Djimon Hounsou really likes secret comic book movie roles. After it was revealed that he is the Wizard in the upcoming Shazam! movie, today brings another surprise. In this way, Djimon Hounsou also appears in Aquaman, as the Fisherman King.
Before these roles, the Oscar nominated actor appeared in two other comic book movies. The most recent is his role as Korath, in Guardians of the Galaxy. Hounsou will return to this role next year, in Captain Marvel.
Given the fact that Captain Marvel takes place in the "˜90's and will also feature the Kree, it is understandable how Korath will return. And that especially since he didn't survive his first MCU outing.

However, before Guardians of the Galaxy, Djimon Hounsou appeared as Papa Midnite in the Keanu Reeves starrer Constantine.
Both of these roles were rather minor ones, even if the characters did impact the plot of the films. Can we expect for his Aquaman role to be the same? Apparently, it is so, since no word about a Fisherman King transpired until now.
You can check out the still below, published by Entertainment Weekly:

At his side, the Fisherman King has the Fisherman Queen (Natalia Safran), Princess (Sophia Forrest) and a royal guard. To be noted, Natalia Safran is also credited as Mrs. Sivana in the upcoming Shazam!
Entertainment Weekly has also published new details about Aquaman, particularly about this scene involving the Fisherman King. As the website notes, King Orm visits him in order to enlist him in a war against the surface world.
In the same EW issue, producer Peter Safran also explained more about this new character: "After the fall of Atlantis, some of the kingdoms evolved and some devolved. This is one that evolved. This is a kingdom that's primarily artistic and cerebral, with poets and philosophers."