Mister Mxyzptlk & Supervillains Who Can Defeat Almost Anyone

It’s a bold statement to say that any given character can defeat absolutely anyone, but there are undoubtedly some fictional characters who are capable of doing exactly that.

Suggesting such a possibility can cause a lot of controversy among fans – past articles written on this very site have proven that, with the comments section going wild with people disagreeing with what’s been said – but it’s always great to stir up debate, so we’re going to give it another go!

Whether it’s due to their sheer power, their genius or otherwise, there are characters who can do pretty much anything they set their minds to. So, in no particular order, here are 18 such characters (of varying levels of power, just to make things more interesting).

Doctor Doom

Doctor Doom is a very powerful character, but his power alone isn’t enough to defeat absolutely anyone. That being said, Doom is undoubtedly capable of defeating anybody he sets his mind on, simply by virtue of his near-unrivaled intelligence.

Doom has managed to siphon the power of beings as powerful as the godly Beyonder, due to the fact that he is capable of creating devices for that specific purpose.

He is often underestimated because of the fact that he really doesn’t like to get his hands dirty – though he has proven capable of fighting top level opponents when he does get into a physical exchange – but the fact is that Doom’s mind is his greatest weapon, and it has resulted in his getting the better of some of the most powerful characters imaginable on many an occasion.


Amazo is an android who was created by the mad scientist Professor Ivo – a man obsessed with the concept of immortality – and he initially possessed the powers of the original Justice League members (Green Lantern, Flash, Aquaman, Wonder Woman, and the Martian Manhunter).

It has since been revealed that Amazo is capable of copying the powers of any metahumans that he comes into contact with and, as such, should be able to defeat anyone in theory, as he could acquire abilities in countless combinations.

Moreover, the character has more recently been written as being able to copy the powers of items as well as characters, which means that the array of powers he could potentially gain is virtually limitless – although it should be pointed out that he has yet to display the ability to absorb powers beyond a certain level.


Dormammu is one of – if not the – most powerful magic user in Marvel comic books and, as such, is pretty much capable of performing spells that enable him to do whatever he pleases.

The level of Dormammu’s magical abilities essentially puts him at reality-warping levels, and he has proven to be a threat to characters as powerful as Eternity and other members of Marvel’s cosmic pantheon – the kind of characters who should essentially be unbeatable.

He makes Doctor Strange – the Sorcerer Supreme, no less – look like an amateur magic user in comparison to himself, and the levels of power he can put out genuinely mean that he can beat anyone he puts his mind toward defeating.


Ozymandias might seem like an odd addition to this list – not least because he exists in a world that doesn’t really have too many powerful characters – but he has undoubtedly proven that he is wise enough to use nontraditional methods to defeat characters he should have no right to defeat.

It is his genius that makes him a threat to anyone he encounters – as proven when he posed a threat to Doctor Manhattan himself, in spite of the fact that Ozymandias is merely human and Manhattan is essentially a god.

Ozymandias is capable of using psychological manipulation to wear his targets down mentally, without actually getting into a conflict with them – and without their even knowing that they’re being worn down. He is also capable of creating devices that can harm even Manhattan himself – such as the one that turned him into atoms. Manhattan was, however, able to reform.


Thanos has recently become more known to mainstream audiences, after he was revealed to be the big-bad of the Marvel Cinematic Universe in the mid-credits scene of The Avengers movie in 2012.

Although he hasn’t really demonstrated any power since that first appearance, he is clearly set to be incredibly powerful in the franchise – but it’s hard to see just how he could possibly compare to the version in the comic books.

The Mad Titan has the rare combination of massive cosmic power and a nearly unrivaled intellect – and that’s a potent combination to have. Not only can he physically combat some of the most powerful characters in Marvel comic books, he can also plot schemes that make him a threat to every living being in the universe – such as how he regularly gets his hands on items like the Infinity Gauntlet and Cosmic Cubes. He has the might and the mind to beat anyone he wants to beat.


Darkseid is basically DC’s version of the aforementioned Marvel villain Thanos and, therefore, everything that applies to the Mad Titan applies to the ruthless Lord of Apokolips.

In fact, it’s generally considered that Thanos is a copy of Darkseid and was created in his image by Marvel’s writers. As such, he is every bit as powerful as Thanos and every bit as intelligent.

Darkseid has the physical might and the intellect to make him a threat to even the most godly of characters. He also has powers like the Omega Beams, which, when they’re written at their most powerful, can literally cause any target they hit to cease to exist – and the fact he commands a planet-sized army helps his cause massively as well.


Although he’s not actually an outright villain by nature – he’s a cosmic force whose existence is essential to the balance of the universe – Galactus is understandably perceived as a threat, due to the fact that he eats planets and, as such, is often considered to be evil.

