Quite a surprise the Ant-Man trailer, wasn't it? While the teaser didn't show us anything besides the fact that Marvel can come with a bland and unexciting trailer, a couple of days ago we became convinced that the first solo-outing of the miniature superhero will be more than worthy of watching.
So, if you already checked what the most important (and revealing) moments from the trailer were, then go ahead and check out which ones were the most amazing/exciting/and-so-on. We guess we can already say that Ant-Man's superpowers don't look to ludicrous now"¦
An ant's point of view

Now you too know how big everything seems when you are tiny like Ant-Man - even the $20 bill seems too much to handle.
Once a thief"¦

Always a thief - it doesn't matter what you want, if you want a second chance and Hank Pym is the one to give it to you"¦ well"¦ just when you thought you was out, he will pull you back in.
Tricks with coins

Common, this looks fun! What would you do if you were Ant-Man?
Moving forward, to the next part of the trailer, which is filled with action and funny moments. Did we miss anything until now?
We believe we didn’t – so, moving forward, to the…
…Baby ant

We're not made of stone. And what follows is on the same level of awesomeness"¦ You know, running with ants"¦
Take that, bad guy's henchmen!

And this looks a lot like the clip from Comic Con that had Ant-Man green-light. But this time we see more!
Still, he doesn't know how to fight

We believe you would want to train with her too"¦
Ant-Man vs. Yellowjacket

It seems to us that someone has the upper hand"¦
Not the same resonance"¦

I am Iron Man vs. I am Ant-Man"¦ Yellowjacket is not impressed.
A historic cameo

You would have never thought that Ant-Man would feature such an awesome cameo"¦
Mocking other movies

Yes, this is what this scene does - poking fun at all the action sequences taking place on trains.