Psylocke is one of the newcomers of the Mutant Cinematic Universe. She is one of the horsemen of Apocalypse, in a movie in which Bryan Singer crammed even more characters than in Days of Future Past. So it will be no wonder if this particular character will have a rather smaller role. After all, this shared universe was built around famous mutants such as Professor X, Magneto, Wolverine, and (most recently) Mystique.
But, even so, can we hope for more than just a flat character? Psylocke has quite a history behind her and it would be nice if Bryan Singer touched it just a bit. Wouldn't it? Unfortunately, the trailer doesn't show too much of her, so we can say for certain that she drew the short stick and that she'll end up being just one simple minion, even if a very sexy one.

Talking about her character, Olivia Munn says that she, "is as a very powerful weapon that has been used and abused by different people so that they could use her powers and she’s somebody who’s just looking for righteous purpose.” What kind of powers are these?
In the comics, Psylocke is a very powerful telepath, while also having strong telekinetic abilities. In fact, using the latter, she is able to manifest a telekinetic katana which she uses in her battles. With this power, she can slice and dice through almost any kind of material. Will this happen in the movie?
According to the actress, X-Men: Apocalypse won't show Psylocke as being a telepath. So this might be a misfire for Bryan Singer. But, as the actress explains, it isn't so: "when you are telepathic, I feel that it’s a power that you want to hold close to your chest. It’s a card that you don’t want a lot of people to know about because it’s so much more powerful when people don’t know that you have this power."

In any way, it appears that Psylocke will have some good fights in the movie. The actress posted a couple of clips on Instagram, in which she trains with an actual sword. As the actress says, this was James McAvoy's idea to have her using a regular sword as well, since this tactic can potentially throw the opponents off. This sounds pretty good to us, but we still can't shake the feeling that Psylocke will be underused.
Olivia Munn also said that Psylocke won't get an origin story - but we already knew that, since (apparently) she is already in the company of Apocalypse when the movie begins. So this could be another downer. However, the actress did say that there are a couple of subtle hints to her past: “There’s small, subtle references to it with Apocalypse. For people who love and know Psylocke, they will know who she is fully formed. You would know her storyline.”
Reading the JoBlo interview, we also get a sense that the actress hopes Psylocke will return after X-Men: Apocalypse. However, there isn't too much to say - at least from her part.
What we can hope is that Psylocke will be present in the planned X-Force movie. And, since Fox intends to further expand the Mutant Cinematic Universe, who knows? Maybe she will have a solo flick, just like Gambit.