (source MCU Wikia)

This is yet another Thor supporting character who was overlooked in the previous Thor installments. If some rumors are true, then there will be a spark between her and the God of Thunder. If they aren't true, she will still have the chance of showing her prowess in battle.

53-52-51. Jane Foster, Selvig, Darcy

The scientists (source Giphy)
The scientists (source Giphy)

We see no reason for this characters to not appear, even if only briefly. As far as Jane Foster is concerned, if she is put in peril then Thor will have all the more reasons to do his best against Thanos. We know the fans consider this character a bore - but still, her story hasn't ended just yet.

  1. Hulk

Hulk (source MCU Wikia)
Hulk (source MCU Wikia)

The Green Goliath has already been confirmed by Mark Ruffalo, who said that Hulk's arc in Thor: Ragnarok and the Infinity War movies will feel like a solo flick. Furthermore, being one of the heavy-hitters of the Avengers, as well as a fan-favorite, it made no sense leaving him out.

Even more interesting, Banner will cohabit with the Hulk in the same body, which means that we will get the chance to see a more intelligent Jade Giant, one who can actually pose a threat to the best tacticians.

  1. Black Widow

Black Widow (source MCU Wikia)
Black Widow (source MCU Wikia)

While Black Widow may seem useless against Thanos, she has proved herself time and time again against alien and robotic minions. Furthermore, she is still one of the best infiltrators in the MCU, so her skills are more than useful.

Seeing that Hulk will also be present, the Infinity War is their opportunity to take their relationship to the next level"¦ If there is one to start with, of course"¦

48-47. Hawkeye and Wifey

Hawkeye and Wifey (source YouTube)
Hawkeye and Wifey (source YouTube)

Just like Black Widow, Hawkeye may be considered cannon fodder. But, even so, he is still someone the Avengers can count on. He is no fan-favorite, though, even if Joss Whedon did his best - speaking of which, did you know that he is married?

Of course you did, even if that came out of nowhere. So don't be too surprised if Laura Barton will also be present, just to make his death even more tragic. Did we say that out loud?

46-45-44. Nick Fury, Maria Hill and Sharon Carter

Nick Fury, Maria Hill and Sharon Carter
Nick Fury, Maria Hill and Sharon Carter

SHIELD will, obviously, be present. Samuel L. Jackson still has 2 movies left on his contract, Maria Hill will follow him closely (as always and especially since she is now close to Stark), while Sharon Carter is said to be Steve Rogers' love interest (if she doesn't die during the Civil War).

But, just like with many other characters so far, don't expect for these ones to have meatier roles - simple cameos will be more than enough, to remind the fans that they still exist.

43-42. Ant Man and the Wasp

Ant Man and the Wasp (source What Culture)
Ant Man and the Wasp (source What Culture)

While it didn't break any records, Ant-Man was indeed one of the best origin stories in the MCU. And this ensured a sequel, titled Ant-Man and the Wasp. But the thing is that this is the first movie after the first Infinity War - so the diminutive superheroes will certainly make it out alive and will certainly be present at least in one Avengers flick.

  1. Hank Pym

Hank Pym (source Comic Book)
Hank Pym (source Comic Book)

Michael Douglas is said to have one more Marvel movie on his contract, which is definitely the sequel of Ant-Man. However, the actor said that he enjoyed shooting the superhero flick, thus leaving open the possibility of appearing in further Marvel movies.

And even if it will be a cameo of some sorts, one of these movies should be the Infinity War.

  1. Vision

Vision (source MCU Wikia)
Vision (source MCU Wikia)

Vision is one of the great unknowns of the MCU - one of the strongest Avengers, he is powered by an Infinity Stone, which means that Thanos will personally have to deal with him. What will happen? Will the android be reprogrammed and switch sides? Will he die at the hand of the Mad Titan? One thing is certain, as far as we are concerned: the second Infinity War movie will see the Infinity Stone out of Vision's forehead.

  1. Scarlet Witch

Scarlet Witch (source MCU Wikia)
Scarlet Witch (source MCU Wikia)

Another power-house, Scarlet Witch is also a new addition to the Avengers roster. After the events of Age of Ultron, she joins them. More interestingly, she sees Vision as being more than just an android and a team member. Where could that go?

