Given the poor critical performances of this year, it can be expected that the DCEU's schedule will be altered in some way in the following months. A big change already occurred with the arrival of Geoff Johns as the head of the DC shared universe, news which made many Zack Snyder detractors happy.
And, as expected, there are quite a few rumors concerning the changes to be made to the already announced schedule. Besides that, there are already existing rumors concerning villains and superheroes, all in light of the recent Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and Suicide Squad.
So which are the most interesting rumors out there? This list is all about that, about (basically, at this point) the hopes of the DCEU fans. It appears that Warner Bros. has already mapped the future of the DCEU until 2025"¦
So grab your salt and check it out! Who knows? Maybe some of these will turn out to be true (as I hope).
Let's start with the hottest thing, shall we?

Deathstroke was revealed the last week by Ben Affleck, on what seems to be a set for the Justice League film (namely the team’s new Jet, called the Flying Fox). And this has led to numerous questions. Will Deathstroke have just a simple cameo? Will he be wasted and be just a secondary character?
Well, the most recent rumor says that Deathstroke will cameo in both Justice League and The Batman. The character will be tasked by Amanda Waller to help recruit new members for the Suicide Squad. While it isn't that clear what he’s searching for in the Justice League, we already know that The Batman will feature multiple villains.
So it isn't too hard to assume that the Terminator will have a much bigger role in this movie.
But still, does that mean that he'll be just a secondary character? Is this the way the DCEU wants to handle one of the most well-known mercenaries and assassins in the DC universe? Not at all.
Later Edit: Joe Manganiello was confirmed in the role.

According to the most recent rumors, it appears that Deathstroke and Amanda Waller will break their contract, basically becoming enemies. And this leaves the Terminator in the position we wanted to see him in from the start: a badass villain.
And his time in the spotlight will come not in the Justice League and not in The Batman. Instead, he will be the main antagonist in a Teen Titans movie.
As previously revealed by Deborah Snyder, Cyborg is currently being tested for the audiences. According to the producer, the superhero will have a solo flick, depending on the response. I guess that nobody actually wants a Cyborg film - which was weird from the first moment he was announced.
So the most recent rumors say that Cyborg will appear in both the Justice League and Flash, and will then reprise his role in the Teen Titans movie.
Returning to Deathstroke, the role of the Terminator was offered to various actors already. However, ultimately, it was Joe Manganiello who signed the deal. Which is great! He is, basically, one of the very, very few actors rumored on the web that actually fits the profile of the character.
Nightwing is in!

As previously reported, it appears that Warner Bros. has already decided on a Green Lantern Corps villain. And, to nobody's surprise, it appears that Sinestro will be the main antagonist. After all, he is the most well-known antagonist of the Green Lanterns.
Thus, the reports also say that Luke Evans was offered this role. However, it isn't said if the Fast & Furious 6 star has accepted. But there is still time, since the release date of Green Lantern Corps hasn't changed.
The most recent rumors also say that the Green Lantern Corps will also explore the other Lantern Corps mythologies from the comics. Thus, while Sinestro will be the main antagonist, the end of the movie will tease Atrocitus, one of the most powerful Red Lanterns.
These rumors lead me to believe that the Green Lantern Corps will try to adapt the Sinestro Corps War, to be followed afterwards by a Rage of the Red Lanterns adaptation. And, if this bet proves to be a winning one, we might see a Blackest Night adaptation one day.
Which is so great, yet again!
But, as said, this is just a rumor.
The Batman

The Batman is just one of the movies that will be announced soon, thus changing the roster. According to the rumors, the Ben Affleck directed film will be released on the 5th of October 2018, which makes sense, given Affleck's schedule.
It appears that Deathstroke isn't a villain. However, he will clash with the Dark Knight, being basically a recruiter for Task Force X. And this event will once again put the Caped Crusader on a collision course with Waller (according to the reports, Batman will actually threaten Waller this time).
So, instead of Deathstroke, the main villain will be Black Mask, who comes up with a plan to free all of the Arkham inmates and kill the Batman. How will it all end? Well, a final shot of the movie will see the Dark Knight watching over Gotham and leaping towards a B or C-list villain, after he’s captured all the others throughout the movie.
Joker and Harley will also be featured in the film. Thus, Joker plans on blowing Arkham after Batman captured the villains and suspects that the hero is after him. To his surprise, Batman arrives with other superheroes. Also, this is when Harley decides to leave him.
Deadshot also appears - however, after breaking out, he decides to visit his daughter instead of hunting Batman down for the Black Mask.
Man of Steel 2

