Well, this is a surprise - Zack Snyder just posted a pic on Twitter with our first look on Aquaman! And it is totally badass! We can bet that nobody will say now that he is the lamest superhero to ever enter the Justice League!
But this isn't all, since the said pic of Aquaman is also watermarked with quite a surprising statement: Unite the Seven. Does this mean that Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is indeed just a set-up for the Justice League films? Does this mean that each and every superhero of the Justice League will appear (at least in a cameo) in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice? What does that mean?!?
Meet Aquaman
But we are getting ahead of ourselves - rejoice, for Jason Momoa's Aquaman looks even more awesome than we previously believed!
Of course, the fans didn't wait for too long to post their own versions of the same picture. Check them out below!

Unite the Seven

Back to our question: does Aquaman unite the 7 Justice League Members? From the little that we know until now, there are only 6 superheroes revealed until now (including in here the King of the Seas). And that is because the Green Lantern (2020) actor hasn't been announced yet. So there is no way that the seven are actually the Justice League members.
Unite the Seven Seas! That must be it! However, this prompts another question: unite the seas against whom? Is Atlantis under a threat? Will Aquaman rise against the surface dwellers because of all the destruction Zod has brought?
So many questions"¦

What we know for sure is that this pic of Aquaman is the most intimidating of all the pics Zack Snyder has revealed. We may have had our doubts, but now we are certain of at least one thing: Aquaman fits Jason Momoa like a glove!