Arkham Knight is the final chapter of Rocksteady's acclaimed Arkham series, which debuted with Arkham Asylum. And by all means, this seems to be the game that will forever cement the position of this series as the best games based on a superhero property.
But this isn't the point of this article. The point is that there will be spoilers in here - huge spoilers, that is! So if you want that, keep on reading to see what character will be brought to Arkham Knight!
Back from the dead

The ending of Arkham City revealed that Joker died. Well, this isn't exactly a spoiler, isn't it? Especially since Arkham City was released way back, in 2011. But the twist is that he will return in Arkham Knight.
How come? Well, he is a comic book character, isn't he? He is still scarred from all the poisoning in the previous installment, but he is pretty much alive. Or isn't he?
It's pretty debatable right now, since the sources of this Arkham Knight spoiler are leaked pics on Imgur (info taken via Movie Pilot). Obviously, Rocksteady hasn't revealed anything yet, but still"¦
We can only suspect two things.
Arkham Knight - The Joker

The strongest possibility would be that the Joker didn't actually come back from the dead. As seen in Arkham Asylum, Scarecrow's poison can make Batman see things"¦ He did, after all, make Batman see his dead parents. Could this be the case of the Joker in Arkham Knight too?
As said, this is the strongest possibility.
But there could be another one too, an even more appealing one, although very improbable - the Joker is actually alive and he is the one pulling all the strings. This is actually quite a wild speculation, since the death of the Clown Prince of Crime was the money shot of the previous game.
But still - what is an Arkham game without the Joker?
What do you think of this Arkham Knight reveal?