In all honesty, if we were to say who we thought of if someone said “The Avengers” to us, most of us would have to admit that the first characters we’d think of would be male.
Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, the Hulk, Spider-Man, and Wolverine are just some of the popular characters who spring to mind when we think of the comic book team—and that’s a real shame, because some of the team’s most powerful members (in its various iterations) have been female.
10 Most Powerful Female Avengers of All Time
We think the female Avengers deserve more recognition, so this article will be dedicated to some of the most formidable examples.
Here are the ten most powerful female Avengers of all time:
1. Tigra

Tigra is the super-name of Greer Grant Nelson. She first appeared as Tigra in Giant-Size Creatures #1 in July of 1974, having previously operated under the name The Cat.
She first joined the Avengers in Avengers #211 in September of 1981, and has also been a member of the West Coast Avengers and the Avengers Resistance. In addition, she’s taught at the Avengers Academy.
Her powers are the result of a combination of science, magic, and mental energy utilized by Dr. Joeanne Marie Tumulo and other Cat People. She is super-strong, super-fast, has retractable claws and is skilled in the mystic arts to the point that the Eye of Agamotto put her forward as a potential replacement for Doctor Strange as Sorcerer Supreme.
And now we move on to a mutant character whose body stores ambient electromagnetic energy.
2. Firestar

Firestar is the super-name of Angelica “Angel” Jones. She actually first appeared in the The Triumph of the Green Goblin episode of the animated series Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends in September of 1981, and her first comic appearance was in the Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends #1 – part of the animated series continuity – in December of the same year. However, her first appearance in traditional Marvel comic book continuity didn’t come until Uncanny X-Men #193 in May of 1985.
She first joined the Avengers in Avengers vol. 3 #4 in May of 1998 as a reserve, and was promoted to full status in Avengers vol. 3 #7 later that same year.
Her powers come as a consequence of her being a mutant and include microwave radiation manipulation, electromagnetic energy wavelength disruption and flight. Essentially, she can release heat, light, and radiation into her environment at various intensities for various devastating effects.
And now we move on to one of the physically strongest females in Marvel comic books.
3. She-Hulk

She-Hulk is the super-name of Jennifer Walters, who first appeared in Savage She-Hulk #1 in February of 1980.
She first joined the Avengers in Avengers #221 in July of 1982, and has also been a member of the Mighty Avengers and A-Force in her time.
She gained her powers after being shot and seriously wounded by a crime boss. Her cousin – Bruce Banner, aka the Hulk – provided his gamma-irradiated blood for a transfusion. As a result, she gained superhuman strength, speed, durability, and endurance, as well as a regenerative healing factor – though her powers are not quite at the level of her more famous cousin, the Hulk himself.
And now we move on to a character who is a member of the Eternal race of superhumans.
4. Sersi

Sersi is both the real name and super-name of a powerful Marvel character who first appeared in The Eternals #3 in September of 1976 – although she has also gone by other names, including Circe.
She first joined the Avengers in Avengers #314 in February of 1990.
As a member of the superhuman race known as Eternals, Sersi is incredibly powerful. She possesses powers such as superhuman strength and durability, molecular and atomic manipulation, various psionic powers, nigh-immortality and flight. Her matter rearrangement powers are the only “fifth level” examples across all of the Eternals and, such is her power in that area, even Prime-Eternal Zuras – the mightiest of all Eternals – fears her.
And now we move on to the only robotic character on this list, who is a villain-turned-hero.
5. Jocasta

Jocasta is both the real name and super-name of an android character who first appeared in The Avengers (vol. 1) #162 in August of 1977.
She first joined the Mighty Avengers in Mighty Avengers #21 in March of 2009, having previously been granted provisional membership status in the Avengers in Avengers vol. 1 #197 in July of 1980. She has also taught at the Avengers Academy in her time.
Originally created by the villainous Ultron to be his robotic mate, Jocasta changed her ways and used her powers and abilities – which included computer integration, superhuman strength and durability, enhanced senses, optic cannons, force field generation, and a holographic disguise projector – to do good, and became a superhero.
And now we move on to a character who is far more famous for being a member of a completely different superhero team.
6. Invisible Woman

