X-Men: Apocalypse was the other giant 2016 superhero movie present at this year's Comic Con. And it too saw the release of the first footage - which won't be released online, as the studio said. Yes, Warner Bros said the same thing about Suicide Squad and did otherwise. However, this is a different case, since X-Men: Apocalypse will use tons of CGI when compared to the DC property.
In any way, we did see the first official poster for the movie - even if it was actually artwork. However, now we have the first official stills from X-Men: Apocalypse.
So check it out! But first, new details about the story!
X-Men: Apocalypse plot details

In an interview with EW, Bryan Singer revealed how Apocalypse will recruit his Horsemen. In this way, we find out the following:
- Storm is saved from the streets of Cairo
- Angel is saved from a fight club in Berlin
- Psylocke, before meeting Apocalypse, works behind the Iron Curtain for a broker called Caliban.
– Magneto tries to rebuild his life in Poland with a new love, but his plans are shattered – soon after, Apocalypse has no trouble in recruiting him.
There are a few details provided for other characters from X-Men: Apocalypse. In this way, Bryan Singer revealed that Mystique is rescuing mutants, one of them being Nightcrawler. She is also searching for Magneto, when she finds out that he turned even more evil. And this reunites her with Professor X.
In the meantime, Professor X is teaching his students how to control their powers – but in order to lead a normal life, and not for them to become fighting machines.
On the next page, the pics!
The Cover

The EW cover titles very simply Apocalypse WOW. And it is WOW, because X-Men: Apocalypse will feature one of the greatest threats the X-Men have encountered. But this isn't all, because Apocalypse looks rather big in this pic.

If you've seen the leaked footage, you actually saw that he is much smaller than Michael Fassbender's Magneto. However, this cover shows him much taller, hinting at his powers - he can change his physical appearance and stature.
Furthermore, we must also note one more thing: the prosthetics look excellent and you can't even guess that the rather pretty face of Oscar Isaac is beneath them.
On the next page, Quicksilver, Mystique and Magneto.
Quicksilver, Mystique and Magneto

The next official still from X-Men: Apocalypse gives us our first look at Mystique and Quicksilver. Sure enough, Mystique doesn't seem so proud this time.
As known, Days of Future Past revealed that she might have a role in Wolverine getting his adamantium claws, thus making her a villainous character. Was Magneto’s new allegiance a reason enough for her to become friends again with Professor X?

And then there is Quicksilver, the most awesome mutant of last year, with a new jacket (the now traditional black suit we've seen in the X-Men films) and gear. Will he be awesome in X-Men: Apocalypse too? We can only hope.

And then there is Magneto, of whom we found out that he will be one of Apocalypse's Horsemen. Which is cool. This particular pic is from when he is recruited by the villain. And not much can be said - he looks rather weary and down on his luck, which explains the easiness with which Apocalypse will trick him into becoming his general.
Next, inside Cerebro
X-Men: Apocalypse - inside Cerebro

Bryan Singer has teased quite a couple of times Cerebro of X-Men: Apocalypse, with artwork and even set pics.
We have in here Professor X (still not bald), Beast (in human mode - and this is a dirty trick from Bryan Singer, a trick of which we are not particularly fond), Mystique (again not being proud), the new Cyclops (Tye Sheridan), as well as Moira MacTaggert (Rose Byrne).

The next pic is from the set, which isn't that impressive.

However, finally, we see him: Apocalypse with two Horsemen. Sure enough, he was also on the front page. However, in here we see him in his cool purple outfit - it is the same scene in which Magneto is convinced to become a Horseman.

We still haven't seen Angel, though, who is the last Horseman from X-Men: Apocalypse.
However, check out the next page for details about the new mutants!
New Mutants
The pics speak for themselves.