Let's be frank - everybody expects to see a full showdown between the Flash and the Reverse Flash. Sure, they traded punches before, but it was just too little. Even more, we didn't even see the Reverse Flash in his full splendor.
Because this character is indeed a splendid one, as the most recent promo art for the series has shown. It isn't just the manic grin of the character, but also the fact that the pics pretty much resemble the artwork for Flash himself. It was as if they were the two sides of the same coin. Literally.
Check out the promo art below and be amazed, just like we were!
Awesome Reverse Flash promo art is awesome!
Reverse Flash
Also, be frank - did you expect the series to be so successful? No, you didn't, even if Flash is one of the most beloved DC superheroes (you surely heard about this, didn't you?) But the series didn't disappoint - and it isn't just the introduction of awesome characters such as Reverse Flash that make the series a hit.
It is also the fact that The Flash has taken quite a few liberties from the comic book sources and still delivered. So what if, for example, we are going out of our ways to anticipate if there is one or more Reverse Flash characters in the series? It works and the anticipation is killing us.
Speaking of twists"¦
"¦ there are so many theories that one's head could explode from all the awesomeness (why didn't DC go and make a Flash solo film sooner than 2018?) And the thing is that there are still surprises ahead, as Grant Gustin said (check it out in here).
So let us not strain ourselves too much and enjoy the show. With the Reverse Flash taking shape (no matter how many characters bearing this name will be), the show will only get better.