In fact, when most people think of powerful comic book villains, he’s one of the first characters who springs to mind. In order to obtain sustenance, he threatens entire civilizations, and heroes often have to step in to prevent him from doing so.

But such is the power of Marvel’s Devourer of Worlds that barely anyone is capable of stopping him. In fact, only Reed Richards’ threat to use the Ultimate Nullifier – a device that could destroy reality itself – has ever really put a stop to Galactus’ going about his planet-eating ways. The fact that he is also a genius with powerful equipment of his own makes him even more dangerous than he otherwise is – he’s a genuine universal threat.

The Anti-Monitor

The Anti-Monitor is one of the most powerful villains in DC comic books. In fact, he has proven fully capable of being a threat to multiple universes at any given time.

He possesses vast cosmic powers and vast reality-warping abilities, and was the main antagonist of the massive 1985-86 event Crisis on Infinite Earths, when his rampage through time and space prevented the creation of the multiverse itself.

The character is officially the most murderous in DC, having destroyed multiple universes in his time. Moreover, every time he destroys a universe, he consumes its energy and becomes even more powerful. If the Anti-Monitor wants something, he can generally tear through it like a hot knife through butter – he’s simply that powerful.


Surtur is a fire demon from Marvel comic books whose power is such that he can rival the Allfather Odin himself in battle – but there is more to him than just his own physical might.

He is a powerful magic user who can augment his already incredible power to universe-destroying levels – and his Twilight Sword is powerful enough to destroy galaxies and tear through dimensional barriers.

Read More: Who is More Powerful—Surtur or Thanos?

What makes Surtur even more dangerous, however, is the fact that he is so malevolent in his nature. He is pure evil and will stop at nothing to reach his goals – even if it means wiping out entire civilizations, manipulating other characters or double-crossing characters of equal power to himself. He could easily be a threat to any given reality.

Mister Mxyzptlk

Mister Mxyzptlk is so powerful that, not only can he defeat absolutely anyone, he can also pretty much do absolutely anything.

The 5th Dimensional Imp is a reality-warping character of epic proportions and, although he isn’t always presented as an outright villain, he has been a thorn in Superman’s side as one of his many antagonists on many occasions.

If Mxy thinks it, it will happen – and his powers can affect things on a universal scale. This was never more evident than when the Joker managed to siphon 99 percent of his power, which he then used to shape the entire universe in his own image. Basically, if Mxy wants to create it, it will be created. If Mxy wants something to no longer exist, it will no longer exist. If Mxy wants to defeat someone, he will defeat them – he’s just that powerful.

Molecule Man

Originally a weak, shy, and fearful man, Owen Reece gained his powers via a lab accident (as it so often happens in comic books) - while working at an atomic power plant, he opened a portal to another dimension, thus being exposed to the energy of a Cosmic Cube. Severely disfigured and with an already frail psyche, he decided to take his vengeance upon the world.

Throughout his comic book history, the Molecule Man defeated the Fantastic Four and the Avengers, despite his inability to manipulate organic matter. After dying and being reborn, he became an even bigger threat, since he became able to manipulate anything in existence.

At one time, Molecule Man was so powerful that he was second only to a Doctor Doom possessing the power of the Beyonder. And when someone is that powerful, he surely deserves a place on this list.

Sure, just as Owen Reece said, the Molecule Man is his own biggest weakness, in the sense that his frail psyche prevents him from being the ultimate power in the multiverse. Basically, he always shot himself in the foot.


Before the Spectre became the incarnation of the Wrath of God there was Eclipso - a once divine being, an immortal who could possess the powers of anybody in the DC universe. But while the Spectre still has Divine Limitations in place, Eclipso has none. As such, Eclipso was able to destroy and absorb the powers of his counterpart.

But just how powerful is he? Well, he was responsible for the biblical Great Flood, he can increase his sized as he wishes, he has showcased reality-warping abilities, and whatnot.

The Presence is above him - and that says something about his immense powers. And sure, he is divine laws that he cannot break. And he is bound to the Heart of Darkness. But that really doesn't mean anything when he can destroy one of the most powerful DC superheroes (and who is, at the same time and more importantly, a manifestation of God).

The Beyonder

The Beyonder is villain in the same way that Galactus is - however, even if he isn't set on ruling the multiverse, he still acts like a big baddie. How else could he be called when he kidnapped heroes and villains alike and sent them to Battleworld?

The Beyonder is, basically, the God of a multiverse and can be called the one responsible for the creation of the Molecule Man (after all, Owen Reece became a supervillain after he accidentally accessed the Beyonder's dimension). The power of the Molecule Man was just a fraction of the Beyonder's power - so what can we say about that?

