Since Batman v Superman failed to meet the fans' expectations, all eyes are now trained on Suicide Squad. Waiting to be released in less than a month, the movie came as a surprise announcement back in 2014. And that is because the DCEU was (and still is, for that matter) at its beginnings, and Warner Bros. chose to move forward with a film about villains. Even more surprising was the cast (which is great, and you cannot say otherwise) and the director (I've been a fan of David Ayer ever since he made his directorial debut with Harsh Times).
From what we've all seen, Suicide Squad looks amazing. And I won't refrain from saying that the movie is now the most talked about release of this year on social media, even topping Star Wars: Rogue One. So what do we know about these characters? Where do they come from? How close are they to their comic book counterparts? Furthermore, which one of them is most likely to die?
Make no mistake - not all the Squad members will make it out alive.
This list is all about that, and more, since the good villains aren't the only villains featured in the flick. And, as always, consider yourself warned - there may be spoilers here!

I'll just start with Slipknot. It’s pretty obvious from the trailers that Slipknot will try to escape as soon as the Suicide Squad is unleashed and that Amanda Waller will make him an example. Furthermore, unlike some other team members, he is missing from quite a few scenes from the clips released thus far.
So yeah - I am pretty sure that he is going to die. The fact that he is a very minor character in the comics chases away any doubt.
Originally a Firestorm villain, Slipknot was actually a brilliant chemical engineer. As such, he managed to develop a super-durable type of rope. However, his brilliance went only so far. Instead of selling the patent, he decided that it would be better if he became a supervillain. As a villain, he used his ropes in order to strangle his victims, since his special ability is tying knots.
David Ayer opted for a different type of suit than the one Slipknot wears in the comics. Thus, instead of a rather colorful outfit, the movie version of Slipknot sports a military outfit, with quite a few ropes and guns as accessories. So it cannot be said that it is the most faithful adaptation of the character.
El Diablo

Since David Ayer loves using Latinos in his movies, it shouldn't have been a surprise when Santana was revealed to be his go-to El Diablo. Though he is one of the superhumans on the team, I actually doubt that he'll make it until the end. Why? Because, like Slipknot, he is nowhere to be seen in some key scenes from the trailers. Furthermore, this is Ayer - and while El Diablo is a former criminal, he is still a Latino with a dark past. After Slipknot, he is most likely to be killed.
The character is based on the new 52 version of the comic books. In the comics, just like in the film, he has the power of pyrokinesis, being able to create and manipulate fire. Unlike in the comics, he doesn't have a set outfit - however, his tattoos make up for it.
Furthermore, from the way in which he gazes at the fire and he refuses to use it against others, I can only assume that he is as conflicted as he is in the comics. Which is a great thing for Suicide Squad. And which, again, isn't a great thing for the character himself.
Basically, this is a weakness that will get him killed.
Monster T

Is Common's Monster T the big baddie of the Suicide Squad? The rumors do say that, even if the only certainty is that he will appear just in the flashbacks. However, if the rumor turns out to be true, we can all expect that he'll die. The Suicide Squad needs to be successful. Furthermore, Monster T is a made-up character name for the movie.
And even if he isn't the main baddie, I still believe he'll die. Why? Because he is dealing with the Joker. And anyone who does business with the Ace of Knaves is basically asking to be double-crossed.
Other than that, Monster T seems to be based on the Tattooed Man, a Green Lantern villain, specifically from the Mark Richards version. A minor character, he can bring his tattoos to life.
He is also an expert in hand to hand combat, with the ability to hold his ground against powerful heroes, such as Batman. But I doubt this will be the case in the movie.
In the Suicide Squad trailers, we may have actually seen him in the subway scenes, as the green-ish monster.
Killer Croc

Here is another character who might bite the dust by the time the credits role. Killer Croc is one of Batman's most imposing villains. And for that he will be, basically, the tank of the film. Did you see the previous David Ayer flick about a tank? So, basically, he will be featured in the most difficult situations. And if he hasn't the regenerative abilities from the comics, he won't last until the end.
Most of the fans were disappointed when the first photos of the character were leaked from the set. However, the trailers showcased that the prosthetics are actually more than ok. Furthermore, now more than ever, they are preferable to the CGI.
The Suicide Squad version of Killer Croc resembles the ones from his comic book beginnings (and from Year One). In this way, he doesn't appear to have superhuman powers. However, the trailers don't usually reveal everything, which is preferable. And since Suicide Squad is packed with metahumans, Croc might have some surprises for us.
Any way, I dig his design. And I also like how the trailers touched on his savageness and his solitary way of life. Just as if he were a real crocodile.

