Logan is out and doing very well at the box office, giving us the ultimate big-screen version of Wolverine. The clawed mutant is literally an animal in this movie, and he makes his previous incarnations look rather tame and fluffy. And Logan is certainly the most violent and depressing comic book movie in recent memory (or maybe ever).
But does that mean that Wolverine is the most brutal hero to ever appear in a movie? Not at all. Even though he’s a killing machine with knives protruding from his hands, there are other comic book heroes out there who’ve done far worse.
Who are these guys who can put Logan to shame? There really aren’t that many. But if you want to know more, check it out!
To be noted, this list is limited to comic book characters who have also made it big in movies.
Judge Dredd

To be clear, Karl Urban plays Judge Dredd, not Sylvester Stallone. Judge, jury, and executioner, he’s the one hero who pretty much always kills his enemies - sure, some might get jail time, but the majority won't.
In the 2012 movie, criminals are faced with life in the box or death (which is, basically, the same). Nobody wants to meet him"¦
Dredd is probably the most awesome name a hero can have. Everybody should dread justice when it arrives. Judge Dredd never reveals his face, because he’s the personification of justice.
Even if that means killing half a billion people…


The Spawn movie from 1977 (starring Michael Jai White) is definitely not one of the better comic book movies out there, but the main character is one of comic books’ most brutal heroes. Given his origin story, could it be any other way?
Killed by his friend and sent to hell, Lt. Colonel Albert Francis (Al) Simmons makes a deal with Malebolgia, trading his soul to see his wife one last time. And, as it happens when making a deal with the devil, he’s been tricked. After that, everything else is history.
Hugely popular in the "˜90's (which explains why the movie was made), Spawn is a brutal anti-hero with no mercy for evil-doers. He’s so good at what he does that he even has a shot at ruling over Hell (sure, he’s tricked by Cain, and he wants to turn Hell into a second Paradise).
So how violent is Spawn? Well, here is the perfect example: It’s the punishment every child killer deserves. And yes, Spawn stabs him with an ice cream scoop and Popsicle sticks.

The Comedian

Played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan in Zack Snyder's Watchmen, the Comedian is a nihilistic character who doesn’t believe that man can be good. And this justifies his violent ways - he isn’t a vigilante because he wants justice; he’s a vigilante because it pays, and because he likes hurting people.
In the most shocking scene in the movie (appearing in the comics as well), he kills the woman who bore his child without even flinching. He even mocks her before pulling the trigger. What reason could there be for such a gesture? He does it just to test Manhattan's humanity.
In the comics, the Comedian also kills an entire drug ring with a baseball bat (Jeffrey Dean Morgan has gone on to play The Walking Dead’s Negan, who’s famous for his baseball bat, which he’s named Lucille). He also kills seven prisoners of war on a bet.
So, yes, the Comedian is a pretty violent hero.

Hit Girl

Portrayed by Chloe Grace Moretz in the hit 2010 movie Kick-Ass (and its sequel), Hit Girl has surprising skills and a huge capacity for violence. Raised by Big Daddy (her father, of course) as a costumed vigilante and assassin, she’s an expert in hand-to-hand combat, and is adept with blunt or bladed weapons.
To make her seem even more violent, she feels nothing when facing the most hardened criminals, despite her young age. She feels no fear when facing them, and no remorse for killing them.
In the film, there are plenty of violent moments with her at the center, many of which sparked controversy. After all, she’s a foul-mouthed kid who may or may not be over-sexualized, and who kills as if she’s doing her homework. There are even more of these moments in the comics, of course.

The Hulk

He’s a mindless beast (in most iterations, at least) who becomes more and more powerful as his anger grows. So what should one expect from him? Sure, Bruce Banner is a brilliant scientist who poses a threat to no one. However, his green alter-ego kills villains and superheroes alike like it’s nothing.
Sure, it may happen in alternate universes. But still, he does it!
Potentially, he’s the strongest individual ever. So it’s no wonder that he manages to rip Wolverine in half, even though the mutant possesses a virtually indestructible skeleton. Iron Man, despite his cool suits, doesn’t stand a chance against him.
Really - the Hulk can be pretty vicious when provoked (or, at least, when the writers need him to be vicious). The image below speaks for itself:


Returning to Watchmen, Rorschach is even more violent than the Comedian. Unlike the other hero, Rorschach is a fanatic who will stop at nothing when it comes to bringing evil-doers to justice.
Portrayed by Jackie Earle Haley, the character has plenty of violent moments - sawing off an inmate's hands, throwing hot oil on an adversary, bashing a child-killer's head with a cleaver, and so on. Also unlike the Comedian, he has a goal. But that makes him even more dangerous.
Besides being well versed in gymnastics, boxing, and street combat, Rorschach also excels in literature, mathematics, political science, and religious education. So, besides having skills, he has brains. A pariah even among his fellow heroes, Walter Kovacs deserves his spot on this list.


There are quite a few heroes on this list who don’t have superpowers, which goes to show that normal humans can be more violent than people with special abilities. And Batman may be the most violent of them all (he isn't, though).
An expert martial artist with a brilliant mind (world greatest detective, right?), Batman always manages to find answers - even if it means breaking every bone in someone’s body.
But he doesn’t kill. Does that make his enemies less fearful? No way, because death can sometimes be an escape. But there’s no escape from the Dark Knight.
Sure, the movies don't really focus on this trait, even though his foes sometimes die off-screen. But there are plenty of these moments in the comics, including in the Hush storyline, when the Dark Knight brutalizes the Joker over the death of his childhood friend.


Wolverine is virtually indestructible, thanks to his off-the-charts regenerative abilities. Furthermore, after undergoing the Weapon X program, his skeleton has been coated in adamantium, which adds to his durability. Does this make him violent? Not really - however, his weapons of choice do.
So he may be over 100 years old. The fact that he has blades coming out of his fists makes every encounter with him a deadly one (unless, of course, his foes also have regenerative abilities). He was trained by the greatest martial artists, possesses superhuman senses, and iss able to fly into a berserk rage, making him unstoppable.
I think that Logan best explains these abilities in movies (even if the film depicts his regenerative abilities as failing).
He defeats the Hulk after he’s eaten alive by the green beast. What more can I say?


Marvel's answer to DC's Deathstroke, Deadpool is probably the most popular hero of the moment.
Thanks to the Weapon X program, Deadpool has the same off-the-charts regenerative abilities that Wolverine had. However, if Wolverine can be stopped by drowning (for example), Wade Wilson can’t die - since Thanos himself has cursed him.
On top of that, he’s crazy (the only way his enemies can explain his ability to break the fourth wall). All of these attributes make him one of the best mercenaries in the Marvel universe.
Like Wolverine, he often uses swords against his enemies, and this makes his fights even bloodier. However, unlike Logan, he also uses other weapons - so it can be said that he’s even deadlier.
What else can be said about Deadpool? I can’t wait for the sequel to arrive!
The Punisher

As you may expect, the Punisher takes the cake as the most violent comic book hero. His name says it all: He punishes evil-doers, and he’s very good at it, even though he doesn't have superhuman skills (he’s one tough character).
Feeding enemies to polar bears, piranhas, and whatever can be found in a zoo? Check! Throwing his enemies into the open mouths of sharks? Check! Throwing fat guys at his enemies? Check again!
But do you know what drives him insane? When women and children are hurt. If you’re a villain and you didn't do that, expect to be mauled by a bear, turned into a paraplegic, and then burned alive. But if you hurt children and women"¦
Well, expect far worse - remember the villains from The Slavers?