Yesterday was released the third trailer for Suicide Squad. And, just like the previous 2, it raised our expectations even higher. But will it deliver or not? We have no reason to believe that it will fail, given the big names we'll see on the big screen and the director pulling the strings.
But what do we really know about this movie? Suicide Squad poses quite a few mysteries, from who will be killed (someone has to die, just to set an example) to who is the big baddie the squad is sent after. And that is pretty neat - after all, the trailer shouldn't reveal all the interesting plot points of the movie (we're looking at you, Zack Snyder and Batman v Superman).
There are, however, several things we can deduce after seeing all the trailers. And this list is all about them - so a spoiler alert should be issued, for both Suicide Squad and Batman v Superman (since both of the movies take place in the same shared universe).
The premise

As the blitz trailer revealed, the Suicide Squad is formed by Amanda Waller as a response to the appearance of superheroes (and supervillains alike). Superman's name is mentioned, in a scene which reminds everybody (we believe, at least) of Bruce Wayne's paranoia.
But the Man of Steel is now dead - so when does the movie take place? Before or after this crucial event of the DCEU?
We are inclined to believe that it takes place before the events of Batman v Superman - it wouldn't be a first in the DCEU, seeing that Wonder Woman's solo flick will revolve around the First World War. And there are a couple of hints suggesting that.
The first one is that the Batmobile has no guns on it - which, of course, could also suggest that Batman has left aside his murderous ways and now is just catching the criminals. However, that same scene also involves the capture of Harley, maybe soon after her creation.
And, as we said before, there will be plenty of scenes taking place in flashbacks, scenes about the origins stories of the most important characters (we do see the Joker tormenting and changing the good doctor, just like we see him dropping her into the vat of chemicals, just to rescue her afterwards).
If Suicide Squad took place after Superman's death, then the Man of Steel wouldn't have been the reason named in that meeting. It would have been Wonder Woman, or even someone like Doomsday.
The Suicide Squad

From the start we can say that the Suicide Squad is an eclectic group of villains and heroes (Katana is, after all, a hero in the comics). And that is because one cannot trust some evil-doers to do the right thing, even if their heads will explode otherwise.
Thus, we have the villains Harley, Deadshot, Killer Croc, Boomerang, Diablo, and Slipknot going on a suicide mission, supervised by Rick Flag and Katana. And their mission is to"¦
We have no idea at this point. Enchantress is certainly not the one they are after, since she can be seen with Rick Flag, as he names all the squad members. The Joker will most likely (although not certainly) appear only in flashbacks related to Harley's creation. We still don't know if the main baddie is Common's Tattooed Man, even if the second trailer might have featured him as such.
But, bear with us, if we see the Assault on Arkham animation, from which the Suicide Squad apparently takes its cues, we can deduce that the squad is actually sent to steal something. And here is a wild theory: what if Waller sent them to steak kryptonite in order to combat the threat of Superman? And that is because it was a bit unclear in Batman v Superman, who stole it.
We all believe that it was Batman, but the Dark Knight might have just stepped in when the squad botched its mission, ending up with the kryptonite for himself. Pretty wild theory - however, it is plausible. Furthermore, one of the first rumors about Suicide Squad was that the villains will be sent to steal a weapon of sorts (at that time we believed it was Enchantress) from Lex Luthor.
Setting an example

As said, someone needs to die just to set an example. And who could that be? Well, it will be a useless character, who is stupid enough to try and run away, despite what Rick Flag said.
And that character is Slipknot - whose skills aren't too awesome. You might have figured that out, since he is missing from all of the scenes with the squad in action. However, the blitz trailer could have been too explicit and may have revealed his death scene (or, at least, what decides his demise).
Thus, when Rick Flag tells them no to flee because they will die, we see Slipknot using his ropes (what a superpower!) and leaving his team behind. We believe that this decides his fate. Will his head explode? We have no idea, though the blitz trailer is explicit when it comes to something being injected in the squad members. Will he be sniped? Still in the dark - but, no matter what, he will die before everything heats up.


Everybody hates Will Smith as Deadshot - we don't, simply because he is a good actor (and we are not looking at his Academy Award nominations).
Leaving that aside, the blitz Suicide Squad trailer shows that he might be an anti-hero or, at least, not a full villain. Yes, he is incarcerated - but his rifle, on which it is written I am the light suggests that he kills only those who deserve it. Pretty much like the DCEU version of the Batman. He may have a secret agenda, but who doesn't?

If it wasn't clear until now, he is the unspoken leader of the Suicide Squad. One particular scene from the blitz trailer sees him pushing Diablo over the edge, in order to make him unleash his powers. What happened to Rick Flag and why wasn't he the one to do it? We believe that a villain will listen to one of his peers instead of one of his capturers.