Invisible Woman is the super-name of Susan “Sue” Storm Richards. She first appeared in The Fantastic Four #1 in November of 1961.
Most famous for being a member of the Fantastic Four, Invisible Woman first joined the Avengers in Avengers #300 in February of 1989, along with her husband Reed Richards, aka Mister Fantastic.
While on a space mission, Susan was exposed to massive amounts of cosmic radiation – along with the other characters who would join her in the Fantastic Four – and, as a result, she gained the powers of invisibility, projected invisibility (she can make other people and objects invisible), and the ability to erect powerful invisible force fields (which also allows her to create invisible energy constructs, as well as the power to control and manipulate objects).
And now we move on to the only Asgardian character on this list.
7. Valkyrie

Valkyrie is the super-name of a powerful Marvel character who first appeared in The Avengers #83 in December of 1970 – although she has also gone by other names, including Barbara Denton-Norris, Sian Bowen, and Brunnhilde of Asgard.
She joined the Secret Avengers in Secret Avengers vol. 1 #1 in May of 2010.
An Asgardian by birth, Valkyrie (a title given to the leader of the Valkyrior) is based on the Norse mythological figure Brynhildr, and possesses superhuman strength, endurance and longevity, as well as the abilities to convey spirits of the dead and predict when death is imminent. She is also a highly skilled warrior in both armed and unarmed combat.
And now we move on to a female Avenger who has gone by many names throughout her history.
8. Ms. Marvel

Ms. Marvel is just one of the super-names of Carol Danvers (she has also been known as Binary, Warbird, and Captain Marvel). She first appeared as Ms. Marvel in Ms. Marvel #1 in January of 1977, having previously first appeared as Carol Danvers in Marvel Super-Heroes #13 in March of 1968.
She first joined the Avengers in Avengers #183 in May of 1979, and has also been a member of the Mighty Avengers, the New Avengers, and A-Force.
After being caught up in the explosion of a Kree device, Danvers gained superhuman strength, speed, stamina, and durability, as well as energy projection, energy absorption, and flight capabilities.
And now we move on to an enormously powerful female telepath with a host of other abilities and skills.
9. Moondragon

Moondragon is the super-name of Heather Douglas. She first appeared as Moondragon in Daredevil (vol. 1) #105 in November of 1973, having previously first appeared as Madam MacEvil in Iron Man (vol. 1) #54 in January of the same year.
She first joined the Avengers in Avengers #151 in September of 1976, having previously been given probationary membership in Avengers #137 in July of 1975.
Born a human, Moondragon was raised and trained on Titan by the monks of Shao-Lom, having been taken there by Thanos’ father Mentor when Thanos killed her parents on Earth. As a result, she developed a number of powers and abilities, including enormously powerful telepathy; low-level telekinesis; incredible martial arts skills; and great adeptness in genetics, engineering, and piloting starships.
And now we move on to an insanely powerful character, who is undoubtedly the most powerful female ever to join the Avengers.
10. Scarlet Witch

These days, the character who goes by the super-name the Scarlet Witch needs no introduction for most people, as Elizabeth Olsen has portrayed the character in the very mainstream Marvel Cinematic Universe. However, as it’s customary to do so, we will tell you that her real name is Wanda Maximoff, and she first appeared in The X-Men #4 in March of 1964.
She first joined the Avengers in Avengers #16 in May of 1965, having previously actually been a villain.
Initially depicted as the mutant daughter of Magneto, her backstory was later retconned to say that her powers came from being subjected to experimentation by the High Evolutionary. She possesses probability manipulation powers, reality warping powers and chaos magic powers, which she can use to create almost any effect – making her the most powerful female Avenger of all time.
Read More: Comic Book Magicians
And that’s that, folks! We hope you’ve enjoyed this list.
What do you think? Are these the ten most powerful Avengers? Who else should have made the cut? Storm? Crystal? Spider-Woman? Rogue? Someone else? Have your say below!