With a release date scheduled for March 2017, the marketing campaign for Power Rangers seems to be kicking in. We’ve already seen the trailer (which exceeded our expectations), as well as a couple of posters featuring all of the Power Rangers. However, there are quite a few things about the movie and its characters that remain under wraps (as they should, one might add).
For example, we still haven't seen Bryan Cranston's Zordon.
Instead, we've had plenty of images of Elizabeth Banks as Rita Repulsa. And over the last couple of days, new images of her have been officially released. And she looks good, perfect for a grittier reboot of the Power Rangers. You can check out the pic below, together with the actress’ tweets (via CBM).
Billions of people now inhabiting this earth and I'm tasked with fighting a bunch of whiny teens. Lovely. #RepulsaTakesOver pic.twitter.com/pzU8T4BCsu
"” Power Rangers (@ThePowerRangers) November 28, 2016
After eons locked away"¦ I'm FREE! I have plans for your pitiful planet. Stay tuned. #RepulsaTakesOver pic.twitter.com/RhIkWEUAXa
"” Power Rangers (@ThePowerRangers) November 28, 2016
65 million years later and I'm still devastatingly attractive. "˜Killin it', you say? You have no idea how right you are"¦ #RepulsaTakesOver pic.twitter.com/KyhmclOHhg
"” Power Rangers (@ThePowerRangers) November 28, 2016
My new friends, I seek assistance in tracking down this group of pitiful younglings"¦ Perhaps you've seen them? #RepulsaTakesOver pic.twitter.com/RG1XwtY1kF
"” Power Rangers (@ThePowerRangers) November 28, 2016
This isn't all, though, since early concept art for the same character was also released - and it couldn't look more different. You be the judge of that, but this concept art seems pretty terrifying:

Lastly, another piece of recently released concept art depicts Bill Hader's Alpha 5. To say that the character has been updated for our more modern age would be an understatement. Check it out below!

Power Rangers will be released on the 24th of March 2017.
To be noted, March 2017 will be filled with big, highly anticipated movies, such as Logan, Beauty and the Beast, Ghost in the Shell, and Kong: Skull Island. Keeping this in mind, how do you think Power Rangers will perform at the box office?