Well, the past week it seemed to be filled with blockbuster news - we had another teaser for the new Star Wars, a full trailer for Ant-Man, a first look at Batman v Superman, and the first trailer for Fantastic Four. It didn't end there - a new trailer for Jurassic World was also revealed, a global trailer in which we saw how (un)cool it would be to run with dinosaurs.
So what did we learn from this new trailer? Well, check it out below - we can say from the start that the action of Jurassic World looks fantastic!
Things can go wrong… as we already knew

We did know that things will go wrong in this Jurassic installment, but we didn't know how longs. As in the previous movies, in Jurassic World the dinosaurs have evolved - but this time they found a way of communication between the species. Sure we had our first look at the Indominus Rex, the cool new dinosaur - but it is more interesting to see the humans not being in charge, one more time, but in a different way.
So Indominus Rex is indeed the king of the Jurassic World and his subjects follow his orders. But is there anything else?
Jurassic World - where are the characters?

Well, it may be so - some scenes involving Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard have been criticized to be "˜80's sexist, most notably by Age of Ultron director Joss Whedon. And what doesn't impress us just a bit is the fact that, well, this Jurassic World seems to be just another mindless blockbuster, centered on special effects.
The relationships between the characters in Jurassic World, as seen in the trailers until now, is just sketched and paper thin. The first Jurassic Park didn't rely on the effect and presented a rather original concept - what does Jurassic World bring? The stretching of this concept?
We'll just wait and see - on the 12th of June, when the movie will be released.