The first season of Flash left everybody wondering what will happen next. Will the second season bring the much needed resolution? Well, here is what we know until now about this second seasons!
Horror icon cast for season 2

The most recent news concerning the second season of Flash is about the main baddie, Zoom - and it is a casting choice which will make you giggle like the fan boy you are. Andrew Kreisberg, one of the executive producers, announced that horror icon Tony Todd will become the frightening villain.
However, if you are wondering how a 60 years old actor could become this particular villain, there is a twist: "Part of the mystery of the season is who or what is underneath the Zoom outfit, and so we wanted to do something like James Earl Jones as Darth Vader - the iconic voice coming out of this mask." (via Cinema Blend)
Very nicely put. But this isn't all. As expected, a horrors-ish comparison was also made concerning this Flash villain: "Last year, we thought of the Reverse-Flash as a speed warrior; this year, Zoom is like a speed demon, and no one does demon-voice better than Tony Todd."
On the next page, a new superhero for the second season!
Hawkman to appear in the second season of Flash

First things first - the second season of Flash will see the introduction of the superhero Hawkman, who will be portrayed by Falk Hentschel (who has appeared in smaller roles in Knight and Day and Transcendence). Little is known about this character and what his role will be in the series.
However, Flash won't be the only show in which he will appear. Hawkman will also be featured in Arrow, as well as in Legends of Tomorrow.
A short description of the character says that he is, "the latest reincarnation of an Egyptian Prince who is fated to reincarnate throughout time along with his soulmate, Kendra Saunders (portrayed by Ciara Renee). Like Kendra, Carter can access the powers of the Hawk God, Horus, transforming him into the winged warrior known as Hawkman.” (via Comic Book Movie).
And it makes sense seeing him in the DC multiverse, especially since we knew for a while that Hawkgirl will be one of the main characters of Legends of Tomorrow.
On the next page, a character evolves!
Cisco becomes Vibe

Hawkman won't be the only superhero which will appear in Flash, besides the titular character. Barry Allen's good pal from STAR Labs will continue his transformation into the DC superhero Vibe.
Killed in the first season of Flash in an alternate timeline, Cisco is revealed to have some other abilities than just remembering alternate timelines. With his awesome vibrational powers and abilities, Vibe may play a key role in expanding the CW universe.
It isn't known, however, when this will happen. But it will certainly be during the second season of Flash.
On the next page, the multiverse is expanding!
The Flash's multiverse

Ever since the first season of Flash we had this idea that we're just witnessing the events from an alternate timeline. The ending of the season emphasized this direction.
So what lies ahead, in the second season? Obviously, the first thing that comes to mind is the return of Harrison Wells - as actor Tom Cavanagh said during this year's Comic Con. But this isn't all, since the Multiverse is an infinite pool of possibilities. And seeing that Hawkman is on his way, we can expect for some other cameos and Easter-Eggs referencing the TV universe and, who knows, maybe the DCMU.
One thing is certain, at this point: the second season of Flash will delve even more in the DC comics' lore.
On the next page, more speedsters!
Introducing more speedsters

Most obviously, a dangerous foe needs to be presented in the second season of Flash. And that foe will be none other than Zoom, a character who is faster and even more dangerous than the Reverse Flash. However, this won't be the only speedster to appear in the second season of the CW series.
In this way, since the multiverse was already established, we do know that Flash will visit some other Earths: Jay Garrick of Earth 2 will make an appearance, together with Wally West.
But this isn't all. While the first season of the CW series was more than impressive as far as its visual effects are concerned, we can expect even more from the second season, given the many speedsters to be introduced.
And we can also expect something else too: and that is a better understanding of the Speed Force which powers all the speedsters.
On the next page, a connection between Flash and Legends of Tomorrow!
Vandal Savage for Flash: Season Two?

There is this theory which says that the Vandal Savage of Legends of Tomorrow won't necessarily be the one from the comics. Thus, he will also be a speedster, or rather someone that can steal the Speed Force from speedsters.
This theory says that this is the source of power and immortality for the small-screens' Vandal Savage. We don't really know what to make of this, but still - we'll just leave it here.
On the next page, Flash upgraded!
New suit, new powers

Grant Gustin did say that early, in the second season of Flash, his character will gain new, lightning based powers. What powers are those? We don’t know.
However, his new suit does look cool!