Marvel’s Netflix collaborations have proved that its comic book adaptations can also be dark and oriented toward a more adult audience. And characters like Daredevil, Jessica Jones, and Punisher have shown that superhero TV shows can also be down to earth and approach interesting and timely topics.
And I haven’t forgotten about Luke Cage. The theme of his solo series was also one of the most intense from this point of view.
Keeping this in mind, there are many fans who believe that other superheroes should receive the same Netflix treatment. And quite a few of them say that Moon Knight is a must. Most recently, James Gunn said via Twitter that he loves the character and that he already has an idea for a movie featuring the character (so something even better than Netflix).

Check it out below:
Oh my God I love Moon Knight & I have a great idea for a movie, I just wish I had the time (but, no, he doesn’t belong in Guardians).
"” James Gunn (@JamesGunn) January 4, 2017
And now, it appears that the Guardians of the Galaxy director isn't the only Marvel star who wants to see Moon Knight appearing on either the big or small screen. Vincent D'Onofrio, who portrayed the villainous Kingpin in both seasons of Daredevil (and we do expect him to appear on Netflix again), agrees with James Gunn - even if we have no idea how it could work.
Check out the tweet below:
Ok Monsignor @JamesGunn if your going to make #MoonKnight into a film. Dude I’m in.
"” Vincent D’Onofrio (@vincentdonofrio) January 6, 2017
So what do you think? Do you also believe that Moon Knight will be one of the street level superheroes to receive the Netflix treatment after The Defenders? Or do you want to see the character on the big screen?