Obviously, everybody has seen Avengers: Age of Ultron by now, so there will be no spoilers in here - still, if you haven't seen the Quicksilver in this year's Avengers you best look away!
Obviously, this is a comparison between the two Quicksilver versions that we saw on the big screens, the one delivered by Marvel and the one delivered by Fox. And while, in these movies, one is called a mutant while the other a miracle, we know that they are about the same"¦
With a few nuances. And that is why one of the two versions is actually a better portrayal of Quicksilver.
Quicksilver, according to Fox

In X-Men: Days of Future Past, the studio decided to rehash the character's origins and present him as a silver-haired American, living with his mother and two sisters. Obviously, this means that Fox may have already lost some ground.
About the character's personality, Fox decided to make him actually quite charming. Furthermore, another trait is added, him being actually undisciplined and pursuing only his selfish purposes. As a matter of fact, he decides to aid in Magneto's jailbreak just because it was a something that nobody did before.
Furthermore, this character is pretty experienced as far as his powers are concerned.
However, Fox has the right on other mutants, so this version of Quicksilver is actually the son of Magneto, as hinted in the movie. Furthermore, the scene in which the speedster is seen in action is, well, the highlight of a film filled with awesome action sequences.
Quicksilver, according to Marvel

While Marvel didn't have the rights to any other mutants except for him and Scarlet Witch, they kept very close to the comics and actually made him an Eastern-European, with accent and all. And this Quicksilver is precisely like anybody would have imagined him: protective with his sister, very anxious (although the other version was also), helpful and selfish, and rather unaware of the full extent of his powers (all the skidding made him look as a newborn miracle, so to speak). And this is a nice addition.
So which one was better?
There is just one choice to be made

Obviously, Marvel got its own character right. As flashy as Fox's Quicksilver was, he lacked the depth a good character needed. He is there, in a way, just to advance the plot. Whereas we get a good sense of who he is in Avengers: Age of Ultron - someone with a dark past, with sympathy towards his people and especially his sister, who actually develops in front of the audience and sacrifices himself for a good cause.
And he develops according to what we already knew about him, as much as we knew. Sure enough, his scenes aren't as memorable as the ones from Days of Future Past. But still, he is by far the best iteration of the comic book character.
But what do you think? Which version of Quicksilver seemed the best for you, keeping in tone with the comics? But which version seemed more entertaining for you?