As previously revealed, Warner Bros. has finally decided that a Man of Steel sequel needs to be a priority. What does that mean? According to the rumors, this means that Superman will have his sequel as early as 2020 (which is still kind of late, seven years after the first movie).
Reportedly, the villain is Brainiac. Lex Luthor will also appear in the film, and will have a major role in how the main baddie arrives on Earth. J. J. Abrams and Duncan Jones are courted as directors.
Thus, Lex will use Kryptonian technology in order to enhance the LexOS, which will be a second and even more powerful signal sent into the universe. Brainiac will then come snooping. What is the LexOS, you ask? Well, prior to the release of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, the marketing campaign teased this product.
Until now, nothing has happened. Even worse, Lex is in Arkham and LexCorp denounced him. Which brings the question: How can Lex Luthor have access to Kryptonian technology and be in charge of LexCorp once again in the Man of Steel sequel?
And the answer is"¦
Justice League

As everybody knows, Steppenwolf is the main villain of Justice League. However, he won't appear until late in the movie. Thus, throughout the film, the Justice League (minus Superman) will fight the legions of Parademons. Which is not that great. Anyway, the movie will be a long one.
Steppenwolf will arrive on Earth in the end and show the Justice League what true power means. He kicks their butt, in other words. Lex Luthor will have a role in his arrival. With the Parademons wreaking havoc around the globe, he will be released in order to provide some intel (after all, he is the only one who actually made the best of all that knowledge from the Kryptonian scout ship).
But he has plans of his own. The reports say that he will gain the people on his side and will try to make the world hate the superheroes. But his plans fail - only from this point of view. According to the reports, he is calmer and more manipulative in this film. Which is great news.
Superman arrives later on in the film, after the Justice League has already been beaten by Steppenwolf. He is still weakened. However, with him, the League manages to defeat the villain. There is also a big tease in the end, hinting at the arrival of Darkseid. The Green Lanterns are teased. Also, Billy Batson will cameo in the end, to show that he is a fan of the Justice League.
Justice League 2

The second Justice League movie will not feature Darkseid as the main villain. And that is because Warner Bros. wants to avoid comparison with the MCU's Thanos (Justice League Part 2 will be released in 2019, so exactly in the middle of the Infinity War).
Thus, Warner Bros. is considering some other alternatives. Injustice League and Underground Society are the main contenders. However, it is suggested that Ra’s al Ghul might play an important part in the movie.
Obviously, this latter rumor concerns a Tower of Babel adaptation, which will see Batman's plans used to destroy the Justice League. Which would be great, especially if some connections are also made with Darkseid, for the sake of continuity.
By the time Justice League 2 arrives, the heroes will all have known each other. Which means that Batman has already developed plans to take them down. So a Tower of Babel adaptation makes sense, especially since it means that Darkseid will find the League in pieces.

Everybody knows this rumor: Black Manta will be the main villain of the planned Aquaman movie. According to the rumors, Warner Bros. wants to make this villain as intimidating as possible, even when he isn't fighting.
And that is a given, especially since he'll go against Jason Momoa's Aquaman.
However, the newest reports say that Black Manta will be joined by his son, Aqualad, with both of them giving Aquaman a hard time. However, as the movie progresses, Aqualad will switch sides. According to the rumors, Aquaman and Aqualad will fight Black Manta's army, until the former decides to go it alone against Black Manta.
By far, this is the most interesting project, as far as I am concerned. I cannot wait to see how James Wan will bring the aquatic battles to life.

As we previously reported, the rumor is that Flash will go against the Rogues in his solo flick. However, the newest reports say that the Rogues will be led by Captain Cold, who is in no way the version from the small screen.
Also, Rob Lowe is being courted for a villain role. Yes - that Rob Lowe.
Thus, it is said that Captain Cold is a really creepy character, with a mechanical suit bearing the same color schemes from the comics. This is a bit weird. However, Flash looks great until now, even if his suit is much different than we are used to.
Furthermore, Warner Bros. took notice that the fans have really enjoyed the Speed Force elements from the Justice League teaser trailer. So we can expect more of that. However, I do hope that they won't overdo it, since those scenes are pretty heavy with details.
It might get tiresome after a while. Bryan Singer did a great job with Quicksilver in Days of Future Past, by giving him just a single scene - and it did steal the show.
Suicide Squad 2 and others

While we have heard that David Ayer is already working on the script for Suicide Squad 2, the most recent rumors say that he is out of the directorial chair. Thus, the sequel has been pushed back beyond 2020. Which is good news, by the way - maybe the script won't be so rushed.
Apparently, with Justice League Dark on the horizon (it will have a different title, though, to avoid confusing the moviegoers), the Booster Gold movie is now in the air. The rumors say that it won't happen at all - in the best case scenario, it will become a TV series (on HBO).
Edgar Wright is, apparently, wanted by the studio - although I don't know how the director will cope with all the interventions (after all, he quit Ant-Man because Marvel was too nosy).
Lastly, Misha Collins, Channing Tatum, Milo Ventimiglia, Steven Yeun, Jake Gyllenhaal, Emily Blunt, Rosamund Pike, Alexandria Daddario, and Jessica Chastain have all been approached for undisclosed roles.

