2015 has brought the second outing of the Avengers, directed by the king of all nerds Joss Whedon. And while the audiences have enjoyed the movie, there were still plenty of reasons for dissatisfaction (Ultron's plan, for example, was straight out of the "˜60's Bond movies).
After the release of the movie, Joss Whedon promptly closed his Twitter account, which made everybody believe that Marvel has broken the director. Was it really so? What are his plans for the future and for the future of the MCU?
During a Q&A at Oxford Union, the director revealed that it was by his own choice to retreat from anything that Marvel means. And that was because making Age of Ultron while also providing his input in all the Phase II movies ate away all his time.
But this wasn't all, as Joss Whedon revealed. In his own words, he acted as a script doctor for the Phase II flicks. However, his input was rarely listed to: "I was a script doctor for a long time, and the part where they listen to you was very rare; so it was very important for my own self to go “we can still be friends,” but…" (via Comic Book Movie).
As far as the whole backlash for the Ultron character is concerned, he said that, "Ultron has been the most complicated response I’ve gotten, and the way I deal with it is becoming fetal for about eight months [audience laughter]. I f**king have no spine or self-identity or anything, and it’s horrifying. It sucks… But I’ll be okay… Later…"
So, apparently, Marvel (and Disney, for that matter) do interfere with the creative process, even more than previously believed (we still want to see what Edgar Wright had in mind for Ant-Man). And that is because each of the flicks needs to be connected with what happened and what will happen in the entire shared universe (as Joss Whedon says, this takes "the soul out of films", which is a very harsh statement).