He has, basically, every power known in the Marvel multiverse - multiplied by millions, of course. So feats like destroying galaxies were nothing to him - even the most powerful entities in the Marvel multiverse had no chance against him (even if Death, Eternity, and others are, essentially, unbeatable).

Some might even say that even a fight against The One above All would end up with a draw"¦ So he is above anyone else you might think of.


Krona is one of the most powerful beings in the DC universe - in fact, he is so powerful that he managed to jump in the Marvel universe and threaten to destroy it. Only the combined forces of heroes such as Batman, Captain America, Atom, and Superman wielding Thor's hammer and Captain America's shield managed to stop him.

So that says a lot about him.

Krona, a Maltusian just like the Guardians of the Universe, is the strongest of his race. And, as a scientist, he can be called responsible for the creation of the multiverse - using a machinery he invented, he managed to catch a glimpse of the beginning of time, an act that creates a powerful explosion that, in turn, shattered reality in infinite parallel universes.

It can be said that his greatest power comes from his thirst for knowledge, Krona being a supreme-genius level intellect. However, this is also his greatest weakness, since he has put even himself in danger in order to gain a bit more knowledge (really, this is a weakness when you put everything at stake in order to be able to find out, for example, how much a soul weights).

Dweller in Darkness

As far as magical beings are concerned, few can challenge Dweller in Darkness and actually win. This Fear Lord not only created D’Spayre, but is one of the most powerful of his kind (after all, he assembled the Fear Lords for the first time), being able to transport himself into Nightmare's dimension without the fear of repercussions (there aren't that many Marvel characters that can fight Nightmare in his own dimension).

While he has clashed on various occasions with Doctor Strange, the Dweller in Darkness doesn't really like to get his hands dirty. As such, he is capable of creating powerful minions who actually pose real threat to the Sorcerer Supreme. The minions that he created are so strong that they actually stood a chance against the combined forces of Thor and Hercules, fleeing only after the sun rose.

As a matter of fact, the Dweller has so much power that he could crush Stephen Strange if he wanted - however, as he doesn't see this as his purpose/goal, he simply doesn't. After all, Agamotto (the first Sorcerer Supreme and one of the source of Doctor Strange's many powers) managed only to imprison and not destroy him.


We know - Parallax was featured in the failed Green Lantern movie and was nothing else than a cloud (just like Galactus was, for that matter, in Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer). But Parallax is really one of the biggest threats faced by the Green Lantern Corps, being basically the embodiment of Fear - even the Spectre fears it.

Essentially, it is the power beyond the yellow rings. As revealed in the comics, it was a parasite from the beginning of time and that was born from yellow part of the emotional spectrum. As such, it was sentient and able to destroy entire world with fear alone. Billions of years of imprisonment weren't enough to weaken it.

Parallax possesses so much power that he can influence even the strongest superheroes, including in here Superman and Wonder Woman. And this is a force to be reckoned with.

Mad Jim Jaspers

Sir Jim Jaspers was a politician elected because of his anti-mutant and anti-superhero propaganda. However, secretly, he was a mutant himself - and an extremely powerful one for that matter. His entire propaganda was just a means to secure his place as a supreme being in his universe - something that he ultimately achieved, by using his reality warping powers and the adaptive cybernetic construct known as Fury.

His powers, however, ended up altering reality to such a degree that higher beings from the Multiverse ordered the destruction of Earth - and so it happened eventually, in order to prevent Mad Jim Jaspers' powers from altering parallel universes as well.

So, essentially, he was defeated only after the entire planet was destroyed.

Incredibly durable and resilient, this version of the supervillain was actually weaker than the one from the 616 Universe. As such, the mainstream Mad Jim Jaspers ended up being considered a omniverse threat. And there aren't that many supervillains who deserve this title.

Sure, he is mad - but that makes him even more dangerous.


The force behind the Blackest Night event, a force so powerful that he was able to trap the Anti-Monitor in the Power Battery of the Black Lanterns, Nekron is the ruler of a dimension bordering Hell, Limbo and Purgatory. As such, his draws his power from those awaiting beyond life, whether heroes of villains. His final purpose can be considered great in scope - restoring order where chaos is. However, he intends to do that by ridding the universe from all emotions. And this can be done by ridding the universe from life.

Nekron can manipulate reality on a planetary scale and was able to kill even Guardians of the Universe. His power is so tremendous that he was able to recreate Krona in his own dimension and send it to battle the superheroes. In this way, he can be said to be above many of the supervillains on this list.

As the leader of the Black Lantern Corps, he is also one of the strongest there is, being banished only after the combined power of the entire light spectrum is pitted against him.

Sure, he needs a link between his dimension and the dimension of the living in order to exist in the mainstream universe. But this is hardly a weakness, right?

What do you think? Which villains can defeat absolutely anyone? Did we miss any obvious examples? Have your say below!

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