The latest issue of Empire Magazine has provided us a lot on Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice - Darkseid's arrival, the reason behind using Doomsday in the movie, big moment between Lois Lane and Batman, Wonder Woman's age and loads of new stills. But that's not all! It also features an interview of the Superman cast Henry Cavill!
In the Batman V Superman trailers, we have seen that public opinion on his character after the events of Man of Steel is not unanimous. But the British actor suggests that his character has come a long way as a superhero. According to Cavill (via Comic Book Movie):
"He's more used to this gig, doing his best to save as many lives as he can. He is no longer frantic. He's no longer a wet behind the ears kind of superhero."
In the interview, Henry Cavill also made it clear that his character in Batman V Superman takes his experience as a journalist as a weapon to take down Ben Affleck's Batman. He stated that Clark Kent expects to "˜show the world what this Batman dude is doing'. He also said:
"He doesn't agree with his form of justice. For this farm boy, who tries to do things the right way, justice at any cost is not something he can come to terms with."
Who will Win in Batman V Superman?

Ever since the title of the movie was declared Batman V Superman, the fans divided themselves on two sides. The director Zack Snyder recently released a video clip where he also asked the fans to pick a side. When asked who would eventually win, Henry Cavill said:
"It’s not about one on one. Of course Superman is going to win. But it’s deeper than that. It’s nore that these two great powers exist and are actually trying to acheive the same thing, but in such different way…"
He described the Man of Steel as "˜the guy who can kick anyone's ass' but still "˜the nice one'!
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