Batman and Superman will come to blows in the upcoming Dawn of Justice, and it's safe to assume this is the crux of the movie.
Sure, who will win is the capital question, though putting money on Superman is the safest bet you can make. Granted, the Dark Knight is hardly the underdog figure.
Some new promo art has emerged on the web, courtesy of heroichollywood. One image shows the Man of Steel crushing Batman, whereas the other renders the Caped Crusader evening his odds.
Check it out below!
Batman and Superman: crushing the Dark Knight

This one shows a nearly defeated Dark Night: ragged cape, teeth clenched, hands struggling to release from the Kryptonian's grip.
Is this a hint this is how the fistfight will end on the big screen? Hmm, let's see. I wouldn't jump to conclusions, "˜cause here comes the second piece of promo art released by the cited source. But before you scroll down to see it, consider this.
While there is nothing striking about Batman and Superman 's suits - well, nothing in addition to what we've all seen so far - connoisseurs will be able to tell the imagery that has inspired this pic.
It clearly pulls from Batman #612, iterating in a creative manner the work of Jeph Loeb and Jim Lee, by merging the superheroes' stances with the Batsuit inspired by The Dark Knight Returns.
Which is also true about the second piece of promo art! Check it out below!
Batman and Superman: punching the Kryptonian

HEROIC HOLLYWOOD EXCLUSIVE! HOT #BatmanvSuperman promo art 2/2
A photo posted by Heroic Hollywood (@heroichollywood) on
Is this supposed to be a comeback? Or it hints at a scene previous to Superman chocking Batman?
Well, I don't know about that, these two images really don't tease the victor of the clash. But feel free to speculate at will via comments below!
And stay tuned, we'll bring you the hottest scoop on all things DC!