Rick Cosnett was a part of the main cast in The Flash Season 1 as Detective Eddie Thawne, partner to Jessie L. Martin's Detective Joe West and love interest of Candice Patton's Iris West. Later in the season, it was revealed that he was actually a distant ancestor of Matt Letscher's Eobard Thawne, aka the Reverse-Flash.
In the season finale, Eddie made a heroic sacrifice by shooting himself, just to erase Reverse-Flash from history. So, it is difficult for us, the fans, to forget his performance in The Flash even when the series is close to airing its third season.
But interestingly, the CW series didn't hire Rick Cosnett to actually play Eddie Thawne! That's what the Zimbabwean-Australian actor himself revealed while speaking at Heroes and Villains Fest recently (via The Arrowverse).
According to Rick, he originally signed to portray the character that Teddy Sears' Hunter Zolomon, aka Zoom, was pretending to be throughout the second season. That character was eventually revealed to be the Earth 3 doppelganger of John Wesley Shipp's Henry Allen in the finale – Jay Garrick, the original Flash of DC Comics!
Check out the following tweets, one of which features the 33-year-old actor's quote!
@RickCosnett was going to be Jay Garrick, but they apparently changed their minds. It was in quotations in his contract. #TheFlash #HVFF
"” guzmán (@heyybibi) August 27, 2016
Rick: “They thought I was going to be Jay Garrick for the pilot, but I guessed they changed that.”#HVFF
"” screaming potato (@captainxcanary) August 27, 2016

While we already knew that Keiynan Lonsdale's Wally West will be seen as Kid Flash in The Flash Season 3, we weren't sure about seeing Violett Beane's Jesse Wells as another speedster named Jesse Quick.
But if the Twitter account of Canadagraphs (a website that has been offering us photos from the CW series' set for a good while) is to be believed, we will definitely see the 20-year-old actress as the speedster!
Unfortunately, they don't have a photo of Violett in the Jesse Quick costume and the only description they can offer about the costume is that it features "red pants like Barry's"! Here's the tweet!
Got an autograph tonight from #TheFlash star Violett Beane on set.
Spoiler alert…. Jessie Quick was in costume.
Sorry, no pics today."” Canadagraphs (@canadagraphs) August 19, 2016
@Pokevincy Nope. Didn’t have a blonde wig for starters. She had red pants like Grant. Don’t remember top much, but NOT baby blue.
"” Canadagraphs (@canadagraphs) August 27, 2016