While there is still a long time until it’s released, Thor: Ragnarok is still one of the most anticipated Phase III movies. Some (including me) are even more excited about it than about Spider-Man and Black Panther, which were the biggest reveals of the Civil War. How come? Well, first and foremost, it’s the final Thor film, thus being the last chance for the superhero to shine in his own solo flick. Then I can add that Marvel has learned its lesson: its MCU flicks work better when greater numbers of heroes appear on the big screen.
Lastly, this is the Mad Titan's chance to prove that he is indeed the most powerful villain in the universe.
This being said, what do we actually know about Thor: Ragnarok? This list is all about that: the biggest reveals the studio has made about the movie. So check it out! But consider yourself warned - there may be some spoilers here!
Taika Waititi

This is the biggest change Marvel has made with the franchise - even if it is not the first. Each Thor flick was helmed by a different director. And that didn't work too well. However, Taika Waititi is perfect for the job, although he is best known for his comedic take on horror and the supernatural in What We Do in the Shadows. And that is because his comedy isn't forced, but fits the character. It is comedy that comes from honesty.
His characters are brutally honest and very serious. And the comedy arrives when they are put in mundane situations they haven't been in before. What We Do in the Shadows is all about this.
Furthermore, the director's latest flick, the critically acclaimed Hunt for the Wilderpeople, is essentially a road trip movie. Pretty much like Thor: Ragnarok will be.
The shooting of the Marvel flick has already begun. And, unlike the previous installments in the solo franchise, everybody seems to be having fun. Is this a good sign? Of course it is! And I can't wait for the first glimpse of Thor: Ragnarok.
Enter Valkyrie, Exit Jane

This is what the fans have expected - for Jane Foster to make her exit. Natalie Portman is one great actress. However, she didn't actually shine in the Thor movies, mostly because of the bad scripts. So her exit from the MCU is quite welcome.
And rumors suggest that she will be replaced as a potential love interest by Tessa Thompson (Creed). The actress will portray none other than Valkyrie, a character long overdue in the franchise. And what is the best thing about it? Nobody has complained just yet about the race-swapping thing!
The most powerful of her caste, she also has the ability to transport herself and one other being between the realms. Which should come in handy in Thor: Ragnarok, given that the movie will take place in so many different realms.
We should mention that she has also replaced Sif, who won't appear in Thor: Ragnarok. After all, there’s no point in having two powerful Asgardian superheroines in the same movie. Or is there?
Loki and Odin

Tom Hiddleston has said that he isn't certain he'll appear in Thor: Ragnarok, but nobody has ever really doubted it. After all, the end of Dark World saw him impersonating Odin on the Asgardian throne. He needed to come back, even if for just a couple of scenes.
And I don't believe he'll be there for just a couple of scenes. I believe he'll have a much greater role. As a lieutenant of Thanos (whom he fears), he'll do his best to make amends to the Mad Titan. What will his relationship be like with the other revealed villain of the movie? I have no idea. But I can only guess that he'll yet again play a double role. Even if that means betraying the one he fears.
Anthony Hopkins will also return. The rumors say that he was actually depowered and exiled on Earth. I don't believe these rumors. Instead, I believe he will be back in those scenes in which Loki impersonates him. And that is all.

Hela is the main antagonist of Thor: Ragnarok. The ruler of Hel, she is the daughter of Loki in the comics. This won't be the case in this movie. Cate Blanchett portrays her, and I do expect to see a connection between her character and Thanos.
As the ruler of Hel, she is basically the MCU version of Death. And Death is the reason why Thanos went after the Infinity Gems in the comics. For the moment, there is no reason revealed for the Mad Titan's quest. Could this be it? Is he trying to impress Hela? It appears so to me.
The artwork released shows Hela facing a huge army. Who is to stop her? What role does Loki/Odin have in her plans? Does she want just Asgard, or are her plans bigger than that? These, and many others, are questions still unanswered.
But the fact that Galadriel finally turned evil makes Thor: Ragnarok even more exciting!