During the Civil War, Scarlet Witch and vision will find themselves on the other sides of the barricade. And the rumor is that she will die, which will prompt Vision to leave Earth. We don't really believe that - on the contrary, we believe that Marvel has huge plans for her in the future.

So yes - one of the most powerful mut"¦ Avengers will be featured in the Infinity War.

  1. Doctor Strange

Doctor Strange (source Variety)
Doctor Strange (source Variety)

For now, Doctor Strange hasn't been introduced in the MCU, with the solo movie waiting to be released on the 4th of November. One of the most well-known Marvel characters, Strange will certainly be one of the heroes which will replace the old Avengers (Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, and Hulk). It remains to be seen which will be the other three.

37-36. The Ancient One and Wong

The Ancient One and Wong
The Ancient One and Wong

When Tilda Swinton was cast as the Ancient One (an old Chinese guy), Marvel made it impossible for the fans to predict the fate of the character. But, if the Ancient One is even just a bit like in the comics, he/she will certainly survive whatever 2016 brings. And if Benedict Cumberbatch is indeed one of the actors to become a mainstay of the Avengers, then Tilda Swinton will also be there.

As far as Wong is concerned, he can be seen as the JARVIS of Doctor Strange. Obviously, Wong won't have anything more than a cameo during the Infinity War. But, even so, there must be someone keeping guard in the Sanctum Sanctorum.

35-34. Black Panther and Shuri

Black Panther and Shuri
Black Panther and Shuri

The Infinity War movies won't just be the culmination of the first three phases of MCU - it will also be the passing of the torch to new superheroes. Black Panther (who will be seen this year, in Civil War) will be one of these heroes. So he will definitely appear in Avengers 3 and 4, especially since Feige said that his solo flick will lead straight into the Infinity War.

And since every superhero thus far had a sidekick of some sorts (Iron Man - War Machine, Captain America - Winter Soldier, Thor - Warriors Three and Lady Sif), the Black Panther solo flick could also introduce his sister, Shuri. Why do we say that? Because Marvel loves diversity.

  1. Captain Marvel

Captain Marvel (source Reddit)
Captain Marvel (source Reddit)

Captain Marvel is the last flick before Infinity War 2 - so she will definitely be present in at least one of these movies. Very little is known about this version of Carol Danvers, except for the fact that Joss Whedon actually planned to tease her appearance at the end of Age of Ultron.

It didn't happen, though. So when will she appear for the first time? Since the rumor is that Marvel doesn't want to do so many origin stories, it might even be this year!

  1. Spider-Man

Spider-Man (source What Culture)
Spider-Man (source What Culture)

This one is a no-brainer, especially since Spider-Man will have already appeared in two solo flicks by the time the Infinity War begins. Furthermore, the Russo brothers will be the ones to both introduce the character into the MCU, as well as direct the 3rd and 4th Avengers flicks.

We still don't know, though, how Spider-Man will look in this new shared universe"¦

31-24. The Guardians of the Galaxy

Guardians of the Galaxy
Guardians of the Galaxy

The rumor is that Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol. II will see the team expanding with more than one member. While Mantis has been confirmed to appear in the movie, there are two other unlikely heroes to join the roster. One of them is Yondu, who will most likely see his fellow Ravagers destroyed by some big threat. The other one is Nebula, who will join her sister Gamora in order to escape Thanos.

However, we can't shake the feeling that Nebula will turn out to be a traitor if she joins the Guardians.

23-22. The Collector and Nova Prima

Nova Prime and The Collector
Nova Prime and The Collector

He has the Ether and he won't appear in Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol. II. So even if it will be just to have his butt kicked by Thanos, the Collector will appear in at least one of the Infinity War movies.

The same thing goes for Nova Prime, who is in the possession of the Orb. We doubt that Thanos will send his minions after the Infinity Stone during Guardians 2. He will most likely obliterate Xandar in Avengers 3.

