Starring Scarlett Johansson as The Major, Ghost in the Shell seemed to be one of those remakes/adaptations nobody actually needs. The 1995 anime is as close to perfection as possible, and that is why this Hollywoodization could only anger the fans. But is that really so? Sure, there have been plenty of duds when foreign movies were adapted. But, at the same time, there have been quite a few hits, both critically and commercially.
Luckily, after the first clips have dropped, Ghost in the Shell seems to be included in the latter category. A couple of hours ago, five clips were released - and they do seem to capture the mood and the tone of the 1995 anime.

Ghost in the Shell seemed to suffer from a different point of view, as well. When Scarlett Johansson was cast in the lead role, everybody shouted the word whitewashing. Furthermore, the rumor that some Caucasian actors will be altered via CGI to appear Asian made things even worse.
So check out the five small teasers below!
As teasers, the clips do a great job. We are introduced to Johansson's Major and we also see the awesome Takeshi Kitano as Daisuke Aramaki. Obviously, we can suspect that the Major is still a cybernetic being, who must regularly plug herself in, as seen in the clip.
But now the biggest question is: what is just beginning? And who are all those monks? We can already say that the Ghost in the Shell adaptation may exceed all expectations. Furthermore, casting Scarlett Johansson may have been the best decision ever - sure, she is best known for her Black Widow role in the MCU. However, she is also one terrific actress, whose skills could be put to better use in this movie.

Ghost in the Shell will be released on the 31st of March 2017.