Scheduled for release in about three months, Spider-Man: Homecoming will be the web slinger’s full MCU introduction. Unlike previous first installments in the other Spider-Man franchises, Homecoming won't be an origin story. However, according to multiple online reports, the Spider-Man: Homecoming opening scene will take us back to 2012.
The movie begins right after the first Avengers movie’s failed Chitauri invasion of New York. Adrian Toomes is in charge of the clean-up operation, but, as soon as he and his crew arrive, they’re informed that Tony Stark's Department of Damage Control has taken over.

The opening credits then announce that Homecoming is a Sony/Marvel production. The walk down Memory Lane doesn't end with Toomes, but continues with Civil War shots of Peter Parker leaving New York for Germany in a private jet after joining Stark’s crew.
We’ll also see what happens after the epic airport fight, as well as how Peter Parker tests his suit in Europe. We don’t know the duration of the montage, but we can guess that it won't be overly lengthy.
The scene then switches to Peter Parker’s high school, where he’s apparently waiting for news from Tony Stark. Apparently, the call he’s waiting for never comes, which is predictable, given Spider-Man's minor role in the Civil War and what the trailers have revealed.

Of course, all of this should be taken with a grain of salt, since none of it has been officially confirmed (via CBM). But it does sound exciting, doesn't it? Plus, it answers a few side questions about Peter Parker and his exploits in Germany.