To date, the various Marvel Cinematic Universe television shows shown on Netflix have had 13-episode seasons. The eight-episode debut season of The Defenders arrives later this month, but subsequent shows – The Punisher Season 1, Jessica Jones Season 2, and Luke Cage Season 2 - will again consist of 13 episodes each. Apparently, the new seasons for Daredevil and Iron Fist will be shorter.
According to a new report from Deadline, Marvel and Netflix have added an additional 23 episodes of content to their production slate, raising their overall episode count to 135. The additional episodes consist of Daredevil Season 3 and Iron Fist Season 2, and are expected to be shot by the end of 2017.
It's unclear whether these numbers indicate that both shows’ seasons will be shorter. It's entirely possible that the third season of Daredevil might consist of 13 episodes, as its first two seasons did. The inaugural season for Iron Fist received poor reviews, so it’s reasonable to expect a shortened sophomore season.
Meanwhile, Jessica Jones Season 2 has found a new series regular in J.R. Ramirez, who’s best known for his roles in Starz's Power and The CW's Arrow. According to Entertainment Weekly, he’ll play a character named Oscar:
A devoted single father who moves into Jessica's building as the new superintendent. While his young son becomes enamored with Jessica and her powers, Oscar keeps his distance, worrying about the trouble that follows people like her.
Showrunner Melissa Rosenberg shared the following about the latest addition to the Jessica Jones cast roster:
J.R. is an incredible addition to our cast, bringing complex and subtle emotion and humor. He exudes warmth, edge, and intelligence, and blends perfectly with our tone.