Mark Wahlberg has said on numerous occasions that he has no interest in superhero movie roles. He’s also said that no amount of money would convince him to leave his trailer wearing a cape.
But Wahlberg had no objection to starring in the last two Transformers movies, which happened to be the worst-received installments in the franchise. Has he changed his mind? Maybe the bigger the check is, the bigger the cape can be.
The actor recently took to Instagram to celebrate Lebron James' record-breaking new contract. Check out his pic here:
Of course, it’s easy to be distracted by Wahlberg’s pose, physique, and hair. But if you zoom in, you’ll notice something even more interesting behind him. It’s almost the entire cast of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, including Henry Cavill, Ben Affleck, Amy Adams, Laurence Fishburne, Diane Lane, Gal Gadot, Jesse Eisenberg, Jeremy Irons, Holly Hunter, and Tao Okamoto.

Sure, the photo’s a bit out of date. But why did Wahlberg choose this specific shot from what must be an extensive collection? Is he trying to tell us something?
The picture has already set off a flurry of online speculation about whether the actor will show up in a superhero movie. Taking into account the age of the image, some fans are saying that he’s been in talks with the studio for some time.
Warner Bros. currently has a number of DCEU films in development. But given the controversy around the movies made so far (with one exception), it’s hard to say where the actor might fit in.
Green Lantern doesn't wear a cape.