As James Gunn warned us, last night's trailer for Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol. 2 didn't reveal anything of great interest about the movie. Which is awesome – it hasn't diminished in any way the excitement of hitting the replay button over and over again. Sure enough, we got our first look at Mantis, the newest member of the Guardians of the Galaxy. However, it was no secret that she was added to the roster - so there was no reveal huge reveal there.
Nonetheless, there are a couple of things worthy of being mentioned here, including scenes that corroborated what we already knew about the movie.
So if you want to, check it out - but there may be quite a few spoilers about what seems to be one of the most exciting movies of 2017. If you decide to skip this one, just take another look at the trailer - it was that good!

As expected, and as I believe after viewing the trailer, James Gunn delivers once again, masterfully blending action with comedy. And the perfect example comes with the beginning monologue. Rocket delivers an empowering speech about the fate of the Universe resting on someone's shoulders. I guess I wasn't the only one who thought that Star-Lord was the subject of the monologue.
But it was Baby Groot, who once again stole every scene he was in. I have no idea what he was saying - but his final battle cry (I am Groot, obviously) tops his battle cry from the first movie (I am Groot). Want to bet that, in the end, he'll be the one to save everybody once again?
The reveal from this initial scene is that everything takes place during a huge battle. And once again, James Gunn manages to relieve the tension using comedy. So action is perfectly mixed with comedy. But when does this scene take place?
…and action

After seeing Baby Groot running with the bomb through some small tunnel, I believe that this is the climactic battle. There are a couple of shots in the trailer that left me with the impression that the Guardians of the Galaxy are once again fighting an undefeatable army (all those flying ships, the light flying behind Star Lord, as Rocket asks for some saving tape).
Some might say that the battle is fought on Knowhere. But I believe that they’re inside Ego, where they crash-landed. They aren't there fighting as a result of their own choosing - as Drax yells, “Screw you, spaceship!”
Of course, I didn't actually want to see the Guardians fighting some nameless (and expendable) army again. But who knows - maybe James Gunn will put a twist on the final battle.

As previously mentioned, at one point Drax yells, “Screw you, spaceship!” Does this mean that he has finally managed to understand what a metaphor is? Apparently, he has. Or maybe he just wants to say that the spaceship has some loose screws and that’s why it isn't flying.
I doubt this second possibility, because the first teaser shows him trying to explain, not so bluntly, that Star-Lord needs to find someone other than Gamora as a love interest. So his struggle with the connotation and denotation of words should once again provide some comic relief.
But Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol. II introduces someone else who is as sincere as he is. Which brings us to"¦

In the comics, besides being a highly skilled martial artist, Mantis has telepathic abilities that enable her to sense what others (opponents or not) are feeling. The Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol. 2 trailer reveals that these abilities have been translated into the movie, as well, as demonstrated in the final scene of the trailer, in which she reveals what Star-Lord feels for Gamora.
So she, like Drax, is a very sincere character - although, I hope, they have different reasons for being so. Could that scene be the one in which Mantis is introduced? It may be - after all, the characters wouldn't have this conversation later on in the movie, as if she weren't aware of Star-Lord’s identity"¦
Regarding their location, they may be on Knowhere, which now serves as headquarters for the Guardians of the Galaxy. And, given her abilities, Mantis might try to act like a psychologist, trying to counsel the other heroes, while also proving her worthiness.
Also - she looks awesome!
The Abilisk fight

Described by James Gunn as an interdimensional beast, the Abilisk will most likely appear in the beginning of the movie. And he is one tough-to-kill beast, most likely brought into our dimension by the fiery balls seen in the very beginning of the clip.
I also believe that because the director said that the trailer won't present anything too revealing about the movie. Obviously, someone must have brought the beast into our dimension - but now we can only suspect that it was the film’s main antagonist.
As seen in the fight, the beast is quite powerful, and the Guardians have a tough time trying to beat it. It is so hard to defeat that it even manages to swallow Drax. How will it be defeated? I have no idea. But I guess that the famous Guardians of the Galaxy will find a way.
Prison break

As James Gunn said, the movie will take place a few months after the first one. Which means that the Ravagers are probably still pissed about Star-Lord tricking them. More interestingly, Yondu's leadership is now questioned, since he took Star-Lord's side one too many times.
So, Yondu, Rocket, and Baby Groot end up being captured by the Ravagers. Obviously, it’s up to Rocket to come up with an escape plan (once again). We have already seen a few shots of this prison break in the first teaser trailer. Now we see the grand finale - Baby Groot (dressed in an adorable Ravager suit) exacting revenge on some unnamed character (as revealed in interviews, he is actually the leader of the Ravager prison).
He’s so cute, and Marvel will make millions selling these toys"¦
Can there be a connection between the escape and the Abilisk? There can"¦
The villain we don't see

Quite a while ago, it was revealed that the Guardians of the Galaxy, having become heroes, are hired in order to defeat a multidimensional beast - the Abilisk. It is Ayesha - the high priestess of the Sovereign race, a race of the genetically perfect - who hires them. As actress Elizabeth Debicki has said, her character’s endgame remains hidden throughout the film, with Ayesha tricking all the Guardians and even changing appearance.
We don't know what that means - but it could also mean that she is behind the Ravagers' quest to bring the Guardians of the Galaxy down. Of course, there are rumors that the Ravagers are working for the Kree Empire. But that doesn't really make sense, especially since Ronan was a fanatic who cut himself off from the Kree Empire.
So we might see Ayesha manipulating both the Guardians and the obvious villains against each other.
Ego the Living Planet

The action depicted in the trailer takes place in quite a few locations - the tree planet, Knowhere (where we meet Mantis), the Ravager prison, and the planet/place where the Abilisk fight takes place. As it was hinted in the first teaser, the tree planet might in fact be Ego the Living Planet (who we won't see as a planet, according to James Gunn).
It's the whole deep inside of me shot.
According to Pom Klementieff, Mantis has lived her entire life with Ego, until she finally met the Guardians of the Galaxy - thus explaining her sincerity. What role does Ego play throughout the movie? We don't know. But I can speculate that the Guardians won't crash-land on the sentient planet by mistake.
Which leads me again to believe that Ayesha has something to do with it, her endgame revolving around Ego. How come? I have no idea just yet.
Stealing the show - Baby Groot or Drax?

Who would have thought that Dave Bautista was such a perfect choice for playing Drax the Destroyer? And who would have thought that Vin Diesel would also be an ideal casting choice?
In the trailer, Bautista is spot on with his comedic timing. From the overly-dramatic “Screw you, spaceship!” until the final “Do me, do me”, he steals the show. The fans are already saying that he'll be the most lovable character in the entire movie.
Yes, even more lovable than Baby Groot - who, apparently, has the same mindset and intellect as in the first movie. However, he’s even more appealing now, because of his stature and because of the discrepancy between his actions and being a baby.
Unfortunately, the fans aren't exactly satisfied with how James Gunn depicts the female characters. Will this change in Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol. II? I have no idea - Gamora was perfect in the first movie.
What do you think? What else should be added here?