Anybody looking forward for Rogue One, the next instalment in the Star Wars franchise? Seeing how successful The Force Awakens was, we can bet that there are plenty of people wanting to go back in the galaxy far, far away"¦
And we believe that this new detail will increase even more the excitement. Making Star Wars, the website which has the best track as far as the rumors for this franchise are concerned, came up with a new scoop concerning Rogue One. Thus, the website says, the designers were asked to recreate the famous Darth Vader suit from the original trilogy. Apparently, the most iconic villain of all times will be featured in several key scenes from the movie, with subsequent appearances in the other spin-offs as well.

And this isn't all. Apparently, as Making Star Wars suggests, the character will once again borrow the voice of James Earl Jones, the actor who voiced him in the original trilogy. Now this is a great scoop, which will certainly kick up more than a notch the buzz for the movie.
Leaving aside the fact that the Rogue One trailer is rumored to be attached to Captain America: Civil War (the same website says that), this is a great opportunity to make Vader the powerful Sith Lord he is supposed to be. The original trilogy didn't exactly show the full extent of his powers, while the prequels transformed him into a wuss.

Several other websites went on to say that he won't appear until the very end of the film, when he will obliterate all those who stole the plans for the Death Star. Others, on the other hand, say that Vader won't use in any way his Force powers, since director Gareth Edwards said that Rogue One won't be that kind of Star Wars movie.
What do you think, though? Will Darth Vader make a grandiose comeback?