A Teen Titans series was announced back in 2014 by TNT. In 2016, after spending 2 years with the development of the show, TNT announced that the project won't move further. But it was (apparently) for the best.
In this way, 2017 brought a surprising announcement: Titans will be developed for the DC Universe streaming service. The first season was shot between November 2017 and June 2018. But things didn't look good - and that thanks to leaked photos from the set. The appearance of Starfire enraged most of the fans.
However, official pics featuring Robin were released, following others of recurring characters Hawk and Dove. And Titans was back on the right track! A breakdown of the pilot soon followed, detailing the introduction of the main characters.
And, if you also red it, it does sound great! In addition to this, the breakdown also explained Starfire's look from the leaked photos. And the explanation seemed plausible.
Nonetheless, until now, no official pics with all the Titans have been released until now. So, other than Robin (who looks amazing), we have no idea how the other team members will look. Until now, that is!
This weekend, Titans will be present at the San Diego Comic Con. And now we know how the team members will look in the show. Check it out below!
Unfortunately, while it doesn't answer some questions (like how the team will look while wearing their superhero outfits), now we have confirmation that Starfire does look like in the leaked photos. Which isn't that great a news.
Hopefully, the San Diego Comic Con will reveal the team using their superpowers. In this way, we'll know if Beast Boy will turn green and if Starfire will also change her colours.