There isn't much known about the SHAZAM! movie, other than what Dwayne The Rock Johnson reveals to the fans. Thus, what we can be certain about, is that the movie will be set in the DCEU and that it will have a lighter tone than all the other movies. Furthermore, Black Adam will be portrayed as being more of an anti-hero, rather than a straight-up villain.
However, in the past few days, some new rumors have appeared. And the biggest of them all is that Alan Ritchson (who previously portrayed Aquaman in Smallville) may have grabbed the role of SHAZAM. Thus, the actor revealed on Twitter that he will portray the superhero, even if no official confirmation has been released.
Derek Theler is also actively campaigning for the role. Who will grab it? Nobody knows. But both of the actors seem pretty enthusiastic about this.
We now have to wait for The Rock to come and clear things up. After all, he was the one to keep us in the loop from the start.
More on The Batman

New rumors about The Batman say that the Ben Affleck directed movie will take place entirely in Arkham Asylum. Thus, according to The Wrap, the film will take place entirely in Gotham's home for the criminally insane. No other details have been revealed, although it was stated that the flick will draw heavily from the Arkham games series.
In any way, I have already mentioned this. However, this new rumor puts a spin on things, especially since Deathstroke is all but confirmed for the flick. Thus, we might just see the Dark Knight trapped in the asylum, having to deal with both all the criminals and the assassin (who is most likely sent on his own mission, to eliminate one of the inmates).
Just like any of the rumors on this list, this should be taken with a pinch of salt. But given the fight Batman had in the v Superman movie, I wouldn't be too surprised if this actually ends up being true.
Booster Gold, Lobo, and Metal Men

While one of the rumors says that Booster Gold will most likely turn into a TV series, one other rumor says that it will become a feature film, most likely to be released in February in the following years. There isn't too much to say about this, except for the fact that Deadpool was released in February and that maybe Warner Bros is trying to make a superhero flick that doesn't really feel like one.
But Booster Gold is no Deadpool. So"¦
Lobo has been rumored to appear in the DCEU sometime in the future. However, it now seems that these plans have been scrapped, with the character being kept solely for television. But, if you ask me, maybe it would be better if Lobo got that February release date. With a smaller budget and someone who actually cares for the property, this flick could be the first big surprise from the DCEU.
Lastly, the Metal Men has also been rumored to be a project for the big screens. Not anymore - instead, it will become an original animation. Which is fine by me.
Bane and Deathstroke

This rumor could get everybody excited - apparently, David Ayer is considering these two powerful villains to appear in the sequel of Suicide Squad. Given the huge (and unexpected) box office success of this year's flick, I don't see why Warner Bros wouldn't agree with this.
This being said, it is still just a rumor. However, a confrontation between this two would be epic on the big screens. If it happens so. Throw Batman into the mix as well, and this would be a recipe for success.
By now, I guess everybody has taken notice that the Dark Knight will play a major role in the DCEU. Even if it will be more cameos than full appearances, the character is the glue that keeps the universe together. I guess it wouldn't be a stretch if I considered him as the Iron Man of the DCEU"¦
So Bane and Deathstroke for Suicide Squad 2 - I'd like to see that happening. Wouldn't you? Two powerful villains, with great strategic minds - David Ayer (or whatever director may replace him) would better do a better job at telling the story.
Watchmen on HBO

Lastly, and this is an old one, there is a rumor saying that HBO may have picked the rights for one of the most celebrated graphic novels of all times. Thus, apparently, Zack Snyder and Geoff Johns will oversee a Watchmen TV series that will be made by the home of Game of Thrones, The Sopranos, OZ, Boardwalk Empire, and many others.
This is actually a confirmed rumor - however, ever since last year, nothing was heard about it. The safest bet is that the show is still in development. However, HBO may just wait a little more before going into production and plan the Watchmen as a replacement for Game of Thrones (who will have only 2 more seasons before the grand finale).
I don't know about you - but I can hardly wait for this show to kick-off. Whether it will be a prequel to the story, the actual Watchmen storyline, or a sequel, it is all the same - bring it!