Captain Marvel was teased in the Infinity War post-credits scene, when a disappearing Nick Fury sent her a message. She will make her solo debut next year, before Avengers 4 is released.
Presumably, Captain Marvel will reveal the character's origin, as well as the reason behind her absence from the MCU. Set in the "˜90's, the movie will see a couple of characters returning, some of which are already dead.
In this way, Lee Pace has already been confirmed to return as Ronan the Accuser. But he may not be the only one. Another villain, which has already died in Infinity War, could also return.

With Infinity War already available for digital download, the fans have started scouring for references and Easter-Eggs. And one of them may have revealed what happened to Captain Marvel.
In this way, in the scene in which Tony Stark and Doctor Strange meet the two members of the Black Order, one of them is wearing a sash featuring Captain Marvel's colours. And it is obvious that it was intended to be a reference, given the contrast between the colours of the sash and the colours of Cull Obsidian's armour:
In this way, the fans already started to speculate that Cull Obsidian at least has fought Carol Danvers and bested her. Or, at least, managed to get away with a trophy from her. Given the power levels of the superheroine, it makes sense for the villain to pride himself with such a trophy.
If this is true, then we will get to see Cull Obsidian appearing one more time next year. If he has indeed beaten Carol Danvers, this would also explain her absence.
And maybe this time around he'll actually be really powerful and not just some baddie being beaten by a science bro in a suit.

So what do you think? Is this an actual reference to the upcoming Captain Marvel movie?
Or is that sash a symbol worn by any Kree captain?