Some villains get a little more love than others and some villains even get more love than the heroes trying to destroy their less than noble efforts. It goes without saying that the Joker is one of the comic book and comic book movie world's favorite villain. From page to big screen to television screen and finally to video game screens, Joker has captured the imaginations of fans everywhere. Somehow in his unpredictability and vagueness there is a piece that we can all relate to, a piece we may all fear is part of us deep inside.
Over the years the Joker has received many colorings. From the less dark and more demented Joker of Batman the Animated Series, to Jack Nicholson's arrogant take in Batman, and to Heath Ledger's famously disturbing version in The Dark Knight, the Joker has pointed out one of our greatest fears as humans– ourselves. What could push a man, just like you or I, to a point so far as to become the Joker, a point that there is absolutely no return from? What do we fear in a villian that has no superhuman powers, but just a heart wrenching desire to destroy others?
In just a few months Jared Leto will be attempting to leave his mark on the Joker in Suicide Squad. The Jokers of the past are very loved and he will have some gigantic shoes to fill. We're all eager to see his take on the classic villain and hope he can bring this character to new heights with new depth and not simply try and recreate the magic of Jokers past. Here are our some of our favorite on screen Joker moments from over the years. Our Top Ten Best Joker Moments.
Radar Jamming Ad – Batman the Animated Series

One of our favorite things about the Joker is his schemes to destroy Gotham and in this case, try and make a little dough on the side. The ad for his radar jamming device is a classic Joker gag. While holding the city hostage for $40 million dollars by blocking the airspace above the city from any governmental help, he hosts a call-a-thon ad to request his ransom money. He asks callers to call in and pay him the large sum of money to save their city. “Operators are standing by,” he says. To add a silly effect of course, he holds his $40 million dollar sign upside down before noticing and flipping it over. With a sheepish, I-didn’t-mean-to-do-that grin. He then reminds viewers, "Don't use airmail," as the airspace is completely under his control. It's cheeky with a strong, terrifying dose of reality. The Joker's MO.
Big Gun – Batman

Jack Nicholson's Joker has such arrogance that it's not surprising at all that he should pull out a pistol from his pants with a shaft the length of his arm. After Batman attempts to take the Joker out with about two rounds of bullets and two missiles–and misses– the Joker simply pulls out his long-as-hell barreled gun, fires one shot, and crashes Batman's little aircraft. Clearly he has reason to be arrogant. The lead up to the moment is great, as the gun is tucked into his pants and we can only see the handle. What comes out is not what we are expecting. The runner up to this gun play from Batman is the Joker's Bang Flag gun, a frequent theme in the animated series and one too silly for Dark Knight. Nicholson brought a classic masculinity to the role. Almost cowboy-esque. Though not as famous as some of our other scenes on this Top Ten Joker Moments list, still a good one to include.
As a Nurse – Dark Knight
"You know the thing about chaos? It's fair." Dressed up in a nurse's uniform, with a red wig covering his signature green "˜do, but with his menacing eyes still painted up, the Joker appears in the hospital room of Harvey Dent to torment him. To torment him AND to carry some of his best lines of the film. Dent's face is jacked up, he's weak, and the Joker comes in to play with him. With the now iconic coin flip of Two Face, the Joker leaves, blowing up the hospital behind him, with his creepy gait. "Do I really look like a guy with a plan? Y'know what I am? I’m a dog chasing cars. I wouldn’t know what to do with one if I caught it. I just… do things…"
Gun Happy – Batman the Animated Series
Speaking of being a guy with a plan, the Joker of the animated series had many more surface level needs than that of our other Jokers, he was always scheming (to carry the plot along of course) but nevertheless kept his crazy up. In a 1993 episode, Batman is taking cover from a hail of bullets being delivered by the Joker at Poison Ivy's hideout, a toxic waste dump. He is relentless. And the bullets seem limitless. Finally Batman makes a plea, "Stop shooting, you lunatic! We’re sitting on a powder keg!" Joker continues until he hits a chemical drum that blows up. He replies, "Whoops… Dopey me." Always the best sense of humor, that guy.