As believed, Deadshot is pretty skilled with a gun, he's not 12 years old, he is flirting with Harley (who wouldn't), and he might have a grudge with Boomerang (again, who wouldn't).
And the fact that the Comic Con trailer showed him having a daughter makes us believe that, in the end, he will make it out alive and free, reunited with his family.
Captain Boomerang

Well, if this isn't a surprise"¦
Captain Boomerang may be considered as useless when going against supervillains just like Slipknot. And if you asked us a while ago what would happen with him, right after Jai Courtney was announced for the role, we would have said that he'll bite the dust by the end of Suicide Squad.
We're not so certain at this moment. Maybe it is the way in which the trailers were edited, maybe Jai actually became an actor, but Boomerang seems to be one of the highlights of the film. So what if his skill is throwing boomerangs? In a movie directed by David Ayer, this could actually be a superpower.

And he is a jerk, without a doubt. As teased in the blitz trailer, he can piss his teammates off - in this case Katana.
Midway City

This is the setting (or at least one of them) of Suicide Squad. And, if you didn't know, in the comics Midway City is the hometown of Hawkman and Hawkgirl, two that haven't been announced so far. But there is something pretty interesting in this trailer, which could give us a hint about a possible villain.
After Amanda Waller presents her idea of a Suicide Squad, with pictures of the villains right behind her, a blink and you'll miss it scene shows her standing in front of a"¦ painting? A screenshot? And is that painting/screenshot one with a fallen angel? It wouldn't be the first time when such imagery is teased in the DCEU, you know"¦

So what if Suicide Squad will introduce either Hawkman or Hawkgirl? Oh, these are not villains, even if they could be mistaken with some angels. So what if Suicide Squad will delve deep into the mystical corners of the DCEU and introduce characters such as Lucifer?
Or what if that is a parademon? After all, in the comics, Midway City came close to destruction when Darkseid's forces tried to infiltrate on Earth.
Harley and the Joker

This is a pair we'd like to see in many more other movies - Harley and the Joker's relationship has fascinated the fans ever since the Clown Prince of Crime decided to make himself a sidekick (of sorts). Suicide Squad will tell the origin story of Harley, as well as her capture by the Batman. The last trailer made sure we know that. However, there is still one missing piece of the puzzle - when Harley is caught, what happens with the Joker?
We don't know yet. And even if he will appear mostly in flashbacks, he will also get a piece of the Suicide Squad action. As it was revealed by Common, his character (who might as well be the hidden villain of the movie) will deal with the Joker - though we don't know to what extent. In any way, we are certain we caught a first glimpse of this supposed baddie in the blitz trailer.

And the Joker will square off with the Suicide Squad - or at least this is the way in which this last trailer was edited, to make us believe that Diablo (another character who exceeded our expectations) actually had something to do with the Joker having his face burned. But was it so?
Not really - and that is because some other character is responsible of that.

This is yet another great unknown of Suicide Squad - if Enchantress is Rick Flag's squeeze and he knows that she can be evil, what is her role in the overall plot of the movie?
For a while, it was rumored that the magical being possessing her is looking for her brother, thus Enchantress being a villain of the movie. That rumor was put to rest in the second trailer.
The blitz trailer, however, reveals that she has an encounter with the Joker, an encounter she wins - and here we have the awesome shot of the Joker taken straight out of the comics (well, not that straight, but still). And we can bet that this is the once scene in which Batman's nemesis will won't be featured in some kind of flashback.
This last trailer also features the exact moment in which June Moone becomes possessed.

The mindless army

If there is something we don't really like about the Suicide Squad trailers, then it is the mindless army of zombies/possessed soldiers/demons/or whatever. And that is because this seems to be a trend of almost all the ensemble movies - the heroes (in this case, the villains) need to battle the never-ending minions of the big baddie.
It is surprising to not know what these creatures are, in this day and age when everything leaks. However, despite this secret, maybe the Suicide Squad should have gone in a different direction. We are pretty tired of seeing cannon fodder being destroyed"¦
Unless - unless these zombies/possessed soldiers are the same soldiers who accompanied the Squad from the first place. In which case it might be something different, since we will get to know these characters a bit before their demise.
And there is one more thing - this secret villain may actually try (and succeed) to take over the Suicide Squad itself. In one shot, we see Katana with what seems to be a green lash spinning and turning her, making her threaten Harley with the sword.

The Batman

As everybody says, this isn't the DC Extended Universe - instead, it is the Batman Extended Universe. But hey! This suits us just well!
If previously we only caught a glimpse of the Dark Knight (chasing the Joker and Harley, apparently), now we see more of him and his Batmobile. Thus, Batman is the one who capture's Harley after she is transformed by the Joker. Not only that, but he actually saves her from drowning.

Here is another reason why we believe this is a flashback - this Batman seems a bit fit when compared to the one in Batman v Superman, thus a bit younger. The lack of machineguns on the Batmobile is also a dead giveaway.
The most recent rumors concerning Suicide Squad said that the Dark Knight will be featured in much more scenes than we believed. We are happy to hear that!
Head to the next page for a ton of high-res screenshots!