Spider-Man: Homecoming is going strong, making $44 million in its second weekend, and helping the Marvel Cinematic Universe reach $12 billion at the worldwide box office. That’s quite an achievement!
In addition, Spider-Man: Homecoming’s numerous Easter eggs are helping to expand the shared universe by laying a foundation for future MCU events. And while many of them point to Peter Parker's future, others drop hints about other upcoming movies, including Avengers: Infinity War.
So check them out! But consider yourself warned, because there are huge spoilers here!

Let's start with the biggest head-scratcher of all. After the online rumors were debunked by those involved in making the movie, Michelle (Zendaya) turned out to be MJ. This was an obvious nod to Mary Jane Watson, a well-known Spider-Man romantic lead.
So, why the change? We still don’t know, other than the fact that Marvel wanted to throw fans off track by creating a brand new character, while also paying homage to the actual MJ.
This MJ thing could turn out to be essential to Peter Parker's future in the MCU. During an interview with IGN, Marvel boss Kevin Feige said that there’s some good chemistry between Tom Holland and Zendaya. He also said that this Michelle J. seems intrigued by Peter Parker, which could lead to a relationship"¦
So Michelle J. might not be that MJ, but she could take on a similar her role in the future.
Iron Spider

We already knew how Tony Stark would help Peter Parker in Spider-Man: Homecoming; he’d already given the teenager a brand new suit in Captain America: Civil War! And it’s more than just a suit; it’s a technologically advanced piece of equipment, and it comes with everything you'd expect from Tony Stark. It even has Jennifer Connelly as the voice of its AI!
So Tony Stark doesn’t just build himself multiple suits. Toward the end of Spider-Man: Homecoming, Stark shows Peter a brand new suit that he built especially for him. The scene was similar to the Ant-Man credits scene in which Hank Pym reveals the Wasp costume to his daughter.
The D23 Expo clip revealed that Spider-Man will sport the Iron Spider suit from the comics! So this is one big Easter egg! Sure, many movies differ from the comics, but director Jon Watts said that the Iron Spider directly inspired the final suit.
Scorpion and Vulture

Spider-Man may be the worst hero ever when it comes to keeping his secret identity a secret. And we’re not just talking about the MCU, in which everyone knows the superheroes’ actual identities.
The Vulture discovers Spider-Man's secret identity, but he doesn't reveal it to his fellow villains. Maybe he’s thankful to be alive, but maybe he wants to keep his vengeance all to himself.
And here comes Mac Gargan! Thanks to Spider-Man, he and Toomes are both in prison. Mac Gargan is actually Scorpion from the comics, and he has friends on the outside. This could mean just one thing: the Sinister Six will assemble sometime in the future.
Kevin Feige mentioned a five-movie story arc for the web-crawler, so we’ll definitely see the villains unite in Homecoming 2.
Captain America's new shield

Captain America proved that it didn’t take the vibranium shield to make him a superhero, and Spider-Man learned a similar lesson. But while Peter Parker has a friend in Tony, can the same be said about Steve Rogers?
At the end of the Civil War, Tony Stark read a heartfelt letter from Steve Rogers that showed that although they’re officially on opposite sides of the barricades, they’re still friends. It can be said that the Civil War made them even stronger and showed them what’s really important.
As the Avengers’ equipment was moved, the Hulkbuster and Thor's strength-enhancing belt, Megingjord, were found. It was also discovered that Stark built a new shield for Captain America. And what could be better than vibranium?
Well, we’ll certainly find out in Avengers: Infinity War (or after that, since rumor has it that Captain America will assume the Nomad persona next year).
The final twist

In the previous Spider-Man movies, Aunt May had no idea what Peter was doing with his free time. So it was a huge deal when she finally learned at the end of Homecoming that her nephew was one of the greatest superheroes ever.
This did happen in the comics, but that version of the character came to accept who her nephew really was. We doubt that Marisa Tomei's version will adjust so easily. After all, she is quite protective of him.
Will her mind be erased, as it was in the comics? Probably not, but we know that the MCU’s Peter Parker could be richer from a storytelling point of view with this final twist. We’ll see what that means as soon as the Infinity War begins!
What will Aunt May say and do when Thanos and his Black Order go after Peter Parker?!?
An offer he can refuse

Peter’s desire to join the Avengers, no matter what it entailed, was the focus of his scenes with Tony Stark. Stark was upset about the ferry battle and the fact that he defeated the Vulture (without killing him, we might add), but he changed his mind.
And this led to an official invitation to join the mightiest superheroes on Earth and Asgard! But, to everyone’s surprise, Spider-Man didn't accept! He just wanted to remain everyone’s friendly neighborhood Spider-Man for the time being.
What does that mean?
Well, as Tom Holland said, Peter is still a kid. He’ll become an adult in Homecoming 2, so in the Infinity War and the fourth Avenger flick, he’ll still be a bit disoriented, as all kids are.
We can assume that these two events will have a major effect on his actions in Homecoming 2.
Miles Morales

Feige revealed that the plan was to tell a Spider-Man story in five movies, beginning with Captain America: Civil War. So this arc will end with the untitled Spider-Man: Homecoming 2. We don't know what will follow, and although we might want to see Spider-Man in as many MCU movies as possible, that doesn't mean that things are going to happen that way.
Enter Miles Morales, the Ultimate Spider-Man!
He doesn't appear in Homecoming, but we know he exists. His uncle, Aaron Davis (aka The Prowler) gave him a brief mention. And, prior to the movie's release, Feige confirmed Morales’ existence in the MCU:
Just like we referenced Dr. Stephen Strange in The Winter Soldier, we wanted to give that homage that he’s out there in the MCU somewhere (via IGN).
Of course, the Marvel boss didn't say whether we'll see Morales in the MCU. But we did see Doctor Strange, and the five-movie story arc makes us wonder"¦
Marriage on the horizon

During Captain America: Civil War, MCU fans learned that the studio had decided to end the relationship between Tony Stark and Pepper Potts, unceremoniously and off-screen. At that time, it appeared that we wouldn't see Gwyneth Paltrow in the MCU again.
But we were wrong!
We’re not sure how many fans this version of Pepper Potts actually has, but we’re glad that Marvel decided against removing her from the MCU. After all, she’s as much a part of Iron Man, as the suit itself.
What does that mean for the future? It’s one more reason to fight Thanos for Tony Stark. Sure, it means that Aunt May is off the table, but we’re okay with that!

Many feel that this isn't an actual Easter egg, but we believe that it’s just the beginning. The Marvel Cinematic Universe timeline changed with Spider-Man: Homecoming. We feel that this Easter egg can be traced back to when Doctor Strange used the Eye of Agamotto to play with Time.
It’s all related to the eight years that followed the events of Avengers. That places Homecoming in 2020. But it also takes place a couple of months after the Civil War, and that was in 2016, according to previous statements from Marvel and Vision.
What does that mean for the future? We think that the confusion is just beginning. However, we’re certain that it will all end with Spider-Man: Homecoming 2. Better yet, we’re certain that it will all end once Thanos is permanently defeated and the influence of the Infinity Stones disappears.