Pale Moonlight – Batman
Even though we recently addressed this scene on another list highlighting our favorite movie moments, it's too good not to include on this list as well. Batman, as Bruce Wayne, with Vicki Vale in her apartment, are confronted by the Joker and his goon squad. While Bruce tries to figure out how to beat the Joker at his own game without blowing his cover (he goes for the fire poker) Joker asks him a seemingly simple question, "Ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?" Bruce's mind starts working and all he can manage is a "What?" The Joker replies, "I always ask that of all my prey." It is here that Bruce makes the connection to earlier in the film when his parents are killed. The Joker is their murderer.
So Serious with Gambol – Dark Knight
Perhaps the best rendition of how the Joker got his scars is in his final scene with Gambol in the pool hall. Joker slips undetected in a body bag brought in by his own crew. Gambol had put out a heavy hit on him. The Joker of course springs to life and holds a knife to Gambol's face, telling the story of how his abusive father cut open his face to make him smile. Gambol's thugs look on in horror as their held down by the Joker's men and the Joker kills him right then and there. Joker seals the deal by making two of Gambol’s men fight to the death with a broken pool cue. There's "dark" and then there's this insane scene. This solidified Ledger as our darkest Joker ever. (And maybe forever?)
Crowbar Death of Robin – Under the Red Hood
Speaking of irrationally and blindly violent, the only scene we will feature on this list from Batman: Under the Red Hood, earned its spot from being both so violent and so long. For close to five minutes, the Joker beats Robin with a crowbar and then leaves him for dead on the floor of an abandoned warehouse. At one point during this bloody rampage the Joker gets down close to Robin and says "A little louder, lamb chop. I think you may have a collapsed lung. That always impedes the oratory." Same, cheeky, Joker humor but delivered in a sinister way, while gripping a crow bar. Though Under the Red Hood is far from a classic, we had to include this one our Top Ten Joker Moments list for its sheer aggressiveness, especially for an animated movie.
Pencil Trick – Dark Knight
This Joker scene from the Dark Knight lived in infamy in all circles, not just the comic book movie fan world. If this were the movie scene olympics, this one would score ten points for creativity, ten points for style, and ten points for brutality. An all around gold winner. The Joker enters a room of Gotham's most powerful mobsters and before saying much about his plans or otherwise, he tells them he's going to show them a magic trick. A trick to make a pencil disappear. He balances the pencil on the end of the table and as Gambol's goon walks over to presumably handle the Joker, the Joker has the pencil through his head before anyone can take their next breath.
Final Fight Scene – Batman
It wouldn't be Gotham if the final fight scene didn't take place on a creepy church roof somewhere. In this scene Batman not only pummels the Joker in the face with a few well placed punches, but he also confronts him about the death of his parents. Before Batman places his final blow that will send the Joker over the wall of the church, the Joker throws on a pair of glasses and says, "You wouldn't hit a guy with glasses on, would you?" The delivery is hilarious and even though Batman does take the swing, the Joker's last ditch attempt to save his own tail is hilarious. He keeps the jokes coming even as they all dangle on the other side of the church, he offers Vicki Vale a hand. The hand of course is a gag that pops right off. The Joker lives up to his name in this scene.
You Complete Me – Dark Knight
In our final scene of our Top Ten Joker Moments we have Batman interrogating the Joker at the police station. He is far from gentle with the Joker, slamming his head into the table right off the bat and the Joker responding, "Never start with the head. The victim gets all fuzzy. He can’t feel the next"¦" Batman then slams his hand and after a pause and face he says, "See?" This joke is reminiscent of the Jokers that came before his, but Ledger takes him somewhere new in this scene telling Batman he doesn't want to kill him because he completes him. He tells Batman that they are both freaks and that the police are "…only as good as the world allows them to be. I’ll show you. When the chips are down, these… these civilized people, they’ll eat each other. See, I’m not a monster. I’m just ahead of the curve."
Just ahead of the curve indeed. Let's see if Leto and can keep the curve going.