King Orm (Patrick Wilson), is willing to do anything necessary to protect his people. Unfortunately for surface-dwellers, Orm’s kingdom encompasses the world’s oceans, and he’s justifying his intentions by citing a very good reason.

Patrick Wilson told Entertainment Weekly that audiences will certainly understand his character’s motives, which are inspired by humans’ careless treatment of the oceans.
He's kind of an eco-warrior. He's got a very clear gripe with the surface world, which has been polluting his oceans for centuries. And that's something for me "” I'm sure for you, too "” that's very easy to understand. If somebody was just constantly polluting our air and ruining how we lived"¦
Of course, Wilson’s right. And of course, we understand the reasons behind King Orm's plan. It still remains to be seen how all of this is going to translate on the big screen. After all, it wouldn't be the first time a villain's motivations sounded too good to be true.
Director James Wan has said that Orm doesn’t hate Arthur Curry. He even believes that he and Aquaman could rule Atlantis together. However, things can change, and the studio isn’t providing the details:

Orm's got a soft spot for his brother who lives on the surface world, and – if anything – just wants to rule Atlantis and the world together, but his brother doesn't see it that way. A lot of the clashes they have stem from their different upbringings. So I didn't want to cast a typical villain actor.