Written and illustrated by Kazuki Takahashi, Yu-Gi-Oh! is a Japanese manga series. It features a shy high-school student Yugi Moto who receives the broken pieces of an Egyptian artifact, called Millennium Puzzle, from his grandfather. A trading card game in the name of the series was launched earlier this year and holds monsters, spells, and traps to make it more interesting.
One can experience real-life Yu-Gi-Oh! by following some simple guidelines. This transition from online to in-person has been dramatic and creates a more competitive environment. There are a set of conventions that need to be adhered to when playing this in-person.
Playing In-Person Yu-Gi-Oh! Requires Some Supplies
Firstly, each player must have three different types of Yu-Gi-Oh! decks to be eligible for gameplay. Duelists need to assemble their 40-card Deck, 15-card Side Deck, and 15-card Extra Deck and once it is done, they ought to shield them with Japanese-size card sleeves. Other than this, other supplies like a pen and paper or Konami’s Neuron telephone app, a play mat, and a cube are required to kickstart the game.
Pen and a paper or Konami’s Neuron Telephone app are needed to monitor life factors and a cube is used for deciding who goes first. Gamers can also use cash if their Deck contains playing cards with coin-flipping results. Thes supplies will be enough to start the game of Yu-Gi-Oh!
Different Options for In-Person Yu-Gi-Oh!
From informal to ultra-competitive, Yu-Gi-Oh! has different levels that gamers can choose to play on. It is recommended to start in the informal area as online play differs vastly from real play. Even the most pro players and skilled online gamers look for informal areas to start with. Duelists should try to assist and transfer playing cards themselves without automation. They must declare results on their own.
Knowing Dueling Conventions Will Smooth the Transition
Knowing dueling conventions helps in the smooth transition of the game. The process creates a more competitive game. The first thing to do is shuffle the decks. Each gamer must ‘pile shuffle’ their own deck of cards first. Then gamers will give their shuffled Deck to their opponent to chop. Once the shuffling is done, gamers resort to rolling the dice to resolve whose turn goes first. Players also greet each other by saying “good luck, have fun” before commencing the game.
“Talk the plays” is a ritual in the in-person game. Each gamer must announce the transition between all phases and ask his opponents for responses. Summons must be declared along with results. This pep talk makes the game more lively and interesting in person. Another convention is that a player must seek permission before touching another participant’s playing cards.
Duelists must let their opponents know that they have studied the game offline. The transition from digital Yu-Gi-Oh! to the offline game can be a bit difficult at first, but definitely rewarding. These guidelines will not only help gamers to play in a smooth and rewarding manner but also turn out to be worthwhile!