To everybody's surprise, Hulk is in Thor: Ragnarok. At the end of Age of Ultron, his whereabouts were unknown, despite Fury’s comment about Fiji. So how does he end up in Thor: Ragnarok?
Well, I can only assume that Loki will kidnap him and transport him to other realms. And I can assume that there is a reason for this: the imminent approach of Thanos. If Loki does intend to trick everybody yet again, he might transport Hulk into a different realm. In this way, he will trick Thanos into believing that one of the Avengers’ heavy hitters is gone. But, at the same time, he will also make sure that Thor stands a chance against Hela and her armies.
Hulk is also the reason why Thor: Ragnarok is described as a road trip movie. Whether Mark Ruffalo becomes Bruce Banner again is irrelevant - the chemistry between him and Chris Hemsworth is real.
Thor: Ragnarok: Planet Hulk + Hulk vs. Thor

While some of us would have loved an actual appearance from Surtur, this won't happen. But it’s for the better. It gives Marvel the chance to adapt two other fan-favorite stories.
The first one is Planet Hulk. According to the official details and rumors thus far, Hulk will find himself in a Battleworld, where he will have to compete against villains and superheroes alike. And this is, basically, the plot of Planet Hulk. Of course, this will be an adaptation, so we can’t expect everything to go according to the comic books.
However, plenty of possibilities may actually become reality. Beta Ray Bill? Skaar? Interesting"¦
And then there is the Hulk vs. Thor thing. According to the reports, the heroes will meet in the arena and they will battle. But I expect more than just this - I actually believe that Hela and Loki will have an even greater influence on this subplot. Thus, even after they escape the arena, I believe that Hulk will be manipulated in some way by the villains.
And I do believe that Valkyrie (who can transport herself at will to Hel and back) will also play an important part. Will Bruce Banner be separated from the Jade Giant? I do hope so.

Another interesting addition is the Grandmaster, set to be portrayed by Jeff Goldblum. Like Benicio del Toro's Collector, he is also one of the oldest beings in the Universe. However, he has a different means of passing his time - violent strategy games, using the most powerful superheroes and supervillains in the universe.
In Thor: Ragnarok, he will be the leader of the Battleworld where Hulk and Thor meet. And that is just about all that we know. However, we can speculate that the Grandmaster, just like the Collector, will appear in future movies.
Wasting Jeff Goldblum is not something Marvel would do. Or at least this is what I believe.
So does the Grandmaster play just a minor role in Thor: Ragnarok? Or is he actually behind the Ragnarok itself? Is he actually satisfied by seeing heroes and villains battling in the arenas? Or is the entire universe a game for him? In this case, can we expect a connection between Grandmaster and Thanos?
I would be interested in seeing Thanos actually playing a cosmic game against Grandmaster. After all, in the comics, the Elder did possess one of the Infinity Stones. What if they are actually racing against each other? The Collector also wanted to possess all the stones - is he in the game as well?
Skurge the Executioner

Skurge the Executioner will be portrayed by Karl Urban (Dredd). In the comics, he is a pawn of Enchantress and Loki, so we can only assume that he will also be one in Thor: Ragnarok. However, who will use him this time?
What is more interesting is that he actually fought to prevent the Ragnarok, sacrificing his life in the process. And I can definitely see Karl Urban doing this. Other than that, he is just another nice addition to the roster. I doubt that he will have an important role in the flick. Furthermore, I would say that he will be the Kurse of Thor: Ragnarok. Hopefully, though, he won't be dumbed-down.
The Infinity Stones

As revealed in various interviews, Thor and Hulk will be on a quest to find a powerful artifact. Could that artifact be an Infinity Stone? It surely appears so - especially since the Grandmaster will appear in Thor: Ragnarok. Which of the two remaining stones will be featured, if so?
Given the role Hela plays in the flick, I would say that the Soul Stone is most likely to be featured. After all, Hel is where all the souls go. And, with such a powerful artifact, Hela (or Loki) could separate Bruce Banner from the Hulk.
But this is just speculation. And I guess some fans would be pissed, since the Soul Stone would be Adam Warlock's opportunity to enter the MCU.
What do you think?