22-17. The Inhumans

Inhumans (source Comic Vine)
Inhumans (source Comic Vine)

Inhumans is the first flick to arrive after Avengers 4 - so why do we say that Black Bolt and co. will be present? The Infinity War will engulf the entire planet. So, if the Inhumans want to survive, they will have to join in.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. have already delved into their mythology. We know that they exist in the MCU. So having them joining the Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy is a must.

16-13. The Defenders

The Defenders (source Screen Rant)
The Defenders (source Screen Rant)

Until now, Marvel and Netflix have released only the Daredevil and Jessica Jones series. Apparently, Luke Cage will be released this fall - and, if we are to believe the rumors, Iron Fist will follow sometime in the first half of next year.

This means that the Defenders will most likely be released in 2018, just before the second part of Infinity War. This could be one of the best additions to the 4th Avengers flick, since in this way we won't have to see heavy-hitters like Thor or even Iron Man battling minions like the Chitauri in the first Avengers film. Leave that to the Defenders, the street level superheroes!

  1. Loki

Loki (source Comic Vine)
Loki (source Comic Vine)

The Thor franchise wasn't built upon the shoulders of Chris Hemsworth - it was built around the acting talents of Tom Hiddleston. Thor: Ragnarok will see the troubled character once again betraying his brother and banishing him into another realm. Obviously, Thor will be back (and he'll bring a friend), thus stopping the end of days"¦

However, we do believe that Loki will appear in the Infinity War movies, since he is (thus far) one of the most well-known lieutenants of Thanos. He will have to answer for losing the Scepter and he will once again betray his master - only to die in the end (this time for good, completing the arc of redemption of the character).

11-7. The Black Order

Black Order
Black Order

Thanos did say that he will search for the Infinity Stones himself. However, when the time comes, he will deploy his most powerful soldiers. The Black Order is formed by Black Dwarf, Corvus Glaive, Ebony Maw, Proxima Midnight, and Supergiant. Any of these supervillains can pose a threat for the Avengers - when working under Thanos they will certainly wreak havoc between the united superheroes.

6-5. Nova and Rhomann Dey

Dey and Nova
Dey and Nova

As said, Thanos will go to Xandar in order to collect the Orb - and, unlike Ronan, he will succeed and destroy the entire Nova corps. However, this can also turn out to work in the favor of all superheroes, since Rhomann Dey might infuse Richard Rider with all the power of the Nova corps.

This power wasn't showcased in the MCU until now - so maybe the first Infinity War movie is the perfect moment. Nova could prove a very useful ally for the united forces of the Avengers, Guardians, and Defenders.

  1. The Silver Surfer

Silver Surfer (via Marvel)
Silver Surfer (via Marvel)

Call this wishful thinking, but we do believe that Marvel and Fox are negotiating the rights for the Fantastic Four and their supporting characters. The Silver Surfer is one of those characters and the Infinity War is the best moment for him to make an appearance.

There won't be a need for the Fantastic Four just yet - the Silver Surfer is a more than powerful ally, who could use his enormous powers in order to protect the Earth.

  1. Mistress Death

Mistress Death (via Movie Pilot)
Mistress Death (via Movie Pilot)

The first trailer for Avengers: Age of Ultron featured a very interesting scene - a feminine silhouette in the Norn cave. The scene didn't make it into the film, with Feige saying that it was just eye-candy. We don't actually believe that - we actually believe that she is Mistress Death, the whole reason why Thanos is after the Infinity Stones.

  1. Thanos


Obviously, this is the main character of the Infinity War: Thanos, the Mad Titan, the Avatar of Death, willing to destroy the entire universe just because. Until now, unfortunately, we haven't even caught a glimpse of his tremendous power. But there is still time - we will see then why so many feared him.

  1. Dormammu

Dormammu (source Marvel Wikia)
Dormammu (source Marvel Wikia)

Marvel has always planned ahead. So Feige must have a plan in place to fill the void left by the Mad Titan's defeat. And if Doctor Strange will indeed be the central character after the Avengers roster has changed completely, then Dormammu should be the main baddie of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

We realize that it may be too soon to announce him - but this is what makes it even more perfect, if we can say so. A small tease, maybe even a flame, would be more than enough to show us that an even greater threat awaits just beyond the horizon.

Mads Mikkelsen!

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