The second full Captain America: Civil War trailer is a hit - in 24 hours, more than 95 million views were registered on the various official Marvel YouTube accounts. And this is way more than the views scored by the first trailer - a measly 50 million. Can we say that Spider-Man single handedly made the difference? Well, many websites suggest that.
And this huge number of views has also come with some sweet spoilers. One of them concerns the final battle seen in the first Civil War trailer, in which Captain America and the Winter Soldier team up against Iron Man. How does it all end?

Well, this second trailer has revealed a bruised Captain America facing Iron Man alone, saying he can do that all day, repeating what the scrawny Steve Rogers said to the bully in The First Avenger. This isn't the spoiler, though. What happened to Bucky?
A new pic taken by an eagle-eyed user was posted on Imgur and shows the outcome. Ready for it?
As seen in the trailers, Bucky Barnes is hunted by, basically, everybody. He fights Tony Stark, Black Panther, and even Captain America and Agent 13. And we can assume that not all of these fights end up well for him. Particularly the fight against Iron Man. Check it out below!

It appears that a billionaire playboy in an armored suit is just too much for a man with a metallic arm. So what happens during one of these Civil War fights? Bucky has his metallic arm ripped off his body!
How will it all end between Steve and Tony? We have no idea. Will the buffed Rogers prevail against the new bully? We'll just have to wait and see.