Hear me out - Enchantress may die, even if Rick Flag is aware of who she is when he is naming all the Suicide Squad members. And I say that because only her mystical powers can create the numerous monsters with which the Squad is fighting. If Monster T isn't the main baddie of the flick, maybe she is. Maybe she is influenced by the Joker. Maybe the June Moone from the movie cannot handle the mystical powers and succumbs to the villainous side of the Enchantress. Who knows?
I don't actually want her to die. And that is because she is the one character who could usher the Justice League Dark into the DCEU. But that is a whole other story.
The Enchantress from the movie seems to have a different origin story from the one in the comics. But only in the sense that the movie version becomes possessed after spelunking. In the comics, this happens during a costume party.
Another difference, bigger this time, is the look of the Enchantress. If in the comics she is actually attractive (most of the time), the movie version seems to be taken out of a horror flick. Maybe this is a hint. Maybe.
She is the most powerful character on this list. And the fact that June Moone must struggle to remain good makes Enchantress even more interesting. It would be a shame if she died.
Rick Flag

Rick Flag was supposed to be portrayed by Tom Hardy. Reportedly, the actor dropped out because the character was supposed to be the hidden villain of Suicide Squad. While this rumor seems to have been debunked, it is still a possibility. And that is why Rick Flag may end up either with a bomb implanted in his neck or dead. And I am inclined to believe that Deadshot will take him out - especially if he is indeed the hidden villain.
Anyway, he is just a normal human, without any special abilities, other than the one coming from his military training. Obviously, the comic book costume isn't kept - quite flashy for someone who leads covert operations. So, instead, David Ayer has opted for a heavy-duty military outfit.
I should also mention that the tension between Rick Flag and Deadshot is palpable, even from the trailers. Which leads me to believe that these two will have a serious disagreement by the end of Suicide Squad. And this is fine by me - Deadshot is, after all, the leader the Squad respects.

Katana is the heroine among the villains. She is the protector of Rick Flag and answers to him and to Amanda Waller. Basically, she must keep all of the villains in check, since she (unlike Flag) actually has special powers. Will she die? I wouldn’t bet on it. However, if Flag meets his end as the hidden villain, I trust that Katana won't take it so lightly.
Anyway, this is one of the characters I am most excited about. Besides being a superheroine between supervillains, her appearance in the movie resembles that of the comic book character’s. Furthermore, she actually wields the Soultaker, just like in the comics.
Obviously, nobody knows just yet what her origin story will be in Suicide Squad. But if it’s just like in the comics, I'd certainly want to see some more of her in sequels and other DCEU movies.
Captain Boomerang

By far, Jai Courtney's Captain Boomerang is the biggest surprise of the Suicide Squad trailers. Either he owns the role, or the trailers have been perfectly edited. Whichever it is, I have no doubt - Captain Boomerang will live to fight another day.
And I believe that not just because I like this portrayal. As the rumors say, Warner Bros. actually intends to make spin-offs of Suicide Squad. And one of them is dedicated to this particular character. I have no idea how that could work - but, if Jai owns the role, then bring the spin-off!
This being said, Captain Boomerang was originally a Flash villain. And the Suicide Squad doesn't stick to the comics with him. Jai may wear the trench coat and may use boomerangs as weapons. However, his appearance is much more rugged. In a way, as far as I am concerned, it makes him more believable as a villain - which is for the better.
Harley Quinn

Everybody's favorite Suicide Squad character, Harley Quinn seems to have jumped on the screen straight from the new 52 comic books. I cannot imagine an actress other than Margot Robbie playing her. And no - she won't die. After all, Harley will be the star of a Suicide Squad spin-off featuring more supervillainesses.
The movie version has its origins depicted in the flashbacks, as the trailers have revealed. And her origins are taken straight from the comic books. She wears the same skimpy outfit, she wields either a bat or a mallet, and she can fight.
She is perfect in every sense of the way. Maybe there is a problem with the accent. But still"¦

Deadshot won't die. David Ayer has already expressed his interest in directing a Suicide Squad sequel, with Will Smith returning. And that to the disagreement of the many fans who say that Will Smith can only portray Will Smith. I beg to differ"¦
Obviously, we don't know the character’s origin story. However, just like in the comics, Deadshot has a daughter. And this is the reason why he'll do his best to succeed. Furthermore, he sports the same kind of mask and the wrist-mounted machine guns as the comic book character.
Even more than that, he is the unofficial leader of the Suicide Squad. So, even if Will Smith doesn't resemble Floyd Lawton, the Suicide Squad Deadshot does resemble the comic book version.
Oh, David Ayer wants to make the sequel R-rated. Maybe it will be then when the Joker hurts someone really, really badly. Like Deadshot, who had a fling with Harley…

Come on - who wants the Joker to die after being featured in just one DCEU movie? Foolish question, though, since too many disagree with Jared Leto's look. Anyway, I don't believe he'll die. And that is because the trailers show him featured just in flashbacks. So I guess we'll see him in future DCEU movies, in Arkham.
As far as his look is concerned, he is actually a more faithful adaptation than the ones of Heath Ledger and Jack Nicholson. Obviously, the tattoos are a new addition. But if we are to believe David Ayer, each one of them tells a story. Just like the grills say that Batman hasn't been too easy on him.
Jared Leto is an amazing actor. And that’s why I'll wait for the movie before judging his portrayal of the Crown Prince of Crime.
Suicide Squad - 5th of August!!!
Source for the mugshots: EW